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Dr PEER-OLAF SIEBERS's Outputs (89)

Comparing different approaches of agent-based occupancy modelling for predicting realistic electricity consumption in office buildings (2023)
Journal Article
Mashuk, M. S., Pinchin, J., Siebers, P.-O., & Moore, T. (2024). Comparing different approaches of agent-based occupancy modelling for predicting realistic electricity consumption in office buildings. Journal of Building Engineering, 84, Article 108420.

Having a good grasp on modelling the dynamics of occupants for estimating electricity consumption in office buildings is a vital asset for realistic predictions. Nowadays, agent-based models are widely used for this purpose. Previous approaches to mo... Read More about Comparing different approaches of agent-based occupancy modelling for predicting realistic electricity consumption in office buildings.

Surrogate optimization of energy retrofits in domestic building stocks using household carbon valuations (2022)
Journal Article
Hey, J., Siebers, P. O., Nathanail, P., Ozcan, E., & Robinson, D. (2022). Surrogate optimization of energy retrofits in domestic building stocks using household carbon valuations. Journal of Building Performance Simulation,

Modelling energy retrofit adoption in domestic urban building stocks is vital for policymakers aiming to reduce emissions. The use of surrogate models to evaluate building performance combined with optimization procedures can optimize small building... Read More about Surrogate optimization of energy retrofits in domestic building stocks using household carbon valuations.

Modelling the emergence of cities and urban patterning using coupled integro-differential equations (2022)
Journal Article
Whiteley, T. D., Avitabile, D., Siebers, P. O., Robinson, D., & Owen, M. R. (2022). Modelling the emergence of cities and urban patterning using coupled integro-differential equations. Journal of the Royal Society, Interface, 19(190), Article 20220176.

Human residential population distributions show patterns of higher density clustering around local services such as shops and places of employment, displaying characteristic length scales; Fourier transforms and spatial autocorrelation show the lengt... Read More about Modelling the emergence of cities and urban patterning using coupled integro-differential equations.

RAT-RS: a reporting standard for improving the documentation of data use in agent-based modelling (2022)
Journal Article
Achter, S., Borit, M., Chattoe-Brown, E., & Siebers, P.-O. (2022). RAT-RS: a reporting standard for improving the documentation of data use in agent-based modelling. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 25(4), 517-540.

This article describes and justifies a reporting standard to improve data use documentation in Agent-Based Modelling. Following the development of reporting standards for models themselves, empirical modelling has now developed to the point where the... Read More about RAT-RS: a reporting standard for improving the documentation of data use in agent-based modelling.

First Steps Towards RAT: A Protocol for Documenting Data Use in the Agent-Based Modeling Process (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Siebers, P.-O., Achter, S., Palaretti Bernardo, C., Borit, M., & Chattoe-Brown, E. (2019, September). First Steps Towards RAT: A Protocol for Documenting Data Use in the Agent-Based Modeling Process. Presented at Social Simulation Conference 2019, Mainz, Germany

While there is a number of frameworks and protocols in Agent-Based Modeling (ABM) that support the documentation of different aspects of a simulation study, it is surprising to find only a small number dealing with the handling of data. Here we prese... Read More about First Steps Towards RAT: A Protocol for Documenting Data Use in the Agent-Based Modeling Process.

Recovery agenda for sustainable development post COVID-19 at the country level: developing a fuzzy action priority surface (2021)
Journal Article
Ranjbari, M., Shams Esfandabadi, Z., Scagnelli, S. D., Siebers, P.-O., & Quatraro, F. (2021). Recovery agenda for sustainable development post COVID-19 at the country level: developing a fuzzy action priority surface. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 23, 16646-16673.

As a response to the urgent call for recovery actions against the COVID-19 crisis, this research aims to identify action priority areas post COVID-19 toward achieving the targets of the sustainable development goals (SDGs) within the 2030 Agenda for... Read More about Recovery agenda for sustainable development post COVID-19 at the country level: developing a fuzzy action priority surface.

Three pillars of sustainability in the wake of COVID-19: A systematic review and future research agenda for sustainable development (2021)
Journal Article
Ranjbari, M., Esfandabadi, Z. S., Zanetti, M. C., Scagnelli, S. D., Siebers, P.-O., Aghbashlo, M., Peng, W., Quatraro, F., & Tabatabaei, M. (2021). Three pillars of sustainability in the wake of COVID-19: A systematic review and future research agenda for sustainable development. Journal of Cleaner Production, 297, Article 126660.

The COVID-19 pandemic has immensely impacted the economic, social, and environmental pillars of sustainability in human lives. Due to the scholars’ increasing interest in responding to the urgent call for action against the pandemic, the literature o... Read More about Three pillars of sustainability in the wake of COVID-19: A systematic review and future research agenda for sustainable development.

Demonstrating the potential of indoor positioning for monitoring building occupancy through ecologically valid trials (2021)
Journal Article
Mashuk, M. S., Pinchin, J., Siebers, P. O., & Moore, T. (2021). Demonstrating the potential of indoor positioning for monitoring building occupancy through ecologically valid trials. Journal of Location Based Services, 15(4), 305-327.

Assessing building performance related to energy consumption in post-design-occupancy stage requires knowledge of building occupancy pattern. These occupancy data can potentially be collected from trials and used to improve the prediction capability... Read More about Demonstrating the potential of indoor positioning for monitoring building occupancy through ecologically valid trials.

On the quest for defining organisational plasticity: a community modelling experiment (2020)
Journal Article
Siebers, P.-O., Herath, D. B., Bardone, E., Farahbakhsh, S., Knudsen, P. G., Madsen, J. K., Mufti, M., Neumann, M., Richards, D., Seri, R., & Secchi, D. (2021). On the quest for defining organisational plasticity: a community modelling experiment. Evidence-based HRM, 9(2), 126-138.

Purpose - This viewpoint article is concerned with an attempt to advance Organisational Plasticity (OP) modelling concepts by using a novel community modelling framework (PhiloLab) from the Social Simulation community to drive the process of idea gen... Read More about On the quest for defining organisational plasticity: a community modelling experiment.

Specification testing of agent-based simulation using property-based testing (2020)
Journal Article
Thaler, J., & Siebers, P.-O. (2020). Specification testing of agent-based simulation using property-based testing. Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, 34(2), Article 47.

The importance of Agent-Based Simulation (ABS) as scientific method to generate data for scientific models in general and for informed policy decisions in particular has been widely recognised. However, the important technique of code testing of impl... Read More about Specification testing of agent-based simulation using property-based testing.

‘One Size Does Not Fit All’: A Roadmap of Purpose-Driven Mixed-Method Pathways for Sensitivity Analysis of Agent-Based Models (2020)
Journal Article
Ligmann-Zielinska, A., Siebers, P.-O., Magliocca, N., Parker, D. C., Grimm, V., Du, J., Cenek, M., Radchuk, V., Arbab, N. N., Li, S., Berger, U., Paudel, R., Robinson, D. T., Jankowski, P., An, L., & Ye, X. (2020). ‘One Size Does Not Fit All’: A Roadmap of Purpose-Driven Mixed-Method Pathways for Sensitivity Analysis of Agent-Based Models. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 23(1), Article 6.

Designing, implementing, and applying agent-based models (ABMs) requires a structured approach, part of which is a comprehensive analysis of the output to input variability in the form of uncertainty and sensitivity analysis (SA). The objective of th... Read More about ‘One Size Does Not Fit All’: A Roadmap of Purpose-Driven Mixed-Method Pathways for Sensitivity Analysis of Agent-Based Models.

An innovative approach to multi-method integrated assessment modelling of global climate change (2020)
Journal Article
Siebers, P. O., Lim, Z. E., Figueredo, G. P., & Hey, J. (2020). An innovative approach to multi-method integrated assessment modelling of global climate change. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 23(1), Article 10.

© 2020, University of Surrey. All rights reserved. Modelling and simulation play an increasingly significant role in exploratory studies for informing policy makers on climate change mitigation strategies. There is considerable research being done in... Read More about An innovative approach to multi-method integrated assessment modelling of global climate change.

A novel framework for evaluating the impact of individual decision-making on public health outcomes and its potential application to study antiviral treatment collection during an influenza pandemic (2019)
Journal Article
Venkatesan, S., Nguyen-Van-Tam, J., & Siebers, P.-O. (2019). A novel framework for evaluating the impact of individual decision-making on public health outcomes and its potential application to study antiviral treatment collection during an influenza pandemic. PLoS ONE, 14(10), Article e0223946.

© 2019 Venkatesan et al. The importance of accounting for social and behavioural processes when studying public health emergencies has been well-recognised. For infectious disease outbreaks in particular, several methods of incorporating individual b... Read More about A novel framework for evaluating the impact of individual decision-making on public health outcomes and its potential application to study antiviral treatment collection during an influenza pandemic.

Optimising Decarbonisation Investment for Firms towards Environmental Sustainability (2019)
Journal Article
Tran, T.-H., Mao, Y., & Siebers, P.-O. (2019). Optimising Decarbonisation Investment for Firms towards Environmental Sustainability. Sustainability, 11(20), Article 5718.

We develop a mixed-integer non-linear programming model for firms’ decarbonisation investment decision-making towards a sustainable environment. Our model seeks the optimal investment for a firm to achieve maximum profit under constraints derived fro... Read More about Optimising Decarbonisation Investment for Firms towards Environmental Sustainability.

Using agent-based modelling for investigating modal shift: The case of university travel (2019)
Journal Article
Olusola, F. T., Siebers, P.-O., Faboya, O., Ryan, B., & Figueredo, G. P. (2020). Using agent-based modelling for investigating modal shift: The case of university travel. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 139, Article 106077.

© 2019 Travel mode choices are a result of several factors and how they affect individual travellers. This paper examines those factors influencing travellers’ mode choices commuting to and from a university. Furthermore, we investigate how a shift t... Read More about Using agent-based modelling for investigating modal shift: The case of university travel.

Untangling multi-stakeholder perspectives in digital mental healthcare (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Vallejos, E. P., Nilsson, T., Siebers, O., Siebert, P., Craven, M., & Fuentes, C. (2019, May). Untangling multi-stakeholder perspectives in digital mental healthcare. Presented at 4th Symposium on Computing and Mental Health (CMH 2019), Glasgow, Scotland

Digital mental healthcare constitutes a complex area for development of novel technological solutions. Designers are frequently forced to deal with requirements posed by a range of different stakeholders with particular needs, goals and interests whi... Read More about Untangling multi-stakeholder perspectives in digital mental healthcare.

Agent-Based Simulation Modelling for Reflecting on Consequences of Digital Mental Health (2019)
Preprint / Working Paper
Stroud, D., Wagner, C., & Siebers, P.-O. Agent-Based Simulation Modelling for Reflecting on Consequences of Digital Mental Health

The premise of this working paper is based around agent-based simulation models and how to go about creating them from given incomplete information. Agent-based simulations are stochastic simulations that revolve around groups of agents that each hav... Read More about Agent-Based Simulation Modelling for Reflecting on Consequences of Digital Mental Health.

Position Paper: The Usefulness of Data-driven, Intelligent Agent-Based Modelling for Transport Infrastructure Management (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Faboya, O., Figueredo, G. P., Ryan, B., & Siebers, P.-O. (2018, November). Position Paper: The Usefulness of Data-driven, Intelligent Agent-Based Modelling for Transport Infrastructure Management. Presented at The 21st IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Maui, Hawaii, USA

The uneven utilisation of modes of transport has a big impact on traffic in transport pathway infrastrutures. For motor vehicles for instance, this situation explains rapid road deterioration and the large amounts of money invested in maintenance and... Read More about Position Paper: The Usefulness of Data-driven, Intelligent Agent-Based Modelling for Transport Infrastructure Management.

An Artificial Intelligence Method for Comfort Level Prediction (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Masoud Sajjadian, S. M., Jafari, M., & Siebers, P.-O. (2018, June). An Artificial Intelligence Method for Comfort Level Prediction. Presented at 10th International Conference in Sustainability on Energy and Buildings (SEB 18), Gold Coast, Australia

With the rapid demand for the energy efficient consumption in buildings, bridging the gap between predicted and measured performance is essential. However, recent studies show that there is a significant mismatch between predicted and actual building... Read More about An Artificial Intelligence Method for Comfort Level Prediction.