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Professor ANTONINO LA ROCCA's Outputs (3)

Comparative nanostructure analysis of gasoline turbocharged direct injection and diesel soot-in-oil with carbon black (2018)
Journal Article
Pfau, S., La Roca, A., Haffner-Staton, E., Rance, G., Fay, M., Brough, R., & Malizia, S. (2018). Comparative nanostructure analysis of gasoline turbocharged direct injection and diesel soot-in-oil with carbon black. Carbon, 139, 342-352.

Two gasoline turbocharged direct injection (GTDI) and two diesel soot-in-oil samples were compared with one flame-generated soot sample. High resolution transmission electron microscopy imaging was employed for the initial qualitative assessment of t... Read More about Comparative nanostructure analysis of gasoline turbocharged direct injection and diesel soot-in-oil with carbon black.

Morphological Characterisation of Diesel Soot in Oil and the Associated Extraction Dependence (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Key, S., La Rocca, A., Fay, M., Rance, G., & Growney , D. (2018, April). Morphological Characterisation of Diesel Soot in Oil and the Associated Extraction Dependence. Presented at WCX18: SAE World Congress Experience, Detroit, Michigan, USA

The size and morphology of soot particles and agglomerates extracted from lubricating oil drawn from the sump of a diesel engine have been investigated and compared using Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) and Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis (NTA)... Read More about Morphological Characterisation of Diesel Soot in Oil and the Associated Extraction Dependence.

Progress towards a methodology for high throughput 3D reconstruction of soot nanoparticles via electron tomography (2018)
Journal Article
Haffner-Staton, E., La Rocca, A., & Fay, M. (2018). Progress towards a methodology for high throughput 3D reconstruction of soot nanoparticles via electron tomography. Journal of Microscopy, 270(3), 272-289.

The aim of this work is to make progress towards the development of 3D reconstruction as a legitimate alternative to traditional 2D characterisation of soot. Time constraints are the greatest opposition to its implementation, as currently reconstruct... Read More about Progress towards a methodology for high throughput 3D reconstruction of soot nanoparticles via electron tomography.