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Morphological Characterisation of Diesel Soot in Oil and the Associated Extraction Dependence

Key, Sarah; La Rocca, Antonino; Fay, Mike; Rance, Graham; Growney , David

Morphological Characterisation of Diesel Soot in Oil and the Associated Extraction Dependence Thumbnail


Sarah Key

Professor of Applied Thermofluids and Propulsion Systems

Profile image of GRAHAM RANCE

Senior Research Fellow

David Growney 


The size and morphology of soot particles and agglomerates extracted from lubricating oil drawn from the sump of a diesel engine have been investigated and compared using Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) and Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis (NTA). Samples were prepared for electron microscopy imaging by both centrifugation and solvent extraction to investigate the impact of these procedures on the morphological characteristics, such as skeleton length and width and circularity, of the obtained soot. It was shown that centrifugation increases the extent of agglomeration within the sample, with 15% of the agglomerates above 200 nm compared to only 11% in the solvent extracted soot. It was also observed that the width of centrifugation extracted soot was typically 10 nm to 20 nm larger than that of solvent extracted soot, suggesting that centrifugation forces the individual agglomerate chains together. Moreover, centrifugation fails to extract a large percentage of particles below 50 nm, with only 4% of the agglomerates smaller than 50 nm in the centrifugation extracted soot, whereas agglomerates in this size range accounted for 19 % using solvent extraction. As TEM represents a comparatively time and cost expensive characterisation tool, unsuitable for high throughput testing required by industry, NTA was explored as a low cost, rapid alternative method for measuring particle size. It was found that results generated by NTA, within the limits of detection, correlated well with those obtained using TEM. This correlative electron microscopy and light scattering approach was further used to appraise the morphological characteristics of two commercial sources of carbon black (CB), enabling the selection of the most suitable soot surrogate, essential for the further development of oils with optimised functional properties.


Key, S., La Rocca, A., Fay, M., Rance, G., & Growney , D. (2018, April). Morphological Characterisation of Diesel Soot in Oil and the Associated Extraction Dependence. Presented at WCX18: SAE World Congress Experience, Detroit, Michigan, USA

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (published)
Conference Name WCX18: SAE World Congress Experience
Start Date Apr 10, 2018
End Date Apr 12, 2018
Acceptance Date Jan 30, 2018
Online Publication Date Apr 3, 2018
Publication Date Apr 10, 2018
Deposit Date Apr 16, 2018
Publicly Available Date Apr 16, 2018
Electronic ISSN 0148-7191
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Series Title SAE Technical Paper Series
Series ISSN 2688-3627
Book Title SAE Technical Paper
Public URL
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Additional Information Key, S., La Rocca, A., Fay, M., Rance, G. et al., "Morphological Characterisation of Diesel Soot in Oil and the Associated Extraction Dependence," SAE Technical Paper 2018-01-0935, 2018,
Contract Date Apr 16, 2018


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