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Professor Kevin Amess' Outputs (10)

Do enterprise education competitions have gendered outcomes amongst STEM early-career researchers? (2023)
Journal Article
Achtzehn, S., Treanor, L., & Amess, K. (2023). Do enterprise education competitions have gendered outcomes amongst STEM early-career researchers?. International Small Business Journal, 41(8), 801-824.

This article examines whether an enterprise education competition is gendered and so, may have unintended gendered outcomes for male and female Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) early-career researcher participants. Sex-based di... Read More about Do enterprise education competitions have gendered outcomes amongst STEM early-career researchers?.

How do banking analysts behave around unanticipated news? Evidence from operational risk event announcements (2021)
Journal Article
Gya, H., Barakat, A., Amess, K., & Chernobai, A. (2021). How do banking analysts behave around unanticipated news? Evidence from operational risk event announcements. European Journal of Finance, 27(14), 1351-1391.

We study earnings per share (EPS) forecast revision and accuracy of banking analysts around operational risk event announcements in U.S. banks. We find that first announcements of operational risk events are more informative than their settlement ann... Read More about How do banking analysts behave around unanticipated news? Evidence from operational risk event announcements.

Private equity: where we have been and the road ahead (2019)
Journal Article
Wright, M., Pruthi, S., Amess, K., & Alperovych, Y. (2019). Private equity: where we have been and the road ahead. Venture Capital, 21(1), 51-64.

© 2019 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. We provide an overview of the systematic evidence relating to the impact of private equity (PE) backed buyouts over the last two decades. We focus on performance; employment and employee... Read More about Private equity: where we have been and the road ahead.

Leveraged Buyouts: Their Impact On Jobs and Wages (2018)
Book Chapter
Amess, K. (2018). Leveraged Buyouts: Their Impact On Jobs and Wages. In The Routledge Companion to Management Buyouts (492-507). Routledge

The impact of buyouts on jobs and wages has been a controversial issue for a number of years, especially those deals that have private equity backing. As the quote above illustrates, there are concerns that investors in buyouts gain at the expense of... Read More about Leveraged Buyouts: Their Impact On Jobs and Wages.

A New Era for the International Journal of the Economics of Business (2018)
Journal Article
Amess, K., & Paton, D. (2018). A New Era for the International Journal of the Economics of Business. International Journal of the Economics of Business, 25(3), 339-339.

For over 25 years, the International Journal of the Economics of Business published path-breaking research that uses economics methods to understand business. The success of the Journal is in large part due to the initiative and hard work of the foun... Read More about A New Era for the International Journal of the Economics of Business.

The impact of digital start-up founders’ higher education on reaching equity investment milestones (2017)
Journal Article
Ratzinger, D., Amess, K., Greenman, A., & Mosey, S. (2018). The impact of digital start-up founders’ higher education on reaching equity investment milestones. Journal of Technology Transfer, 43(3),

This paper builds on human capital theory to assess the importance of formal education among graduate entrepreneurs. Using a sample of 4.953 digital start-ups the paper evaluates the impact of start-up founding teams’ higher education on the probabil... Read More about The impact of digital start-up founders’ higher education on reaching equity investment milestones.

Brexit, private equity and management (2016)
Journal Article
Wright, M., Wilson, N., Gilligan, J., Bacon, N., & Amess, K. (2016). Brexit, private equity and management. British Journal of Management, 27(4), 682-686.

We analyse the expected impact of Brexit on private equity and its implications for management research. Specifically, we explore the implications for PE funds and funding, and at the portfolio firm level with respect to employment and performance.

Corporate cash holdings: causes and consequences (2015)
Journal Article
Amess, K., Banerji, S., & Lampousis, A. (2015). Corporate cash holdings: causes and consequences. International Review of Financial Analysis, 42,

The considerable growth in corporate cash holdings around the world has prompted scholarly interest. Consequently, there is now a large academic literature examining cash holdings and their impact on corporate outcomes and firm values. This article r... Read More about Corporate cash holdings: causes and consequences.

The impact of private equity on firms׳ patenting activity (2015)
Journal Article
Amess, K., Stiebale, J., & Wright, M. The impact of private equity on firms׳ patenting activity. European Economic Review, 86,

The paper analyses the impact of private equity (PE) backed leveraged buyouts (LBOs) on innovative output (patenting). Using a sample of 407 UK deals we find that LBOs have a positive causal effect on patent stock and quality-adjusted patent stock. O... Read More about The impact of private equity on firms׳ patenting activity.

The Wage and Employment Consequences of Ownership Change (2013)
Journal Article
Amess, K., Girma, S., & Wright, M. (2014). The Wage and Employment Consequences of Ownership Change. Managerial and Decision Economics, 35(2), 161-171.

This paper provides a comparative examination of the consequences of leveraged buyouts (LBOs) and corporate takeovers on employment growth and wage growth. Employing both difference-in-differences combined with propensity score matching and the contr... Read More about The Wage and Employment Consequences of Ownership Change.