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Professor Roshan Nair's Outputs (13)

A randomised controlled trial of an exercise intervention promoting activity, independence and stability in older adults with mild cognitive impairment and early dementia (PrAISED) - A Protocol (2019)
Journal Article
Bajwa, R. K., Goldberg, S. E., Van Der Wardt, V., Burgon, C., Di Lorito, C., Godfrey, M., Dunlop, M., Logan, P., Masud, T., Gladman, J., Smith, H., Hood-Moore, V., Booth, V., Das Nair, R., Pollock, K., Vedhara, K., Edwards, R. T., Jones, C., Hoare, Z., Brand, A., & Harwood, R. H. (2019). A randomised controlled trial of an exercise intervention promoting activity, independence and stability in older adults with mild cognitive impairment and early dementia (PrAISED) - A Protocol. Trials, 20(1), Article 815.

© 2019 The Author(s). Background: People with dementia progressively lose cognitive and functional abilities. Interventions promoting exercise and activity may slow decline. We developed a novel intervention to promote activity and independence and p... Read More about A randomised controlled trial of an exercise intervention promoting activity, independence and stability in older adults with mild cognitive impairment and early dementia (PrAISED) - A Protocol.

Behavioural activation treatment for depression in individuals with neurological conditions: a systematic review (2019)
Journal Article
Oates, L. L., Moghaddam, N., Evangelou, N., & das Nair, R. (2020). Behavioural activation treatment for depression in individuals with neurological conditions: a systematic review. Clinical Rehabilitation, 34(3), 310-319.

© The Author(s) 2019. Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of behavioural activation interventions for people with neurological conditions with comorbid depression, and explore content and adaptations. Data sources: PsycINFO, MEDLINE, CINAHL, AME... Read More about Behavioural activation treatment for depression in individuals with neurological conditions: a systematic review.

Cognitive rehabilitation for attention and memory in people with multiple sclerosis: a randomized controlled trial (CRAMMS) (2019)
Journal Article
Lincoln, N., Bradshaw, L., Constantinescu, C., Day, F., Drummond, A., Fitzsimmons, D., Harris, S., Montgomery, A., & das Nair, R. (2020). Cognitive rehabilitation for attention and memory in people with multiple sclerosis: a randomized controlled trial (CRAMMS). Clinical Rehabilitation, 34(2), 229-241.

Objective: To assess the clinical and cost-effectiveness of cognitive rehabilitation for attention and memory problems in people with multiple sclerosis. Design: Multicentre, pragmatic, randomized controlled trial. Setting: Community Participants: Pe... Read More about Cognitive rehabilitation for attention and memory in people with multiple sclerosis: a randomized controlled trial (CRAMMS).

Cognitive rehabilitation for attention deficits following stroke (2019)
Journal Article
Loetscher, T., Potter, K.-J., Wong, D., & das Nair, R. (2019). Cognitive rehabilitation for attention deficits following stroke. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2019(11),

Many survivors of stroke report attentional impairments, such as diminished concentration and distractibility. However, the effectiveness of cognitive rehabilitation for improving these impairments is uncertain.This is an update of the Co... Read More about Cognitive rehabilitation for attention deficits following stroke.

Behavioural activation therapy for post-stroke depression: the BEADS feasibility RCT (2019)
Journal Article
Coates, E., Thomas, S. A., Drummond, A. E., Lincoln, N. B., Palmer, R. L., Sutherland, K. E., das Nair, R., Latimer, N. R., Hackney, G. L., Mandefield, L., Walters, S. J., Hatton, R. D., Cooper, C. L., Chater, T. F., England, T. J., Callaghan, P., Eshtan, S. J., & Topcu, G. (2019). Behavioural activation therapy for post-stroke depression: the BEADS feasibility RCT. Health Technology Assessment, 23(47), 1-176.

Background: There is currently insufficient evidence for the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of psychological therapies for post-stroke depression. Objective: To evaluate the feasibility of undertaking a definitive trial to evaluate the... Read More about Behavioural activation therapy for post-stroke depression: the BEADS feasibility RCT.

Experience of Identity Change in People Who Reported a Diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis : A Qualitative Inquiry (2019)
Journal Article
Barker, A. B., Smale, K., Hunt, N., Lincoln, N. B., & das Nair, R. (2019). Experience of Identity Change in People Who Reported a Diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis : A Qualitative Inquiry. International Journal of Ms Care, 21(5), 235-242.

Background: A diagnosis of multiple sclerosis (MS) can lead to changes to a person’s sense of self. The aim of this study was to investigate the subjective experience of identity change and subsequent adjustment to MS.
Methods: Semi-structured in... Read More about Experience of Identity Change in People Who Reported a Diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis : A Qualitative Inquiry.

Beyond current research practice: Methodological considerations in MS rehabilitation research (is designing the perfect rehabilitation trial the Holy Grail or a Gordian knot?) (2019)
Journal Article
das Nair, R., de Groot, V., & Freeman, J. (2019). Beyond current research practice: Methodological considerations in MS rehabilitation research (is designing the perfect rehabilitation trial the Holy Grail or a Gordian knot?). Multiple Sclerosis Journal, 25(10), 1337-1347.

Rehabilitation is an essential aspect of symptomatic and supportive treatment for people with multiple sclerosis (MS). MS rehabilitation research has grown considerably, but the volume of robust evidence to guide effective clinical practice in the fo... Read More about Beyond current research practice: Methodological considerations in MS rehabilitation research (is designing the perfect rehabilitation trial the Holy Grail or a Gordian knot?).

A systematic review of personal smart technologies used to improve outcomes in adults with acquired brain injuries (2019)
Journal Article
Kettlewell, J., das Nair, R., & Radford, K. (2019). A systematic review of personal smart technologies used to improve outcomes in adults with acquired brain injuries. Clinical Rehabilitation, 33(11), 1705-1712.

This review aimed to determine the effectiveness of personal smart technologies on outcomes in adults with acquired brain injury.

Data sources:
A systematic literature search was conducted on 30 May 2019. Twelve electronic databases,... Read More about A systematic review of personal smart technologies used to improve outcomes in adults with acquired brain injuries.

Unconditional and conditional monetary incentives to increase response to mailed questionnaires: A randomized controlled study within a trial (SWAT) (2019)
Journal Article
Young, B., Bedford, L., das Nair, R., Gallant, S., Littleford, R., Robertson, J. F., Schembri, S., Sullivan, F. M., Vedhara, K., Kendrick, D., & ECLS Study Team. (2020). Unconditional and conditional monetary incentives to increase response to mailed questionnaires: A randomized controlled study within a trial (SWAT). Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 26(3), 893-902.

Rationale, aims, and objectives: High response rates to research questionnaires can help to ensure results are more representative of the population studied and provide increased statistical power, on which the study may have been predicated. Improvi... Read More about Unconditional and conditional monetary incentives to increase response to mailed questionnaires: A randomized controlled study within a trial (SWAT).

Modifiable risk factors for poor health outcomes in multiple sclerosis: the urgent need for research to maximise smoking cessation success (2019)
Journal Article
Marck, C. H., das Nair, R., Grech, L., Borland, R., & Constantinescu, C. S. (2020). Modifiable risk factors for poor health outcomes in multiple sclerosis: the urgent need for research to maximise smoking cessation success. Multiple Sclerosis Journal, 26(3), 266-271.

Tobacco smoking is a well-established risk factor for multiple sclerosis (MS) onset, progression, and poor health outcomes in people with MS. Despite smoking being a modifiable risk factor, no research has been undertaken to understand how, or who is... Read More about Modifiable risk factors for poor health outcomes in multiple sclerosis: the urgent need for research to maximise smoking cessation success.

Cognitive Management Pathways in Stroke Services (COMPASS): A qualitative investigation of key issues in relation to community stroke teams undertaking cognitive assessments (2019)
Journal Article
Ablewhite, J., Geraghty, J., das Nair, R., Lincoln, N., & Drummond, A. (2019). Cognitive Management Pathways in Stroke Services (COMPASS): A qualitative investigation of key issues in relation to community stroke teams undertaking cognitive assessments. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 82(7), 404-411.


Cognitive problems are common after stroke and their identification and management is important for survivors, carers and clinicians. However, the appropriateness of the screening methods and ways in which results inform community cli... Read More about Cognitive Management Pathways in Stroke Services (COMPASS): A qualitative investigation of key issues in relation to community stroke teams undertaking cognitive assessments.

A group memory rehabilitation programme for people with traumatic brain injuries: the ReMemBrIn RCT (2019)
Journal Article
das Nair, R., Bradshaw, L. E., Carpenter, H., Clarke, S., Day, F., Drummond, A., Fitzsimmons, D., Harris, S., Montgomery, A. A., Newby, G., Sackley, C., & Lincoln, N. B. (2019). A group memory rehabilitation programme for people with traumatic brain injuries: the ReMemBrIn RCT. Health Technology Assessment, 23(16), 1-193.

Main outcome measures: Outcomes were assessed at 6 and 12 months after randomisation. Primary outcome: patient-completed Everyday Memory Questionnaire – patient version (EMQ-p) at 6 months’ follow-up. Secondary outcomes: Rivermead Behavioural Memory... Read More about A group memory rehabilitation programme for people with traumatic brain injuries: the ReMemBrIn RCT.

Clinical and cost effectiveness of memory rehabilitation following traumatic brain injury: a pragmatic cluster randomized controlled trial (2019)
Journal Article
das Nair, R., Bradshaw, L. E., Day, F. E., Drummond, A., Harris, S. R., Fitzsimmons, D., Montgomery, A. A., Newby, G., Sackley, C., & Lincoln, N. B. (2019). Clinical and cost effectiveness of memory rehabilitation following traumatic brain injury: a pragmatic cluster randomized controlled trial. Clinical Rehabilitation, 33(7), 1171-1184.

To evaluate the clinical and cost effectiveness of a group-based memory rehabilitation programme for people with traumatic brain injury.

Multicentre, pragmatic, observer-blinded, randomized controlled trial in England.

Sett... Read More about Clinical and cost effectiveness of memory rehabilitation following traumatic brain injury: a pragmatic cluster randomized controlled trial.