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Dr PAUL LEIGHTON's Outputs (8)

A realist evaluation of a multifactorial falls prevention programme in care homes (2022)
Journal Article
Leighton, P. A., Darby, J., Allen, F., Cook, M., Evley, R., Fox, C., Godfrey, M. M., Gordon, A., Gladman, J., Horne, J., Robertson, M. K., & Logan, P. (2022). A realist evaluation of a multifactorial falls prevention programme in care homes. Age and Ageing, 51(12), Article afac263.

BACKGROUND: falls in care homes are common, costly and hard to prevent.Multifactorial falls programmes demonstrate clinical and cost-effectiveness, but the heterogeneity of the care home sector is a barrier to their implementation. A fuller appreciat... Read More about A realist evaluation of a multifactorial falls prevention programme in care homes.

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the need to invest in care home research infrastructure (2022)
Journal Article
Gordon, A. L., Rick, C., Juszczak, E., Montgomery, A., Howard, R., Guthrie, B., Lim, W. S., Shenkin, S., Leighton, P., Bath, P. M., Ball, J., Gage, H., Glover, M., Godfrey, M., Hewitt, J., Jaki, T., Lasserson, D., Logan, P., Passmore, P., Quinlan, P., …Tate, V. (2022). The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the need to invest in care home research infrastructure. Age and Ageing, 51(3), Article afac052.

The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in catastrophic levels of morbidity and mortality for care home residents. Despite this, research platforms for COVID-19 in care homes arrived late in the pandemic compared with other care settings. The Prophylactic The... Read More about The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the need to invest in care home research infrastructure.

Learning from a successful process evaluation in care homes (2021)
Journal Article
Allen, F., Darby, J., Cook, M., Evley, R., Godfrey, M., Horne, J., Leighton, P., Logan, P., & Robinson, K. (2021). Learning from a successful process evaluation in care homes. Age and Ageing, 50(5), 1850-1853.

process evaluations (PE) are increasingly used in parallel with randomised controlled trials (RCT) to inform the implementation of complex health interventions. This paper explores the learning accrued from conducting a PE within the Fa... Read More about Learning from a successful process evaluation in care homes.

Cognitive assessment in multiple sclerosis clinical care: A qualitative evaluation of stakeholder perceptions and preferences (2021)
Journal Article
Elwick, H., Smith, L., Mhizha-Murira, J. R., Topcu, G., Leighton, P., Drummond, A., Evangelou, N., & Das Nair, R. (2022). Cognitive assessment in multiple sclerosis clinical care: A qualitative evaluation of stakeholder perceptions and preferences. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 32(7), 1456-1474.

There is a growing consensus that cognitive assessments should form part of routine clinical care in Multiple Sclerosis (MS). However, what remains unclear is which assessments are preferred by “stakeholders” (including people with MS, family members... Read More about Cognitive assessment in multiple sclerosis clinical care: A qualitative evaluation of stakeholder perceptions and preferences.

Developing a clinical pathway to identify and manage cognitive problems in Multiple Sclerosis: Qualitative findings from patients, family members, charity volunteers, clinicians and healthcare commissioners (2020)
Journal Article
Smith, L., Elwick, H., Mhizha-Murira, J., Topcu, G., Bale, C., Evangelou, N., Timmons, S., Leighton, P., & Das Nair, R. (2021). Developing a clinical pathway to identify and manage cognitive problems in Multiple Sclerosis: Qualitative findings from patients, family members, charity volunteers, clinicians and healthcare commissioners. Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders, 49, Article 102563.

Background: Cognitive problems are a common and debilitating symptom of multiple sclerosis (MS). Screening and treatment for cognitive problems are recommended, however these are not routinely delivered in UK clinics.

We collected and synthesised... Read More about Developing a clinical pathway to identify and manage cognitive problems in Multiple Sclerosis: Qualitative findings from patients, family members, charity volunteers, clinicians and healthcare commissioners.

Protocol for a multi-centre randomised controlled stand-alone feasibility trial to assess potential effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of digital hearing aids in patients with tinnitus and hearing loss (the HUSH trial) (2020)
Journal Article
Haines, R., White, J., Meakin, G., Tan, W., Hepburn, T., Leighton, P., Hall, D., & Sereda, M. (2020). Protocol for a multi-centre randomised controlled stand-alone feasibility trial to assess potential effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of digital hearing aids in patients with tinnitus and hearing loss (the HUSH trial). Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 6, Article 41.

Background: The most common management strategy for tinnitus provided in UK audiology clinics is education and advice. This may also be combined with some form of sound therapy (e.g. digital hearing aids). While education and advice is generally prov... Read More about Protocol for a multi-centre randomised controlled stand-alone feasibility trial to assess potential effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of digital hearing aids in patients with tinnitus and hearing loss (the HUSH trial).

Development of a multimedia educational programme for first-time hearing aid users: a participatory design (2018)
Journal Article
Ferguson, M. A., Leighton, P., Brandreth, M., & Wharrad, H. (in press). Development of a multimedia educational programme for first-time hearing aid users: a participatory design. International Journal of Audiology,

Objective: To develop content for a series of interactive video tutorials (or reusable learning objects, RLOs) for first-time adult hearing aid users, to enhance knowledge of hearing aids and communication.
Design: RLO content was based on an elect... Read More about Development of a multimedia educational programme for first-time hearing aid users: a participatory design.

A randomized controlled trial to evaluate the benefits of a multimedia educational program for first-time hearing aid users (2016)
Journal Article
Ferguson, M. A., Brandreth, M., Brassington, W., Leighton, P., & Wharrad, H. (2016). A randomized controlled trial to evaluate the benefits of a multimedia educational program for first-time hearing aid users. Ear and Hearing, 37(2),

Objectives: The aims of this study were to (1) develop a series of short interactive videos (or reusable learning objects [RLOs]) covering a broad range of practical and psychosocial issues relevant to the auditory rehabilitation for first-time heari... Read More about A randomized controlled trial to evaluate the benefits of a multimedia educational program for first-time hearing aid users.