Expression of human ficolin-2 in hepatocytes confers resistance to infection by diverse hepatotropic viruses
Journal Article
Irving, W. L., Jalal, P. J., Urbanowicz, R. A., Horncastle, E., Pathak, M., Goddard, C., Saeed, A., Mason, C. P., Ball, J. K., McClure, C. P., King, B. J., & Tarr, A. W. (2019). Expression of human ficolin-2 in hepatocytes confers resistance to infection by diverse hepatotropic viruses. Journal of Medical Microbiology, 68(4), 642-648.
The liver-expressed pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) mannose binding lectin (MBL), ficolin-2 and ficolin-3 contribute to the innate immune response by activating complement. Binding of soluble ficolin-2 to viral pathogens can directly neutralize... Read More about Expression of human ficolin-2 in hepatocytes confers resistance to infection by diverse hepatotropic viruses.