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Professor KIM THOMAS's Outputs (9)

Scoping the international impact from four independent national dermatology trials (2020)
Journal Article
Williams, H. C., Rogers, N. K., Chalmers, J. R., & Thomas, K. S. (2021). Scoping the international impact from four independent national dermatology trials. Clinical and Experimental Dermatology, 46(4), 657-662.

Background: Research impact describes whether and how research results in wider benefits to society beyond academic publication. Little is known about translation of clinical trial research into dermatological practice. Aim: We scoped international i... Read More about Scoping the international impact from four independent national dermatology trials.

Home-based narrowband UVB, topical corticosteroid or combination for children and adults with vitiligo: HI-light vitiligo three-arm RCT (2020)
Journal Article
Batchelor, J. M., Thomas, K. S., Akram, P., Azad, J., Bewley, A., Chalmers, J. R., Cheung, S. T., Duley, L., Eleftheriadou, V., Ellis, R., Ferguson, A., Goulding, J. M., Haines, R. H., Hamad, H., Ingram, J. R., Laguda, B., Leighton, P., Levell, N., Makrygeorgou, A., Meakin, G. D., …Montgomery, A. A. (2020). Home-based narrowband UVB, topical corticosteroid or combination for children and adults with vitiligo: HI-light vitiligo three-arm RCT. Health Technology Assessment, 24(64), 1-164.

Background: Systematic reviews suggest that narrowband ultraviolet B light combined with treatments such as topical corticosteroids may be more effective than monotherapy for vitiligo. Objective: To explore the clinical effectiveness and cost-effecti... Read More about Home-based narrowband UVB, topical corticosteroid or combination for children and adults with vitiligo: HI-light vitiligo three-arm RCT.

An economic evaluation of the randomized controlled trial of topical corticosteroid and home-based narrowband ultraviolet B for active and limited vitiligo (the HI-Light Vitiligo Trial)* (2020)
Journal Article
Sach, T., Thomas, K., Batchelor, J., Akram, P., Chalmers, J., Haines, R., Meakin, G., Duley, L., Ravenscroft, J., Rogers, A., Santer, M., Tan, W., White, J., Whitton, M., Williams, H., Cheung, S., Hamad, H., Wright, A., Ingram, J., Levell, N., …The UK Dermatology Clinical Trials Network’s HI‐LIGHT Vitiligo Trial Team. (2021). An economic evaluation of the randomized controlled trial of topical corticosteroid and home-based narrowband ultraviolet B for active and limited vitiligo (the HI-Light Vitiligo Trial)*. British Journal of Dermatology, 184(5), 840-848.

Background: Economic evidence for vitiligo treatments is absent. Objectives: To determine the cost-effectiveness of (i) handheld narrowband ultraviolet B (NB-UVB) and (ii) a combination of topical corticosteroid (TCS) and NB-UVB compared with TCS alo... Read More about An economic evaluation of the randomized controlled trial of topical corticosteroid and home-based narrowband ultraviolet B for active and limited vitiligo (the HI-Light Vitiligo Trial)*.

An interview study of the experiences of cellulitis diagnosis amongst health care professionals (2020)
Journal Article
Patel, M., Ing Lee, S., Levell, N. J., Smart, P., Kai, J., Thomas, K. S., & Leighton, P. (2020). An interview study of the experiences of cellulitis diagnosis amongst health care professionals. BMJ Open, 10(10), Article e034692.

Objectives: To explore healthcare professionals (HCPs) experiences and challenges in diagnosing suspected lower limb cellulitis.

Setting: UK nationwide.

Participants: 20 qualified HCPs, who had a minimum of 2 years clinical experience as an HCP... Read More about An interview study of the experiences of cellulitis diagnosis amongst health care professionals.

An interview study to determine the experiences of cellulitis diagnosis amongst health care professionals in the UK (2020)
Journal Article
Patel, M., Lee, S., Levell, N., Smart, P., Kai, J., Thomas, K., & Leighton, P. (2020). An interview study to determine the experiences of cellulitis diagnosis amongst health care professionals in the UK. BMJ Open, 10, Article e034692.

Objectives: To explore health care professionals (HCPs) experiences and challenges in diagnosing suspected lower limb cellulitis.

Setting: UK nationwide.

Participants: 20 qualified HCPs, who had a minimum of two years clinical experience as a... Read More about An interview study to determine the experiences of cellulitis diagnosis amongst health care professionals in the UK.

Randomised controlled trial of topical corticosteroid and home‐based narrowband UVB for active and limited vitiligo: results of the HI‐Light Vitiligo trial (2020)
Journal Article
Thomas, K., Batchelor, J. M., Akram, P., Chalmers, J. R., Haines, R., Meakin, G. D., Duley, L., Ravenscroft, J. C., Rogers, A., Sach, T. H., Santer, M., Tan, W., White, J., Whitton, M. E., Williams, H. C., Cheung, S. T., Hamad, H., Wright, A., Ingram, J. R., Levell, N. J., …Montgomery, A. A. (2021). Randomised controlled trial of topical corticosteroid and home‐based narrowband UVB for active and limited vitiligo: results of the HI‐Light Vitiligo trial. British Journal of Dermatology, 184(5), 828-839.

Evidence for the effectiveness of vitiligo treatments is limited.

To determine effectiveness of (a) hand‐held narrowband‐UVB (NB‐UVB) and (b) combination of potent topical corticosteroid (TCS) and NB‐UVB compared to TCS, fo... Read More about Randomised controlled trial of topical corticosteroid and home‐based narrowband UVB for active and limited vitiligo: results of the HI‐Light Vitiligo trial.

Views and experiences of managing eczema: systematic review and thematic synthesis of qualitative studies (2020)
Journal Article
Teasdale, E., Muller, I., Sivyer, K., Ghio, D., Greenwell, K., Wilczynska, S., Roberts, A., Ridd, M., Francis, N., Yardley, L., Thomas, K., & Santer, M. (2021). Views and experiences of managing eczema: systematic review and thematic synthesis of qualitative studies. British Journal of Dermatology, 184(4), 627-637.


The number of qualitative studies on eczema has increased rapidly in recent years. Systematically reviewing these can provide greater understandings of people’s perceptions of eczema and eczema treatments.


We sought to... Read More about Views and experiences of managing eczema: systematic review and thematic synthesis of qualitative studies.