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Professor SARAH LEWIS's Outputs (14)

Large-scale implementation of stroke early supported discharge: the WISE realist mixed-methods study (2021)
Journal Article
Fisher, R. J., Chouliara, N., Byrne, A., Cameron, T., Lewis, S., Langhorne, P., Robinson, T., Waring, J., Geue, C., Paley, L., Rudd, A., & Walker, M. F. (in press). Large-scale implementation of stroke early supported discharge: the WISE realist mixed-methods study. Health Services and Delivery Research, 9(22), 1-150.

In England, the provision of early supported discharge is recommended as part of an evidence-based stroke care pathway.

To investigate the effectiveness of early supported discharge services when implemented at scale in pra... Read More about Large-scale implementation of stroke early supported discharge: the WISE realist mixed-methods study.

Development and Validation of Quality of Life Measurement Tools Used in Older Peoples’ Care Homes: a scoping review protocol (2021)
Preprint / Working Paper
Usman, A., Lewis, S., Clarkson, P., & Gordon, A. Development and Validation of Quality of Life Measurement Tools Used in Older Peoples’ Care Homes: a scoping review protocol

There is a high prevalence of frailty and cognitive impairment within care home population. These wide-ranging experiences and needs impact on residents’ quality of life. Therefore, measuring Quality of Life (QOL) in residents as part... Read More about Development and Validation of Quality of Life Measurement Tools Used in Older Peoples’ Care Homes: a scoping review protocol.

Ethnicity and suicide risk: A population-based study from England (2021)
Journal Article
Alothman, D., Fogarty, A., Tyrrell, E., Lewis, S., & Card, T. (2022). Ethnicity and suicide risk: A population-based study from England. Journal of Affective Disorders, 298(Part A), 555-557.

Using multiple linked electronic health databases, we conducted a large case-control study in England from 2001 through 2019 to examine the association between ethnicity and suicide risk. Asian, Black and Other ethnic groups had a significantly lower... Read More about Ethnicity and suicide risk: A population-based study from England.

Barriers and Facilitators to Staying Smoke-Free after Having a Baby, a Qualitative Study: Women’s Views on Support Needed to Prevent Returning to Smoking Postpartum (2021)
Journal Article
Phillips, L., Campbell, K. A., Coleman, T., Ussher, M., Cooper, S., Lewis, S., & Orton, S. (2021). Barriers and Facilitators to Staying Smoke-Free after Having a Baby, a Qualitative Study: Women’s Views on Support Needed to Prevent Returning to Smoking Postpartum. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(21), Article 11358.

Background: Postpartum return to smoking (PPRS) is a common and important public health problem. Interventions to prevent PPRS have not been shown to be effective. We aimed to qualitatively explore the barriers and facilitators to staying smoke-free... Read More about Barriers and Facilitators to Staying Smoke-Free after Having a Baby, a Qualitative Study: Women’s Views on Support Needed to Prevent Returning to Smoking Postpartum.

Evaluating stroke early supported discharge using cost-consequence analysis (2021)
Journal Article
Byrne, A., Chouliara, N., Cameron, T., Geue, C., Lewis, S., Robinson, T., Langhorne, P., Walker, M. F., & Fisher, R. J. (2022). Evaluating stroke early supported discharge using cost-consequence analysis. Disability and Rehabilitation, 44(23), 7127-7133.

Purpose: To evaluate different stroke Early Supported Discharge (ESD) services in different geographical settings using cost-consequence analysis (CCA), which presents information about costs and outcomes in the form of a balance sheet. ESD is a mult... Read More about Evaluating stroke early supported discharge using cost-consequence analysis.

Yoga Program for Type 2 Diabetes Prevention (YOGA-DP) Among High-Risk People: Qualitative Study to Explore Reasons for Non-participation in a Feasibility Randomized Controlled Trial in India (2021)
Journal Article
Mishra, P., Greenfield, S., Harris, T., Hamer, M., Lewis, S. A., Singh, K., Nair, R., Mukherjee, S., Krishnamurthy Manjunath, N., Harper, D. R., Tandon, N., Kinra, S., Prabhakaran, D., & Chattopadhyay, K. (2021). Yoga Program for Type 2 Diabetes Prevention (YOGA-DP) Among High-Risk People: Qualitative Study to Explore Reasons for Non-participation in a Feasibility Randomized Controlled Trial in India. Frontiers in Public Health, 9, Article 682203.

Background: Yoga-based interventions can be effective in preventing type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). We developed a Yoga program for T2DM prevention (YOGA-DP) among high-risk people and conducted a feasibility randomized controlled trial (RCT) in Ind... Read More about Yoga Program for Type 2 Diabetes Prevention (YOGA-DP) Among High-Risk People: Qualitative Study to Explore Reasons for Non-participation in a Feasibility Randomized Controlled Trial in India.

Comparison of saliva cotinine and exhaled carbon monoxide concentrations when smoking and after being offered dual nicotine replacement therapy in pregnancy (2021)
Journal Article
Slaich, B., Claire, R., Emery, J., Lewis, S., Cooper, S., Thomson, R., Phillips, L., Kinahan-Goodwin, D., Naughton, F., McDaid, L., Clark, M., Dickinson, A., & Coleman, T. (2022). Comparison of saliva cotinine and exhaled carbon monoxide concentrations when smoking and after being offered dual nicotine replacement therapy in pregnancy. Addiction, 117(3), 751-759.

Background and Aims
Although English Stop Smoking Services routinely offer dual nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) to help pregnant women quit smoking, little is known about how nicotine and tobacco smoke exposures following this compares with that... Read More about Comparison of saliva cotinine and exhaled carbon monoxide concentrations when smoking and after being offered dual nicotine replacement therapy in pregnancy.

Prospective cohort study of exposure to tobacco imagery in popular films and smoking uptake among children in southern India (2021)
Journal Article
Kulkarni, M. M., Kamath, A., Kamath, V. G., Lewis, S., Bogdanovica, I., Bains, M., Cranwell, J., Fogarty, A., Arora, M., Nazar, G. P., Ballal, K., Naik, A. K., Bhagawath, R., & Britton, J. (2021). Prospective cohort study of exposure to tobacco imagery in popular films and smoking uptake among children in southern India. PLoS ONE, 16(8), Article e0253593.

Background Exposure to tobacco imagery in films causes young people to start smoking. Popular Indian films contain high levels of tobacco imagery, but those that do are required by law to display onscreen health warnings when smoking imagery occurs a... Read More about Prospective cohort study of exposure to tobacco imagery in popular films and smoking uptake among children in southern India.

Financial Incentives for Preventing Postpartum return to Smoking (FIPPS): study protocol for a three-arm randomised controlled trial (2021)
Journal Article
Ussher, M., Best, C., Lewis, S., McKell, J., Coleman, T., Cooper, S., Orton, S., & Bauld, L. (2021). Financial Incentives for Preventing Postpartum return to Smoking (FIPPS): study protocol for a three-arm randomised controlled trial. Trials, 22(1), Article 512.

Background: Financial incentives are an effective way of helping women to stop smoking during pregnancy. Unfortunately, most women who stop smoking at this time return to smoking within 12 months of the infant’s birth. There is no evidence for interv... Read More about Financial Incentives for Preventing Postpartum return to Smoking (FIPPS): study protocol for a three-arm randomised controlled trial.

Smoking and vaping patterns during pregnancy and the postpartum: a longitudinal UK cohort survey (2021)
Journal Article
Bowker, K., Lewis, S., Ussher, M., Naughton, F., Phillips, L., Coleman, T., Orton, S., McRobbie, H., Bauld, L., & Cooper, S. (2021). Smoking and vaping patterns during pregnancy and the postpartum: a longitudinal UK cohort survey. Addictive Behaviors, 123, Article 107050.

Introduction: There is limited information about longitudinal patterns of vaping during pregnancy and the postpartum. We describe the prevalence, frequency, and reasons for vaping throughout pregnancy and postpartum. We also describe temporal pattern... Read More about Smoking and vaping patterns during pregnancy and the postpartum: a longitudinal UK cohort survey.

How Quality Improvement Collaboratives Work to Improve Healthcare in Care Homes: A Realist Evaluation (2021)
Journal Article
Devi, R., Chadborn, N. H., Meyer, J., Banerjee, J., Goodman, C., Dening, T., Rf Gladman, J., Hinsliff-Smith, K., Long, A., Usman, A., Housley, G., Lewis, S., Glover, M., Gage, H., Logan, P. A., Martin, F. C., & Gordon, A. L. (2021). How Quality Improvement Collaboratives Work to Improve Healthcare in Care Homes: A Realist Evaluation. Age and Ageing, 50(4), 1371-1381.

Quality improvement collaboratives (QICs) bring together multidisciplinary teams in a structured process to improve care quality. How QICs can be used to support healthcare improvement in care homes is not fully understood.

A... Read More about How Quality Improvement Collaboratives Work to Improve Healthcare in Care Homes: A Realist Evaluation.

Mortality rates immediately after severe hurricanes in Cuba have decreased over the past three decades (2021)
Journal Article
Suárez-Medina, R., Venero-Fernández, S., Mesa Ridel, G., Fogarty, A., & Lewis, S. (2021). Mortality rates immediately after severe hurricanes in Cuba have decreased over the past three decades. Public Health, 191, 55-58.


The objective of this study is to understand how Cuba responds to extreme weather events, which can help identify and disseminate good public health practice.

Study design

The study design of this study is an observational study u... Read More about Mortality rates immediately after severe hurricanes in Cuba have decreased over the past three decades.

Health Risks of Kretek Cigarettes: A Systematic Review (2021)
Journal Article
Nuryunarsih, D., Lewis, S., & Langley, T. (2021). Health Risks of Kretek Cigarettes: A Systematic Review. Nicotine and Tobacco Research, 23(8), 1274–1282.

Objective To review the evidence on the health risks associated with smoking kretek cigarettes compared with not smoking or smoking regular cigarettes.

Data Sources: We conducted a systematic literature search in five electronic databases: EMBASE... Read More about Health Risks of Kretek Cigarettes: A Systematic Review.

Effect of stroke early supported discharge on length of hospital stay: analysis from a national stroke registry (2021)
Journal Article
Fisher, R. J., Byrne, A., Chouliara, N., Lewis, S., Paley, L., Hoffman, A., Rudd, A., Robinson, T., Langhorne, P., & Walker, M. (2021). Effect of stroke early supported discharge on length of hospital stay: analysis from a national stroke registry. BMJ Open, 11(1), Article e043480.

Objective: The first observational study to investigate the impact of early supported discharge (ESD) on length of hospital stay in real-world conditions.

Design: Using historical prospective Sentinel Stroke National Audit Programme (SSNAP) data (... Read More about Effect of stroke early supported discharge on length of hospital stay: analysis from a national stroke registry.