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Breast imaging readers’ performance in the PERFORMS test-set based assessment scheme within the MyPeBS international randomised study (2025)
Journal Article
Michalopoulou, E., Darker, I., Iotti, V., Slonim, E., de Koning, H. J., Souza, R. A., Burrion, J. B., De Montgolfier, S., Vissac-Sabatier, C., Guindy, M., Pattacini, P., Delaloge, S., Gilbert, F. J., & Chen, Y. (2025). Breast imaging readers’ performance in the PERFORMS test-set based assessment scheme within the MyPeBS international randomised study. European Journal of Radiology, 183, Article 111938.

Purpose: A survey conducted by the European Society of Breast Imaging (EUSOBI) in 2023 revealed significant variations in Quality Assurance (QA) practices across Europe. The UK encourages regular performance monitoring for screen readers. This study... Read More about Breast imaging readers’ performance in the PERFORMS test-set based assessment scheme within the MyPeBS international randomised study.

A comparison of breast screening performance based on a standardised test, during and outside of the COVID-19 lockdown period (2023)
Journal Article
Michalopoulou, E., Pugalenthi, P. P., Darker, I., & Chen, Y. (2023). A comparison of breast screening performance based on a standardised test, during and outside of the COVID-19 lockdown period. European Journal of Radiology, 168, Article 111117.

In the UK, the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting lockdown significantly impacted routine breast screening and led to reduced case volumes for breast screening readers. The aim of the study was to evaluate whether breast screening performan... Read More about A comparison of breast screening performance based on a standardised test, during and outside of the COVID-19 lockdown period.

A survey by the European Society of Breast Imaging on radiologists’ preferences regarding quality assurance measures of image interpretation in screening and diagnostic mammography (2023)
Journal Article
Michalopoulou, E., Clauser, P., Gilbert, F. J., Pijnappel, R. M., Mann, R. M., Baltzer, P. A., Chen, Y., & Fallenberg, E. M. (2023). A survey by the European Society of Breast Imaging on radiologists’ preferences regarding quality assurance measures of image interpretation in screening and diagnostic mammography. European Radiology, 33, 8103-8111.

Objectives: Quality assurance (QA) of image interpretation plays a key role in screening and diagnostic mammography, maintaining minimum standards and supporting continuous improvement in interpreting images. However, the QA structure across Europe s... Read More about A survey by the European Society of Breast Imaging on radiologists’ preferences regarding quality assurance measures of image interpretation in screening and diagnostic mammography.