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Einhard and the Historia Augusta (2023)
Journal Article
Stover, J., & Woudhuysen, G. (2023). Einhard and the Historia Augusta. The Journal of Medieval Latin, 33, 1-16.

In recent years, a consensus has begun to develop that Einhard had read the Historia Augusta and that he used it in his Vita Karoli magni. In particular, scholars have argued that he must have drawn the rare word dicaculus from the text. In this arti... Read More about Einhard and the Historia Augusta.

Language and History in the Late-Roman and Post-Imperial West (2023)
Book Chapter
Mullen, A., & Woudhuysen, G. (2023). Language and History in the Late-Roman and Post-Imperial West. In A. Mullen, & G. Woudhuysen (Eds.), Languages and Communities in the Late-Roman and Post-Imperial Western Provinces. Oxford University Press (OUP)

Earliest Western References to Islam (2023)
Book Chapter
Woudhuysen, G. (2023). Earliest Western References to Islam. In Christian-Muslim Relations, Primary Sources 600-1500 (264-270). Bloomsbury Publishing

The Circulation of the Scholia Vallicelliana to Isidore (2023)
Journal Article
Woudhuysen, G., & Stover, J. (2023). The Circulation of the Scholia Vallicelliana to Isidore. Revue d'histoire des textes, 18, 409-416.

This study brings together the evidence for the circulation of an important monument of early medieval scholarship, the Scholia Vallicelliana to Isidore, which Claudia Villa brilliantly attributed to Paul the Deacon in 1984. Starting from the Vallice... Read More about The Circulation of the Scholia Vallicelliana to Isidore.