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Huns and Romans in the fourth century (2024)
Book Chapter
WOUDHUYSEN, G. (2024). Huns and Romans in the fourth century. In Reimagining the Silk Roads: Interactions and Perceptions Across Eurasia (161-173). Taylor and Francis Group.

The fourth century CE was a crucial but murky period in the history of Inner Asia. Recent scholarly reconceptualisation of the origins of the Huns has important implications for study of the later Roman Empire. I examine what the Romans of the fourth... Read More about Huns and Romans in the fourth century.

Einhard and the Historia Augusta (2023)
Journal Article
Stover, J., & Woudhuysen, G. (2023). Einhard and the Historia Augusta. The Journal of Medieval Latin, 33, 1-16.

In recent years, a consensus has begun to develop that Einhard had read the Historia Augusta and that he used it in his Vita Karoli magni. In particular, scholars have argued that he must have drawn the rare word dicaculus from the text. In this arti... Read More about Einhard and the Historia Augusta.

Language and History in the Late-Roman and Post-Imperial West (2023)
Book Chapter
Mullen, A., & Woudhuysen, G. (2023). Language and History in the Late-Roman and Post-Imperial West. In A. Mullen, & G. Woudhuysen (Eds.), Languages and Communities in the Late-Roman and Post-Imperial Western Provinces. Oxford University Press (OUP)

Earliest Western References to Islam (2023)
Book Chapter
Woudhuysen, G. (2023). Earliest Western References to Islam. In Christian-Muslim Relations, Primary Sources 600-1500 (264-270). Bloomsbury Publishing

The Circulation of the Scholia Vallicelliana to Isidore (2023)
Journal Article
Woudhuysen, G., & Stover, J. (2023). The Circulation of the Scholia Vallicelliana to Isidore. Revue d'histoire des textes, 18, 409-416.

This study brings together the evidence for the circulation of an important monument of early medieval scholarship, the Scholia Vallicelliana to Isidore, which Claudia Villa brilliantly attributed to Paul the Deacon in 1984. Starting from the Vallice... Read More about The Circulation of the Scholia Vallicelliana to Isidore.

The Poet Nemesianus and the Historia Augusta (2022)
Journal Article
Stover, J., & Woudhuysen, G. (2022). The Poet Nemesianus and the Historia Augusta. Journal of Roman Studies, 112, 173-197.

Lurking in the Historia Augusta’s life of the short-lived Emperor Carus is what appears to be a reference to the genuine contemporary poet Nemesianus and an extant work by him, the Cynegetica. Given the HA’s predilection for ‘bogus authors’, this is... Read More about The Poet Nemesianus and the Historia Augusta.

Historiarum libri quinque: Hegesippus between Josephus and Sallust (2022)
Journal Article
Woudhuysen, G., & Stover, J. (2022). Historiarum libri quinque: Hegesippus between Josephus and Sallust. Histos, 16, 1-27

This article examines the influence of Sallust on Hegesippus, the fourth-century historian and adaptor of Josephus (commonly referred to as pseudo-Hegesippus). Analysis of the structure of his work reveals that Hegesippus strove to write in five book... Read More about Historiarum libri quinque: Hegesippus between Josephus and Sallust.

Codex Nicholsonianus (2021)
Journal Article
Woudhuysen, G. (2021). Codex Nicholsonianus. Journal of Roman Studies, 111, 225-238.

Review of: OLIVER NICHOLSON (ED.), THE OXFORD DICTIONARY OF LATE ANTIQUITY. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018. Two vols.: A-I, pp. lxxxiv + 1–800, J-Z, pp. xi + 801–1637. ISBN: 9780198662778. £215.

Jordanes and the Date of the Epitome de Caesaribus (2021)
Journal Article
Woudhuysen, G., & Stover, J. (2021). Jordanes and the Date of the Epitome de Caesaribus. Histos, 15, 150-188

The Epitome de Caesaribus is universally assumed to be a work of the late fourth or early fifth centuries. In this article, we demonstrate that the Epitome was in fact compiled at some point after the middle of the sixth century, by showing on textua... Read More about Jordanes and the Date of the Epitome de Caesaribus.

Aurelius Victor And The Ending Of Sallust's Jugurtha (2020)
Journal Article
WOUDHUYSEN, G., & Stover, J. (2020). Aurelius Victor And The Ending Of Sallust's Jugurtha. Hermathena, 93-134

Abstract: In his De Caesaribus, the historian Aurelius Victor drew a comparison between the emperor Diocletian and the Republican general and consul Marius: two ambitious individuals from humble backgrounds who had dressed in an excessively extravaga... Read More about Aurelius Victor And The Ending Of Sallust's Jugurtha.

Giovanni de Matociis and the Codex Oratorianus of the De uiris illustribus urbis Romae (2017)
Journal Article
Stover, J., & Woudhuysen, G. (2017). Giovanni de Matociis and the Codex Oratorianus of the De uiris illustribus urbis Romae. Exemplaria Classica, 21, 125-148

One of the most curious manuscripts of the De uiris illustribus is Biblioteca dei Girolamini, XL pil. VI, no. XIII. This manuscript has been thought either to go back to the early Veronese humanist Giovanni de Matociis, or to contain authentic ancien... Read More about Giovanni de Matociis and the Codex Oratorianus of the De uiris illustribus urbis Romae.

Remigius and the 'Important News' of Clovis rewritten (2016)
Journal Article
Barrett, G., & Woudhuysen, G. (2016). Remigius and the 'Important News' of Clovis rewritten. Antiquité tardive, 24, 471-500.

Cet article est un nouvel examen de la Lettre austrasienne n° 2, adressée par Rémi, évêque de Reims, à Clovis, roi des Francs. Nous proposons une nouvelle transcription du texte, accompagnée d’une traduction et suivie d’une étude des interprétations... Read More about Remigius and the 'Important News' of Clovis rewritten.

Assembling the Austrasian Letters at Trier and Lorsch (2016)
Journal Article
Barrett, G., & Woudhuysen, G. (2016). Assembling the Austrasian Letters at Trier and Lorsch. Early Medieval Europe, 24(1), 3-57.

This article is a reconsideration of the Epistulae Austrasicae. We critique the widespread notion that the constituent letters were compiled by a courtier in the late sixth century at Metz as a book of models for use in the Austrasian chancellery. We... Read More about Assembling the Austrasian Letters at Trier and Lorsch.