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Assessing the benefits of installing energy storage in a household equipped with photovoltaic panels
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Klumpner, C., & El Boudali, A. Assessing the benefits of installing energy storage in a household equipped with photovoltaic panels. Presented at 14th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies

This paper evaluates the technical and financial impact of installing energy storage in a house equipped with Photovoltaic (PV) panels subject to the Feed-In Tariff (FIT). An additional benefit of installing energy storage is the possibility to purch... Read More about Assessing the benefits of installing energy storage in a household equipped with photovoltaic panels.

Reframing the photograph: confronting the Nazi past through artistic performance strategies since the 1960s
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Allwork, L. Reframing the photograph: confronting the Nazi past through artistic performance strategies since the 1960s. Presented at Performative Commemoration of Painful Pasts

Working in a period when the western modernist focus on the originality of the artist, painterly form and composition had given way to more post Duchampian practices such as reappropriation, performance and the role of the spectator in creating artis... Read More about Reframing the photograph: confronting the Nazi past through artistic performance strategies since the 1960s.

Do they have designs on us or for us? (or Beware of Greeks bearing gifts)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Jarman, D. Do they have designs on us or for us? (or Beware of Greeks bearing gifts). Presented at Regional Urbanism in the Era of Globalisation

In this paper I am proposing that for a regional project designed by foreign entities to be truly successful the understanding of the culture of the key stakeholders needs to be two way. Not only does the designer need to learn and understand the rel... Read More about Do they have designs on us or for us? (or Beware of Greeks bearing gifts).

Hybrid half-bridge package for high voltage application
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Mouawad, B., Li, J., Castellazzi, A., & Johnson, C. M. Hybrid half-bridge package for high voltage application. Presented at 28th International Symposium on Power Semiconductor Devices and ICs (ISPSD)

3D power module structures allow for better cooling and lower parasitic inductances compared with the classical planar technology. In this paper, we present a hybrid half-bridge in a 3D packaging configuration, dedicated for high voltage application.... Read More about Hybrid half-bridge package for high voltage application.

Finite control set model predictive control for grid-tied quasi-Z-source based multilevel inverter
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Trabelsi, M., Bayhan, S., Abu-Rub, H., Ben-Brahim, L., & Zanchetta, P. Finite control set model predictive control for grid-tied quasi-Z-source based multilevel inverter. Presented at IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT 2016)

In this paper, a finite control set Model Predictive Control (MPC) for grid-tie quasi-Z-Source (qZS) based multilevel inverter is proposed. The proposed Power Conditioning System (PCS) consists of a single-phase 2-cell Cascaded H-Bridge (CHB) inverte... Read More about Finite control set model predictive control for grid-tied quasi-Z-source based multilevel inverter.

Comparative systems of assessment of illness or disability for the purposes of adult social welfare payments, First Report (Final) (Incapacity for Work)
Preprint / Working Paper
Cousins, M., Roberts, S., & Stafford, B. Comparative systems of assessment of illness or disability for the purposes of adult social welfare payments, First Report (Final) (Incapacity for Work)

This is the first report of the study of comparative systems of assessment of illness or disability for the purposes of adult ‘incapacity’ social welfare payments. The purpose of the research is to examine systems for medical/disability assessment an... Read More about Comparative systems of assessment of illness or disability for the purposes of adult social welfare payments, First Report (Final) (Incapacity for Work).

BUTERLI D3.14 Report
Kim, J.-H., & Choi, K.-S. BUTERLI D3.14 Report

Final actuator hardware producing a spanwise row of wall-normal jets

Computational models of emotion, personality, and social relationships for interactions in games
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Chowanda, A., Blanchfield, P., Flintham, M., & Valstar, M. Computational models of emotion, personality, and social relationships for interactions in games. Presented at 2016 International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems

We present a novel computational model of emotion, personality and social relationships, implemented and evaluated in an existing commercial game (The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim). We argue that Non Player Characters (NPCs) with such capabilities will ac... Read More about Computational models of emotion, personality, and social relationships for interactions in games.

Low parasitic inductance multi-chip SiC devices packaging technology
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Li, J., Mouawad, B., Castellazzi, A., Friedrichs, P., & Johnson, C. M. Low parasitic inductance multi-chip SiC devices packaging technology. Presented at 18th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications

This paper presents a novel packaging structure which employs stacked substrate and flexible printed circuit board (PCB) to obtain very low parasitic inductance and hence feature high switching speed SiC power devices. A half-bridge module aimed at b... Read More about Low parasitic inductance multi-chip SiC devices packaging technology.

"Stark, necessary and not permanent": huts in the work of Paul Celan and J.H. Prynne
Journal Article
Thomas, N. (in press). "Stark, necessary and not permanent": huts in the work of Paul Celan and J.H. Prynne. German Life and Letters, 69(3),

This article examines the motif of the hut in the work of Paul Celan and J. H. Prynne, as a metaphor for poetry which also mediates the relationship between poetry, language and place. Both Prynne and Celan’s use of the hut motif intersects with the... Read More about "Stark, necessary and not permanent": huts in the work of Paul Celan and J.H. Prynne.

Effectiveness of microcredit for poverty alleviation: evidence from Indonesia
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Arp, F., & Ardisa, A. Effectiveness of microcredit for poverty alleviation: evidence from Indonesia. Presented at Workshop on Human Security in the Global South

Debate persists about the effectiveness of microcredit for poverty alleviation. We argue that much of this debate is due to discipline-specific research approaches and methodological complexities obscuring fundamental issues. Microfinance organisati... Read More about Effectiveness of microcredit for poverty alleviation: evidence from Indonesia.

Enabling the new economic actor: personal data regulation and the digital economy
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Crabtree, A. Enabling the new economic actor: personal data regulation and the digital economy. Presented at IEEE 2nd Workshop on Legal and Technical Issues in Cloud Computing and Cloud-Supported Internet of Things

This paper offers a sociological perspective on data protection regulation and its relevance to the design of digital technologies that exploit or ‘trade in’ personal data. From this perspective, proposed data protection regulations in Europe and the... Read More about Enabling the new economic actor: personal data regulation and the digital economy.

Computer aided optimal design of high power density EMI filters
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Ala, G., Giaconia, G., Giglia, G., Di Piazza, M., Luna, M., Vitale, G., & Zanchetta, P. Computer aided optimal design of high power density EMI filters. Presented at 17 International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering

Power density of power converter systems is becoming an increasing crucial design constraint for a wide range of technical applications. Size reduction of EMI filter in power converters is an important challenge due to its significant impact on the o... Read More about Computer aided optimal design of high power density EMI filters.

Resonances excited by an airy pulse in a dielectric layer
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kuryzheva, O., Nerukh, A., & Benson, T. M. Resonances excited by an airy pulse in a dielectric layer. Presented at 24th International Workshop on Optical Wave & Waveguide Theory and Numerical Modelling (OWTNM 2016)

French sinology and Gustave Caillebotte’s Portrait of Henri Cordier, 1883
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Chang, T. French sinology and Gustave Caillebotte’s Portrait of Henri Cordier, 1883. Presented at Work in Progress Seminar, Department of Art History, University College London

This presentation examines the competing and sometimes conflicting demands encountered in the study of portraiture and biography. Once revised, the paper will become an article that will make an original contribution to art history in empirical and c... Read More about French sinology and Gustave Caillebotte’s Portrait of Henri Cordier, 1883.

Analysis of a near field MIMO wireless channel using 5.6 GHz dipole antennas
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Maricar, M. I., Gradoni, G., Greedy, S., Ivrlac, M. T., Nossek, J. A., Phang, S., Creagh, S. C., Tanner, G., & Thomas, D. W. Analysis of a near field MIMO wireless channel using 5.6 GHz dipole antennas. Presented at 2016 ESA Workshop on Aerospace EMC

Understanding the impact of interference upon the performance of a multiple input multiple output (MIMO) based device is of paramount importance in ensuring a design is both resilient and robust. In this work the effect of element-element interferenc... Read More about Analysis of a near field MIMO wireless channel using 5.6 GHz dipole antennas.

Selection of materials for IGBT modules to achieve stable short circuit failure behaviour
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Li, J., Yaqub, I., & Johnson, C. M. Selection of materials for IGBT modules to achieve stable short circuit failure behaviour. Presented at PCIM Asia 2016

IGBT modules which can fail to stable short circuit mode have great allocations in electricity network related fields. Sn3.5Ag solder joint and sintered Ag joint for the die attachment and Mo, Cu, Sn3.5Ag, Al and Ag foils for the top side insert mate... Read More about Selection of materials for IGBT modules to achieve stable short circuit failure behaviour.