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Higgs inflation and its extensions and the further refining dS swampland conjecture (2021)
Journal Article
Liu, Y. (2021). Higgs inflation and its extensions and the further refining dS swampland conjecture. European Physical Journal C: Particles and Fields, 81(12), Article 1122.

On the one hand, Andriot and Roupec (Fortsch Phys, 1800105, 2019) proposed an alternative refined de Sitter conjecture, which gives a natural condition on a combination of the first and second derivatives of the scalar potential (Andriot and Roupec 2... Read More about Higgs inflation and its extensions and the further refining dS swampland conjecture.

Serum troponin, D‐dimer, and CRP level in severe coronavirus (COVID‐19) patients (2021)
Journal Article
Ali, A. M., Rostam, H. M., Fatah, M. H., Noori, C. M., Ali, K. M., & Tawfeeq, H. M. (2022). Serum troponin, D‐dimer, and CRP level in severe coronavirus (COVID‐19) patients. Immunity, Inflammation and Disease, 10(3), Article e582.


Abnormal inflammation coagulation biomarker levels of troponin, C-reactive protein (CRP), and D-dimer levels in serum have been demonstrated to be associated and involved in the disease progression of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)... Read More about Serum troponin, D‐dimer, and CRP level in severe coronavirus (COVID‐19) patients.

Decent work in fisheries: Current trends and key considerations for future research and policy (2021)
Journal Article
Garcia Lozano, A. J., Decker Sparks, J. L., Durgana, D. P., Farthing, C. M., Fitzpatrick, J., Krough-Poulsen, B., McDonald, G., McDonald, S., Ota, Y., Sarto, N., Cisneros-Montemayor, A. M., Lout, G., Finkbeiner, E., & Kittinger, J. N. (2022). Decent work in fisheries: Current trends and key considerations for future research and policy. Marine Policy, 136, Article 104922.

Labor issues and human rights violations have become the subject of rising concern in fisheries and seafood production. This paper reviews recent research on labor issues in the fishing industry, especially by environmental researchers and nongovernm... Read More about Decent work in fisheries: Current trends and key considerations for future research and policy.

The impact of time standardising TCATA by modality data on the multisensory profile of beer (2021)
Journal Article
Dietz, C., Yang, Q., & Ford, R. (2022). The impact of time standardising TCATA by modality data on the multisensory profile of beer. Food Quality and Preference, 98, Article 104506.

Temporal sensory profiles are increasingly assessed ‘by modality’ to investigate complex profiles and multisensory properties of foods and beverages. Panellists’ noise in temporal data caused by differences in oral and cognitive processing cannot ent... Read More about The impact of time standardising TCATA by modality data on the multisensory profile of beer.

Incidence and survival of haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis: A population‐based cohort study from England (2021)
Journal Article
West, J., Card, T. R., Bishton, M. J., Lanyon, P., Ban, L., Bythell, M., Elliss-Brookes, L., Manson, J. J., Nanduri, V., Rankin, J., Tattersall, R. S., & Crooks, C. J. (2022). Incidence and survival of haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis: A population‐based cohort study from England. Journal of Internal Medicine, 291(4), 493-504.

Background: Haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) is a rare hyper-inflammatory condition with poor outcomes. Objectives: Few population-based estimates of the incidence and survival in adults exist. We aimed to provide these data for England. Met... Read More about Incidence and survival of haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis: A population‐based cohort study from England.

Effects of seasonality on access to improved water in Benue State, Nigeria (2021)
Journal Article
Aondoakaa, S. C., & Jewitt, S. (2022). Effects of seasonality on access to improved water in Benue State, Nigeria. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 194(1), Article 40.

Many people switch sources of drinking water and sanitation between seasons, yet such shifts are not reflected in the reporting of access to improved water and sanitation services by the Joint Monitoring Programme (JMP). Drawing on quantitative and q... Read More about Effects of seasonality on access to improved water in Benue State, Nigeria.

On the Use of Carbon Cables from Plastic Solvent Combinations of Polystyrene and Toluene in Carbon Nanotube Synthesis (2021)
Journal Article
Orbaek White, A., Hedayati, A., Yick, T., Shenoy Gangoli, V., Niu, Y., Lethbridge, S., Tsampanakis, I., Swan, G., Pointeaux, L., Crane, A., Charles, R., Sallah-Conteh, J., O. Anderson, A., Lloyd Davies, M., J. Corr, S., & E. Palmer, R. (2022). On the Use of Carbon Cables from Plastic Solvent Combinations of Polystyrene and Toluene in Carbon Nanotube Synthesis. Nanomaterials, 12(1), Article 9.

For every three people on the planet, there are approximately two Tonnes (Te) of plastic waste. We show that carbon recovery from polystyrene (PS) plastic is enhanced by the coaddition of solvents to grow carbon nanotubes (CNTs) by liquid injection c... Read More about On the Use of Carbon Cables from Plastic Solvent Combinations of Polystyrene and Toluene in Carbon Nanotube Synthesis.

Accelerometers-Embedded Lycra Sleeves to Test Wear Compliance and Upper-Limb Activity in People with Stroke: A Feasibility Study (2021)
Journal Article
Kumar, P., Leake, J., Brodie, S., Molton, J., O'Reilly, R., Pearce, A., Steele, J., & Caleb-Solly, P. (2023). Accelerometers-Embedded Lycra Sleeves to Test Wear Compliance and Upper-Limb Activity in People with Stroke: A Feasibility Study. Journal of Prosthetics and Orthotics, 35(2), 122-128.

To establish a possible effect of Lycra sleeves, accurate recording of wear time is critical. The aim of this study was to test whether an accelerometer-embedded Lycra sleeve can measure wear compliance and record upper-limb (UL) movem... Read More about Accelerometers-Embedded Lycra Sleeves to Test Wear Compliance and Upper-Limb Activity in People with Stroke: A Feasibility Study.

A dual material removal mechanism for clearing of obstructed holes via electrical discharge machining (2021)
Journal Article
Castro-Palacios, M., Ahmed, S., Ahmed, N., Murray, J. W., Speidel, A., Duffin, J., Kell, J., & Clare, A. T. (2022). A dual material removal mechanism for clearing of obstructed holes via electrical discharge machining. Manufacturing Letters, 31, 10-14.

Cooling hole blockages in gas turbine blades can occur during operation, detrimentally reducing performance and resulting in premature removal from service. Here, electrical discharge machining (EDM) is used to unblock fine holes, which have been obs... Read More about A dual material removal mechanism for clearing of obstructed holes via electrical discharge machining.

The DEVA trial: protocol for a randomised controlled trial of dequalinium chloride versus usual care antibiotics for the treatment of bacterial vaginosis (2021)
Journal Article
Haydock, R., Hepburn, T., Ross, J., Daniels, J., Brittain, C., Jackson, L., Ozolins, M., & Wilson, J. (2021). The DEVA trial: protocol for a randomised controlled trial of dequalinium chloride versus usual care antibiotics for the treatment of bacterial vaginosis. Trials, 23(1), Article 1040.

Background: Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is the most common cause of vaginal discharge in women of reproductive age, and it is estimated that up to a third of women will experience it at some point in their lives. BV produces an offensive vaginal odour a... Read More about The DEVA trial: protocol for a randomised controlled trial of dequalinium chloride versus usual care antibiotics for the treatment of bacterial vaginosis.

Impact of Static Air-Gap Eccentricity on Thermal Responses of Stator Winding Insulation in Synchronous Generators (2021)
Journal Article
He, Y.-L., Sun, K., Wu, Y., Zhao, H.-S., Wang, X.-L., Gerada, C., & Gerada, D. (2022). Impact of Static Air-Gap Eccentricity on Thermal Responses of Stator Winding Insulation in Synchronous Generators. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 69(12), 13544-13554.

In this article, we present a comprehensive analysis on the thermal response characteristics of the stator winding insulation under static air-gap eccentricity (SAGE) conditions in synchronous generators. Different from previous studies, this article... Read More about Impact of Static Air-Gap Eccentricity on Thermal Responses of Stator Winding Insulation in Synchronous Generators.

Biographies of Situla Art objects recycled as ex-votos between the Adige and Inn valleys (NE Italy and west Austria) (2021)
Book Chapter
Saccoccio, F. (2021). Biographies of Situla Art objects recycled as ex-votos between the Adige and Inn valleys (NE Italy and west Austria). In A. Weidinger, & J. Leskovar (Eds.), Interpretierte Eisenzeiten Fallstudien, Methoden, Theorie: Tagungsbeiträge der 9. Linzer Gespräche zur interpretativen Eisenzeitarchäologie (53-74). OÖ Landes-Kultur GmbH

This paper discusses the biographies of Situla Art objects recycled as ex-votos found at four Iron Age sanctuaries – Este-Baratella and Caldevigo (Veneto, NE Italy), Mechel (Cles, Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol, NE Italy) and Pillerhöhe (Fließ, Tirol,... Read More about Biographies of Situla Art objects recycled as ex-votos between the Adige and Inn valleys (NE Italy and west Austria).

Vortex evolution in a rotating tank with an off-axis drain (2021)
Journal Article
Munro, R. J., & Foster, M. R. (2022). Vortex evolution in a rotating tank with an off-axis drain. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 933, Article R2.

Fluid entering the periphery of a steadily rotating cylindrical tank exits through an off-axis drain hole, located in the tank's base at the half-radius. Experiments show that, though a concentrated vortex forms over the drain, it soon advects around... Read More about Vortex evolution in a rotating tank with an off-axis drain.

FcγRIIIa receptor interacts with androgen receptor and PIP5K1α to promote growth and metastasis of prostate cancer (2021)
Journal Article
Larsson, P. F., Karlsson, R., Sarwar, M., Miftakhova, R., Wang, T., Syed Khaja, A. S., Semenas, J., Chen, S., Hedblom, A., Ali, A., Ekström‐Holka, K., Simoulis, A., Kumar, A., Wingren, A. G., Robinson, B., Nyunt Wai, S., Mongan, N. P., Heery, D. M., Öhlund, D., Grundström, T., …Persson, J. L. (2022). FcγRIIIa receptor interacts with androgen receptor and PIP5K1α to promote growth and metastasis of prostate cancer. Molecular Oncology,

Low-affinity immunoglobulin gamma Fc region receptor III-A (FcγRIIIa) is a cell surface protein that belongs to a family of Fc receptors that facilitate the protective function of the immune system against pathogens. However, the role of FcγRIIIa in... Read More about FcγRIIIa receptor interacts with androgen receptor and PIP5K1α to promote growth and metastasis of prostate cancer.

SELCIE: a tool for investigating the chameleon field of arbitrary sources (2021)
Journal Article
Briddon, C., Burrage, C., Moss, A., & Tamosiunas, A. (2021). SELCIE: a tool for investigating the chameleon field of arbitrary sources. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2021(12), 1-24.

The chameleon model is a modified gravity theory that introduces an additional scalar field that couples to matter through a conformal coupling. This `chameleon field' possesses a screening mechanism through a nonlinear self-interaction term which al... Read More about SELCIE: a tool for investigating the chameleon field of arbitrary sources.

Engineering bacteria to control electron transport altering the synthesis of non-native polymer (2021)
Journal Article
Bennett, M. R., Jain, A., Kovacs, K., Hill, P. J., Alexander, C., & Rawson, F. J. (2021). Engineering bacteria to control electron transport altering the synthesis of non-native polymer. RSC Advances, 12, 451-457.

The use of bacteria as catalysts for radical polymerisations of synthetic monomers has recently been established. However, the role of trans Plasma Membrane Electron Transport (tPMET) in modulating these processes is not well understood. We sort to s... Read More about Engineering bacteria to control electron transport altering the synthesis of non-native polymer.

Macrophage Scavenger Receptor 1 mediates lipid-induced inflammation in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (2021)
Journal Article
Govaere, O., Kragh Petersen, S., Martinez-Lopez, N., Wouters, J., Van Haele, M., Mancina, R. M., Jamialahmadi, O., Bilkei-Gorzo, O., Bel Lassen, P., Darlay, R., Peltier, J., Palmer, J. M., Younes, R., Tiniakos, D., Aithal, G. P., Allison, M., Vacca, M., Göransson, M., Berlinguer-Palmini, R., Clark, J. E., …Härtlova, A. (2022). Macrophage Scavenger Receptor 1 mediates lipid-induced inflammation in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Journal of Hepatology, 76(5), 1001-1012.

Background & Aims: Obesity-associated inflammation is a key player in the pathogenesis of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). However, the role of macrophage scavenger receptor 1 (MSR1, CD204) remains incompletely understood.

Methods: 170... Read More about Macrophage Scavenger Receptor 1 mediates lipid-induced inflammation in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

Topographic Control of Order in Quasi-2D Granular Phase Transitions (2021)
Journal Article
Downs, J. G., Smith, N. D., Mandadapu, K. K., Garrahan, J. P., & Smith, M. I. (2021). Topographic Control of Order in Quasi-2D Granular Phase Transitions. Physical Review Letters, 127(26), Article 268002.

We experimentally investigate the nature of 2D phase transitions in a quasi-2D granular fluid. Using a surface decorated with periodically spaced dimples we observe interfacial tension between coexisting granular liquid and crystal phases. Measuremen... Read More about Topographic Control of Order in Quasi-2D Granular Phase Transitions.

RADIOHEAD: Radiogenomic analysis incorporating tumor heterogeneity in imaging through densities (2021)
Journal Article
Mohammed, S., Bharath, K., Kurtek, S., Rao, A., & Baladandayuthapani, V. (2021). RADIOHEAD: Radiogenomic analysis incorporating tumor heterogeneity in imaging through densities. Annals of Applied Statistics, 15(4), 1808-1830.

Recent technological advancements have enabled detailed investigation of associations between the molecular architecture and tumor heterogeneity through multisource integration of radiological imaging and genomic (radiogenomic) data. In this paper we... Read More about RADIOHEAD: Radiogenomic analysis incorporating tumor heterogeneity in imaging through densities.

政府研发补贴与企业创新投入:数量激励抑或质量导向? (2021)
Journal Article
Wang, J., Tong, X., & Yang, C. (in press). 政府研发补贴与企业创新投入:数量激励抑或质量导向?. Journal of Macro-Quality Research,

如何有效发挥政府“有形之手”对企业创新的激励作用,优化公共资源配置效率,是实施创新驱动战略和推动经济高质量发展的关键一环。本文使用研发投资衡量创新投入数量,使用专利产出衡量创新投入转化质量,基于2001-2017年中国非金融类A股上市公司面板数据,从理论上分析政... Read More about 政府研发补贴与企业创新投入:数量激励抑或质量导向?.