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Ink-jet 3D printing as a strategy for developing bespoke non-eluting biofilm resistant medical devices (2021)
Journal Article
He, Y., Luckett, J., Begines, B., Dubern, J. F., Hook, A. L., Prina, E., Rose, F. R., Tuck, C. J., Hague, R. J., Irvine, D. J., Williams, P., Alexander, M. R., & Wildman, R. D. (2022). Ink-jet 3D printing as a strategy for developing bespoke non-eluting biofilm resistant medical devices. Biomaterials, 281, Article 121350.

Chronic infection as a result of bacterial biofilm formation on implanted medical devices is a major global healthcare problem requiring new biocompatible, biofilm-resistant materials. Here we demonstrate how bespoke devices can be manufactured throu... Read More about Ink-jet 3D printing as a strategy for developing bespoke non-eluting biofilm resistant medical devices.

Competition and Innovation in Markets with Technology Leaders (2021)
Journal Article
Tsao, K.-C., Mukherjee, A., & Ray, A. (2022). Competition and Innovation in Markets with Technology Leaders. Games, 13(1), Article 9.

We consider technology leaders (which are innovators) and technology followers (which are non-innovators) to provide a new theoretical explanation for the well-cited empirical evidence of an inverted-U relationship between competition and aggregate i... Read More about Competition and Innovation in Markets with Technology Leaders.

Communication strategies and persuasion as core components of shared decision-making for children with life-limiting conditions: A multiple case study (2021)
Journal Article
Popejoy, E., Almack, K., Manning, J. C., Johnston, B., & Pollock, K. (2022). Communication strategies and persuasion as core components of shared decision-making for children with life-limiting conditions: A multiple case study. Palliative Medicine, 36(3), 519-528.

Families and professionals caring for children with life-limiting conditions face difficult healthcare decisions. Shared decision-making is promoted in many countries, however little is known about factors influencing these processes.... Read More about Communication strategies and persuasion as core components of shared decision-making for children with life-limiting conditions: A multiple case study.

‘We live like swine and die like swine, because we mean nothing to each other’: The little person, the state and nationhood in contemporary Russian film (2021)
Book Chapter
McGinity-Peebles, A. (2021). ‘We live like swine and die like swine, because we mean nothing to each other’: The little person, the state and nationhood in contemporary Russian film. In G. Gergely, & S. Hayward (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to European Cinema (394-403). Routledge.

Since Putin's third term as president, official discourse of Russian nationhood has become increasingly statist, ethnonationalist, traditionalist and anti-Western in tone and substance. This chapter analyzes the three films, Long and Happy Life, Levi... Read More about ‘We live like swine and die like swine, because we mean nothing to each other’: The little person, the state and nationhood in contemporary Russian film.

Assessing medical mistrust in organ donation across countries using item response theory (2021)
Journal Article
Ghoshal, A., O’Carroll, R. E., Ferguson, E., Shepherd, L., Doherty, S., Mathew, M., Morgan, K., & Doyle, F. (2022). Assessing medical mistrust in organ donation across countries using item response theory. Journal of Health Psychology, 27(12), 2806-2819.

Although medical mistrust (MM) may be an impediment to public health interventions, no MM scale has been validated across countries and the assessment of MM has not been explored using item response theory, which allows generalisation beyond the samp... Read More about Assessing medical mistrust in organ donation across countries using item response theory.

The Pain at Work Toolkit for Employees with Chronic or Persistent Pain: A Collaborative-Participatory Study (2021)
Journal Article
Blake, H., Somerset, S., & Greaves, S. (2022). The Pain at Work Toolkit for Employees with Chronic or Persistent Pain: A Collaborative-Participatory Study. Healthcare, 10(1), Article 56.

Self-management tools for people with chronic or persistent pain tend to focus on symptom reporting, treatment programmes or exercise and do not address barriers to work, facilitators of work ability, or workplace pain self-management strategies. We... Read More about The Pain at Work Toolkit for Employees with Chronic or Persistent Pain: A Collaborative-Participatory Study.

Motivation to Reduce Drinking and Engagement in Alcohol Misuse Treatment in Alcohol-Related Liver Disease: A National Health Survey (2021)
Journal Article
Kann, A. E., Jepsen, P., Madsen, L., Crooks, C., Fleming, K., Christensen, A. I., Lau, C. J., West, J., & Askgaard, G. (2022). Motivation to Reduce Drinking and Engagement in Alcohol Misuse Treatment in Alcohol-Related Liver Disease: A National Health Survey. American Journal of Gastroenterology, 117(6), 918-922.

INTRODUCTION: The study aim was to identify predictors of motivation to reduce alcohol consumption and whether motivation predicts engagement in alcohol misuse treatment in alcohol-related liver disease (ALD). METHODS: Data from health surveys and he... Read More about Motivation to Reduce Drinking and Engagement in Alcohol Misuse Treatment in Alcohol-Related Liver Disease: A National Health Survey.

In Silico Design of Dual-Binding Site Anti-Cholinesterase Phytochemical Heterodimers as Treatment Options for Alzheimer’s Disease (2021)
Journal Article
Amat-Ur-rasool, H., Ahmed, M., Hasnain, S., Ahmed, A., & Carter, W. G. (2022). In Silico Design of Dual-Binding Site Anti-Cholinesterase Phytochemical Heterodimers as Treatment Options for Alzheimer’s Disease. Current Issues in Molecular Biology, 44(1), 152-175.

The number of patients with neurodegenerative diseases, particularly Alzheimer’s disease (AD), continues to grow yearly. Cholinesterase inhibitors (ChEIs) represent the first-line symptomatic drug treatment for mild-to-moderate AD; however, there is... Read More about In Silico Design of Dual-Binding Site Anti-Cholinesterase Phytochemical Heterodimers as Treatment Options for Alzheimer’s Disease.

Development of selection indices for improvement of seed yield and lipid composition in bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea (l.) verdc.) (2021)
Journal Article
Halimi, R. A., Raymond, C. A., Barkla, B. J., Mayes, S., & King, G. J. (2022). Development of selection indices for improvement of seed yield and lipid composition in bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea (l.) verdc.). Foods, 11(1), Article 86.

The underutilised grain legume bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea) has the potential to contribute significantly to nutritional security. However, the lack of commercial cultivars has hindered its wider adoption and utilisation as a food source. Th... Read More about Development of selection indices for improvement of seed yield and lipid composition in bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea (l.) verdc.).

Social Efficiency of Entry in an Open Economy (2021)
Journal Article
Han, T.-D., Haque, M. E., & Mukherjee, A. (2022). Social Efficiency of Entry in an Open Economy. B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, 22(1), 203-219.

We show that cost asymmetry between the domestic and foreign firms is not necessary for the occurrence of insufficient entry in the domestic country. This result provides a rationale for pro-competitive domestic policies even in the absence of cost a... Read More about Social Efficiency of Entry in an Open Economy.

Florence Nightingale and Responsibility for Healthcare in the Home (2021)
Journal Article
Bates, R., & Memel, J. G. (2021). Florence Nightingale and Responsibility for Healthcare in the Home. European Journal for the History of Medicine and Health, 79(2), 227-252.

The focus for this article is the approach taken by the famous British nurse and public health reformer Florence Nightingale (1820–1910) to responsibility for care, with particular reference to healthcare as practised in the home. It begins by examin... Read More about Florence Nightingale and Responsibility for Healthcare in the Home.

The pH Dependence of Niclosamide Solubility, Dissolution, and Morphology: Motivation for Potentially Universal Mucin-Penetrating Nasal and Throat Sprays for COVID19, its Variants and other Viral Infections (2021)
Journal Article
Needham, D. (2022). The pH Dependence of Niclosamide Solubility, Dissolution, and Morphology: Motivation for Potentially Universal Mucin-Penetrating Nasal and Throat Sprays for COVID19, its Variants and other Viral Infections. Pharmaceutical Research, 39(1), 115-141.

Motivation: With the coronavirus pandemic still raging, prophylactic-nasal and early-treatment throat-sprays could help prevent infection and reduce viral load. Niclosamide has the potential to treat a broad-range of viral infections if local bioavai... Read More about The pH Dependence of Niclosamide Solubility, Dissolution, and Morphology: Motivation for Potentially Universal Mucin-Penetrating Nasal and Throat Sprays for COVID19, its Variants and other Viral Infections.

Long-term Effectiveness of Adjuvant Treatment with Catechol-O-Methyltransferase or Monoamine Oxidase B Inhibitors Compared with Dopamine Agonists among Patients with Parkinson Disease Uncontrolled by Levodopa Therapy: The PD MED Randomized Clinical Trial (2021)
Journal Article
Gray, R., Patel, S., Ives, N., Rick, C., Woolley, R., Muzerengi, S., Gray, A., Jenkinson, C., McIntosh, E., Wheatley, K., Williams, A., & Clarke, C. E. (2022). Long-term Effectiveness of Adjuvant Treatment with Catechol-O-Methyltransferase or Monoamine Oxidase B Inhibitors Compared with Dopamine Agonists among Patients with Parkinson Disease Uncontrolled by Levodopa Therapy: The PD MED Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Neurology, 79(2), 131-140.

Importance: Many people with Parkinson disease (PD) develop motor complications that are uncontrolled by levodopa dose adjustment. Among these patients, it is uncertain which drug class is more effective as adjuvant therapy. Objective: To compare the... Read More about Long-term Effectiveness of Adjuvant Treatment with Catechol-O-Methyltransferase or Monoamine Oxidase B Inhibitors Compared with Dopamine Agonists among Patients with Parkinson Disease Uncontrolled by Levodopa Therapy: The PD MED Randomized Clinical Trial.

A self-adaptive multi-objective feature selection approach for classification problems (2021)
Journal Article
Xue, Y., Zhu, H., & Neri, F. (2022). A self-adaptive multi-objective feature selection approach for classification problems. Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering, 29(1), 3-21.

In classification tasks, feature selection (FS) can reduce the data dimensionality and may also improve classification accuracy, both of which are commonly treated as the two objectives in FS problems. Many meta-heuristic algorithms have been applied... Read More about A self-adaptive multi-objective feature selection approach for classification problems.

Magnetic nanoribbons with embedded cobalt grown inside single-walled carbon nanotubes (2021)
Journal Article
Krichevsky, D. M., Shi, L., Baturin, V. S., Rybkovsky, D. V., Wu, Y., Fedotov, P. V., Obraztsova, E. D., Kapralov, P. O., Shilina, P. V., Fung, K., Stoppiello, C. T., Belotelov, V. I., Khlobystov, A., & Chernov, A. I. (2022). Magnetic nanoribbons with embedded cobalt grown inside single-walled carbon nanotubes. Nanoscale, 14(5), 1978-1989.

Molecular magnetism and specifically magnetic molecules have recently gained plenty of attention as key elements for quantum technologies, information processing, and spintronics. Transition to the nanoscale and implementation of ordered structures w... Read More about Magnetic nanoribbons with embedded cobalt grown inside single-walled carbon nanotubes.

Different genes may be involved in distal and local sensitization: A genome‐wide gene‐based association study and meta‐analysis (2021)
Journal Article
Kouraki, A., Doherty, M., Fernandes, G. S., Zhang, W., Walsh, D. A., Kelly, A., & Valdes, A. M. (2022). Different genes may be involved in distal and local sensitization: A genome‐wide gene‐based association study and meta‐analysis. European Journal of Pain, 26(3), 740-753.

Background: Neuropathic pain symptoms and signs of increased pain sensitization in osteoarthritis (OA) patients may explain persistent pain after total joint replacement (TJR). Therefore, identifying genetic markers associated with pain sensitization... Read More about Different genes may be involved in distal and local sensitization: A genome‐wide gene‐based association study and meta‐analysis.

Cost, context, or convenience? Exploring the social acceptance of demand response in the United Kingdom (2021)
Journal Article
Naghiyev, E., Shipman, R., Goulden, M., Gillott, M., & Spence, A. (2022). Cost, context, or convenience? Exploring the social acceptance of demand response in the United Kingdom. Energy Research and Social Science, 87, Article 102469.

The energy sector, and buildings in particular, are one of the main contributors to climate change. Demand-Side Management (DSM) has the potential to realise energy savings on the demand as well as the supply side. However, the domestic sector still... Read More about Cost, context, or convenience? Exploring the social acceptance of demand response in the United Kingdom.

Fatigue in early rheumatoid arthritis: data from the Early Rheumatoid Arthritis Network (2021)
Journal Article
Ifesemen, O. S., McWilliams, D. F., Norton, S., Kiely, P. D. W., Young, A., & Walsh, D. A. (2022). Fatigue in early rheumatoid arthritis: data from the Early Rheumatoid Arthritis Network. Rheumatology, 61(9), 3737-3745.

OBJECTIVES: Fatigue is a disabling symptom in people with RA. This study aims to describe the prevalence, risk factors and longitudinal course of fatigue in early RA. METHODS: Demographic, clinical, quality of life (QoL), comorbidities and laboratory... Read More about Fatigue in early rheumatoid arthritis: data from the Early Rheumatoid Arthritis Network.

National pharmacy associations in the commonwealth: current scenario and future needs to maximise effective contributions of the pharmacy profession towards universal health coverage (2021)
Journal Article
Iqbal, A., Rutter, V., Gülpınar, G., Halai, M., Awele, B., Elshenawy, R. A., Anderson, C., Hussain, R., & Chan, A. H. Y. (2021). National pharmacy associations in the commonwealth: current scenario and future needs to maximise effective contributions of the pharmacy profession towards universal health coverage. Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice, 14(1), Article 112.

The Commonwealth Pharmacists Association (CPA) is a charity representing pharmacists across the Commonwealth, with the vision of empowering and collaboratively develop the profession and fully utilise the potential of pharmacists to stren... Read More about National pharmacy associations in the commonwealth: current scenario and future needs to maximise effective contributions of the pharmacy profession towards universal health coverage.

The rs429358 Locus in Apolipoprotein E Is Associated With Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Patients With Cirrhosis (2021)
Journal Article
Innes, H., Nischalke, H. D., Guha, I. N., Weiss, K. H., Irving, W., Gotthardt, D., Barnes, E., Fischer, J., Ansari, A., Rosendahl, J., Shang-Kuan, L., Marot, A., Pedergnana, V., Casper, M., Benselin, J., Lammert, F., McLauchlan, J., Lutz, P. L., Hamill, V., Mueller, S., …Buch, S. (2022). The rs429358 Locus in Apolipoprotein E Is Associated With Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Patients With Cirrhosis. Hepatology Communications, 6(5), 1213-1226.

The host genetic background for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is incompletely understood. We aimed to determine if four germline genetic polymorphisms, rs429358 in apolipoprotein E (APOE), rs2642438 in mitochondrial amidoxime reducing component 1 (M... Read More about The rs429358 Locus in Apolipoprotein E Is Associated With Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Patients With Cirrhosis.