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National pharmacy associations in the commonwealth: current scenario and future needs to maximise effective contributions of the pharmacy profession towards universal health coverage

Iqbal, Ayesha; Rutter, Victoria; Gülpınar, Gizem; Halai, Manjula; Awele, Briella; Elshenawy, Rasha Abdelsalam; Anderson, Claire; Hussain, Rabia; Chan, Amy Hai Yan

National pharmacy associations in the commonwealth: current scenario and future needs to maximise effective contributions of the pharmacy profession towards universal health coverage Thumbnail


Ayesha Iqbal

Victoria Rutter

Gizem Gülpınar

Manjula Halai

Briella Awele

Rasha Abdelsalam Elshenawy

Rabia Hussain

Amy Hai Yan Chan


The Commonwealth Pharmacists Association (CPA) is a charity representing pharmacists across the Commonwealth, with the vision of empowering and collaboratively develop the profession and fully utilise the potential of pharmacists to strengthen health systems through supporting better access to, quality and use of medicines and related services. Commonwealth comprises predominantly of low- and middle-income countries, where limited data often exists in pharmacy practice. There is a recognised need across the Commonwealth to focus on developing, implementing and fully utilising pharmacy professional services to progress universal health coverage and achieve the sustainable development goals, particularly in low and middle-income countries; however, currently a knowledge gap exists in understanding the national priorities in Commonwealth nations. CPA is ideally positioned to access to these nations. The aim of this study was thus to explore the priorities and focus areas of NPAs across the Commonwealth and create evidence for a needs-based approach to inform the support that the Commonwealth pharmacists association can collaboratively and strategically provide to its members to progress towards shared goals.

Data were collected virtually on Zoom by conducting interviews using a semi-structured interview guide developed for this study with CPA councillors representing NPAs or their equivalents if no official body existed. An inductive, reflexive, thematic analysis was performed for data analysis.

In total, 30 councillors were interviewed from 30 low- and medium-income countries. The three main overarching priority areas identified across respective Commonwealth nations developing extended pharmacy services, improving pharmacy education, and developing and redefining the role of NPAs.

This novel study highlights the collective priorities for the pharmacy profession across the low and middle-income countries of the Commonwealth and the urgent need for supporting NPAs around the three identified overarching priority areas. The mapped-out priorities will inform an evidence-based approach for the CPA to better support NPAs in their mission through advocacy and practitioner development, to fully harness pharmacists’ unique skill set and maximise their contribution to progressing universal health coverage.


Iqbal, A., Rutter, V., Gülpınar, G., Halai, M., Awele, B., Elshenawy, R. A., Anderson, C., Hussain, R., & Chan, A. H. Y. (2021). National pharmacy associations in the commonwealth: current scenario and future needs to maximise effective contributions of the pharmacy profession towards universal health coverage. Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice, 14(1), Article 112.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Dec 16, 2021
Online Publication Date Dec 27, 2021
Publication Date 2021-12
Deposit Date Jan 31, 2022
Publicly Available Date Feb 1, 2022
Journal Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice
Electronic ISSN 2052-3211
Publisher Springer Verlag
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 14
Issue 1
Article Number 112
Keywords Pharmacy; Health Policy
Public URL
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