Materials for hydrogen-based energy storage – past, recent progress and future outlook
Journal Article
Hirscher, M., Yartys, V. A., Baricco, M., Bellosta von Colbe, J., Blanchard, D., Bowman, R. C., Broom, D. P., Buckley, C. E., Chang, F., Chen, P., Cho, Y. W., Crivello, J. C., Cuevas, F., David, W. I., de Jongh, P. E., Denys, R. V., Dornheim, M., Felderhoff, M., Filinchuk, Y., Froudakis, G. E., …Zlotea, C. (2020). Materials for hydrogen-based energy storage – past, recent progress and future outlook. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 827, Article 153548.
Globally, the accelerating use of renewable energy sources, enabled by increased efficiencies and reduced costs, and driven by the need to mitigate the effects of climate change, has significantly increased research in the areas of renewable energy p... Read More about Materials for hydrogen-based energy storage – past, recent progress and future outlook.