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Penalised Euclidean distance regression (2018)
Journal Article
Vasiliu, D., Dey, T., & Dryden, I. L. (2018). Penalised Euclidean distance regression. Stat, 7(1), Article e175.

A method is introduced for variable selection and prediction in linear regression problems where the number of predictors can be much larger than the number of observations. The methodology involves minimising a penalised Euclidean distance, where th... Read More about Penalised Euclidean distance regression.

True cowmen and commercial farmers: exploring vets’ and dairy farmers’ contrasting views of ‘good farming’ in relation to biosecurity (2018)
Journal Article
Shortall, O., Sutherland, L.-A., Ruston, A., & Kaler, J. (in press). True cowmen and commercial farmers: exploring vets’ and dairy farmers’ contrasting views of ‘good farming’ in relation to biosecurity. Sociologia Ruralis,

Responsibility for biosecurity in UK farming is being devolved from government to industry, with a greater emphasis on the veterinarian (vet)-farmer relationship. Although social science has shown that care for animals is part of ‘good farming’, the... Read More about True cowmen and commercial farmers: exploring vets’ and dairy farmers’ contrasting views of ‘good farming’ in relation to biosecurity.

Simulations of Cold Electroweak Baryogenesis: quench from portal coupling to new singlet field (2018)
Journal Article
Mou, Z.-G., Saffin, P. M., & Tranberg, A. (2018). Simulations of Cold Electroweak Baryogenesis: quench from portal coupling to new singlet field. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2018(1), Article 103.

We compute the baryon asymmetry generated from Cold Electroweak Baryogenesis, when a dynamical Beyond-the-Standard-Model scalar singlet field triggers the spinodal transition. Using a simple potential for this additional field, we match the speed of... Read More about Simulations of Cold Electroweak Baryogenesis: quench from portal coupling to new singlet field.

Operando monitoring of the solution-mediated discharge and charge processes in a Na-O2 battery using liquid-electrochemical Transmission Electron Microscopy (2018)
Journal Article
Lutz, L., Dachraoui, W., Demortière, A., Johnson, L. R., Bruce, P. G., Grimaud, A., & Tarascon, J.-M. (in press). Operando monitoring of the solution-mediated discharge and charge processes in a Na-O2 battery using liquid-electrochemical Transmission Electron Microscopy. Nano Letters, 18(2),

Despite the fact that in sodium-oxygen (Na-O2) batteries show promise as high-energy storage systems, this technology is still the subject of intense fundamental research, owing to the complex reaction by which it operates. To understand the formatio... Read More about Operando monitoring of the solution-mediated discharge and charge processes in a Na-O2 battery using liquid-electrochemical Transmission Electron Microscopy.

Interventions to improve retention in a surgical, clinical trial: a pragmatic, stakeholder driven approach (2018)
Journal Article
Leighton, P., Brealey, S. D., & Dias, J. J. (in press). Interventions to improve retention in a surgical, clinical trial: a pragmatic, stakeholder driven approach. Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine,


To explore stakeholder perspectives upon participant retention in clinical trials, and to generate strategies to support retention in a surgical, clinical trial.

Study Design & Setting

The SWIFFT trial is a multi-centre study com... Read More about Interventions to improve retention in a surgical, clinical trial: a pragmatic, stakeholder driven approach.

Position matching between the visual fields in strabismus (2018)
Journal Article
Hussain, Z., Astle, A. T., Webb, B. S., & McGraw, P. V. (2018). Position matching between the visual fields in strabismus. Journal of Vision, 18(1),

The misalignment of visual input in strabismus disrupts positional judgments.We measured positional accuracy in the extrafoveal visual field (18–78 eccentricity) of a large group of strabismic subjects and a normal control group to identify positiona... Read More about Position matching between the visual fields in strabismus.

Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA): morphological transformation of galaxies across the green valley (2018)
Journal Article
Bremer, M., Phillipps, S., Kelvin, L., De Propris, R., Kennedy, R., Moffett, A., Bamford, S., Davies, L., Driver, S., Häußler, B., Holwerda, B., Hopkins, A., James, P., Liske, J., Percival, S., & Taylor, E. (in press). Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA): morphological transformation of galaxies across the green valley. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society,

We explore constraints on the joint photometric and morphological evolution of typical low redshift galaxies as they move from the blue cloud through the green valley and onto the red sequence. We select GAMA survey galaxies with 10.25 < log(M*/M⊙) <... Read More about Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA): morphological transformation of galaxies across the green valley.

Estimated differences in economic and environmental performance of forage-based dairy herds across the UK (2018)
Journal Article
Bell, M. J., & Wilson, P. (in press). Estimated differences in economic and environmental performance of forage-based dairy herds across the UK. Food and Energy Security, Article e00127.

Differences in performance among the areas of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland can provide some insight into the resilience of UK milk supplies from forage-based dairy herds. This study used a Markov Chain approach to model the average h... Read More about Estimated differences in economic and environmental performance of forage-based dairy herds across the UK.

ALMA observations of lensed Herschel sources: testing the dark matter halo paradigm (2018)
Journal Article
Amvrosiadis, A., Eales, S., Negrello, M., Marchetti, L., Smith, M., Bourne, N., Clements, D., De Zotti, G., Dunne, L., Dye, S., Furlanetto, C., Ivison, R., Maddox, S., Valiante, E., Baes, M., Baker, A., Cooray, A., Crawford, S., Frayer, D., Harris, A., …Vaccari, M. (2018). ALMA observations of lensed Herschel sources: testing the dark matter halo paradigm. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 475(4), 4939-4952.

With the advent of wide-area submillimetre surveys, a large number of high-redshift gravitationally lensed dusty star-forming galaxies have been revealed. Because of the simplicity of the selection criteria for candidate lensed sources in such survey... Read More about ALMA observations of lensed Herschel sources: testing the dark matter halo paradigm.

Alcohol content in the 'Hyper-Reality' MTV show 'Geordie Shore' (2018)
Journal Article
Lowe, E., Britton, J., & Cranwell, J. (2018). Alcohol content in the 'Hyper-Reality' MTV show 'Geordie Shore'. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 53(3),

Aim: To quantify the occurrence of alcohol content, including alcohol branding, in the popular primetime television UK Reality TV show 'Geordie Shore' Series 11.

Methods: A 1-min interval coding content analysis of alcohol content in the entire D... Read More about Alcohol content in the 'Hyper-Reality' MTV show 'Geordie Shore'.

Understanding social innovation in services industries (2018)
Journal Article
Gallouj, F., Rubalcaba, L., Toivonen, M., & Windrum, P. (2018). Understanding social innovation in services industries. Industry and Innovation, 25(6),

This paper puts forward a framework for understanding the relationship between service industries and social innovation. These are two, previously disconnected research areas. The paper explores ways in which innovation in services is increasingly be... Read More about Understanding social innovation in services industries.

How should minimally important change (MIC) scores for the Patient Oriented Eczema Measure (POEM) be interpreted?: a validation using varied methods (2018)
Journal Article
Howells, L., Ratib, S., Chalmers, J., Bradshaw, L., & Thomas, K. (2018). How should minimally important change (MIC) scores for the Patient Oriented Eczema Measure (POEM) be interpreted?: a validation using varied methods. British Journal of Dermatology, 178(5),


The Patient Oriented Eczema Measure (POEM), scored 0-28, is the core outcome instrument recommended for measuring patient-reported atopic eczema symptoms in clinical trials. To date, two published studies have broadly concurred that the... Read More about How should minimally important change (MIC) scores for the Patient Oriented Eczema Measure (POEM) be interpreted?: a validation using varied methods.

Recruiting ENT and audiology patients into pharmaceutical trials: evaluating the multi-center experience in the UK and USA (2018)
Journal Article
Sanchez, V. A., Hall, D. A., Millar, B., Escabi, C. D., Sharman, A., Watson, J., Thasma, S., & Harris, P. (in press). Recruiting ENT and audiology patients into pharmaceutical trials: evaluating the multi-center experience in the UK and USA. International Journal of Audiology,

Objective: Recruiting into clinical trials on time and on target is a major challenge, and yet often goes unreported. This study evaluated the adjustment to procedures, recruitment, and screening methods in two multi-center pharmaceutical randomized... Read More about Recruiting ENT and audiology patients into pharmaceutical trials: evaluating the multi-center experience in the UK and USA.

Pleiotropic effects of the wheat domestication gene Q on yield and grain morphology (2018)
Journal Article
Xie, Q., Li, N., Yang, Y., Lv, Y., Yao, H., Wei, R., Sparkes, D. L., & Ma, Z. (in press). Pleiotropic effects of the wheat domestication gene Q on yield and grain morphology. Planta,

Transformation from q to Q during wheat domestication functioned outside the boundary of threshability to increase yield, grains m−2, grain weight and roundness, but to reduce grains per spike/spikelet.
Mutation of the Q gene, well-known affecting w... Read More about Pleiotropic effects of the wheat domestication gene Q on yield and grain morphology.

Genetically fused T4L acts as a shield in covalent enzyme immobilisation enhancing the rescued activity (2018)
Journal Article
Planchestainer, M., Padrosa, D. R., Contente, M. L., & Paradisi, F. (2018). Genetically fused T4L acts as a shield in covalent enzyme immobilisation enhancing the rescued activity. Catalysts, 8(1),

Enzyme immobilisation is a common strategy to increase enzymes resistance and reusability in a variety of excellent ‘green’ applications. However, the interaction with the solid support often leads to diminished specific activity, especially when non... Read More about Genetically fused T4L acts as a shield in covalent enzyme immobilisation enhancing the rescued activity.

Ultrasonographic-based predictive factors influencing successful return to racing after superficial digital flexor tendon injuries in flat racehorses: a retrospective cohort study in 469 Thoroughbred racehorses in Hong Kong (2018)
Journal Article
Alzola, R., Easter, C., Riggs, C., Gardner, D., & Freeman, S. (2018). Ultrasonographic-based predictive factors influencing successful return to racing after superficial digital flexor tendon injuries in flat racehorses: a retrospective cohort study in 469 Thoroughbred racehorses in Hong Kong. Equine Veterinary Journal, 50(5), 602-608.

Background: Superficial digital flexor tendon (SDFT) injury is an important health and welfare concern in racehorses. It is generally diagnosed with ultrasonography, predictive ultrasonographic features have not been reported.
Objectives: To determi... Read More about Ultrasonographic-based predictive factors influencing successful return to racing after superficial digital flexor tendon injuries in flat racehorses: a retrospective cohort study in 469 Thoroughbred racehorses in Hong Kong.

Functional analysis after rapid degradation of condensins and 3D-EM reveals chromatin volume is uncoupled from chromosome architecture in mitosis (2018)
Journal Article
Samejima, K., Booth, D. G., Ogawa, H., Paulson, J. R., Xie, L., Watson, C. A., Platani, M., Kanemaki, M. T., & Earnshaw, W. C. (2018). Functional analysis after rapid degradation of condensins and 3D-EM reveals chromatin volume is uncoupled from chromosome architecture in mitosis. Journal of Cell Science, 131(4), Article jcs210187.

The action of a negative allosteric modulator at the dopamine D2 receptor is dependent upon sodium ions (2018)
Journal Article
Draper-Joyce, C. J., Verma, R. K., Michino, M., Shonberg, J., Kopinathan, A., Herenbrink, C., Scammells, P. J., Capuano, B., Abramyan, A. M., Thal, D. M., Javitch, J. A., Christopoulos, A., Shi, L., & Lane, J. R. (2018). The action of a negative allosteric modulator at the dopamine D2 receptor is dependent upon sodium ions. Scientific Reports, 8(1), Article 1208.

© 2018 The Author(s). Sodiumions (Na+) allosterically modulate the binding of orthosteric agonists and antagonists to many class A G protein-coupled receptors, including the dopamine D 2 receptor (D 2 R). Experimental and computational evidences have... Read More about The action of a negative allosteric modulator at the dopamine D2 receptor is dependent upon sodium ions.

Elastic-brittle-plastic behaviour of shale reservoirs and its implications on fracture permeability variation: an analytical approach (2018)
Journal Article
Masoudian, M. S., Hashemi, M. A., Tasalloti, A., & Marshall, A. M. (2018). Elastic-brittle-plastic behaviour of shale reservoirs and its implications on fracture permeability variation: an analytical approach. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 51(5),

Shale gas has recently gained significant attention as one of the most important unconventional gas resources. Shales are fine-grained rocks formed from the compaction of silt and clay sized particles and are characterised by their fissured texture a... Read More about Elastic-brittle-plastic behaviour of shale reservoirs and its implications on fracture permeability variation: an analytical approach.

Morphological alterations of cultured human colorectal matched tumour and healthy organoids (2018)
Journal Article
Mohammad, S., Kashfi, H., Almozyan, S., Jinks, N., Koo, B.-K., & Nateri, A. S. (2018). Morphological alterations of cultured human colorectal matched tumour and healthy organoids. Oncotarget, 9,

Organoids have extensive applications in many fields ranging from modelling human development and disease, personalised medicine, drug screening, etc. Moreover, in the last few years, several studies have evaluated the capacity of organoids as transp... Read More about Morphological alterations of cultured human colorectal matched tumour and healthy organoids.