The remediation challenge: theoretical and methodological insights from a systematic review: The challenge of remediation
Journal Article
Cleland, J., Leggett, H., Sandars, J., Costa, M. J., Patel, R., & Moffat, M. (2013). The remediation challenge: theoretical and methodological insights from a systematic review: The challenge of remediation. Medical Education, 47(3), 242-251.
All Outputs (1325)
Catalytic Hydrotrifluoromethylation of Unactivated Alkenes (2013)
Journal Article
Mizuta, S., Verhoog, S., Engle, K. M., Khotavivattana, T., O’Duill, M., Wheelhouse, K., Rassias, G., Médebielle, M., & Gouverneur, V. (2013). Catalytic Hydrotrifluoromethylation of Unactivated Alkenes. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 135(7), 2505–2508. visible-light-mediated hydrotrifluoromethylation of unactivated alkenes that uses the Umemoto reagent as the CF3 source and MeOH as the reductant is disclosed. This effective transformation operates at room temperature in the presence of 5 mol % Ru... Read More about Catalytic Hydrotrifluoromethylation of Unactivated Alkenes.
Influences of ions and temperature on performance of carbon nano-particulates in supercapacitors with neutral aqueous electrolytes (2013)
Journal Article
Chae, J. H., & Chen, G. Z. (2014). Influences of ions and temperature on performance of carbon nano-particulates in supercapacitors with neutral aqueous electrolytes. Particuology, 15, 9-17. commercial product of carbon nano-particles, Cabot MONACH 1300 pigment black (CMPB), was studied for basic structural information and electrochemical performance in neutral aqueous electrolytes, aiming at applications in supercapacitors. As confirm... Read More about Influences of ions and temperature on performance of carbon nano-particulates in supercapacitors with neutral aqueous electrolytes.
Effects of image reconstruction on fiber orientation mapping from multichannel diffusion MRI: reducing the noise floor using SENSE (2013)
Journal Article
Sotiropoulos, S., Moeller, S., Jbabdi, S., Xu, J., Andersson, J., Auerbach, E., Yacoub, E., Feinberg, D., Setsompop, K., Wald, L., Behrens, T., Ugurbil, K., & Lenglet, C. (2013). Effects of image reconstruction on fiber orientation mapping from multichannel diffusion MRI: reducing the noise floor using SENSE. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 70(6), To examine the effects of the reconstruction algorithm of magnitude images from multi-channel diffusion MRI on fibre orientation estimation.
Theory and Methods: It is well established that the method used to combine signals from different c... Read More about Effects of image reconstruction on fiber orientation mapping from multichannel diffusion MRI: reducing the noise floor using SENSE.
China’s Weibo: Is faster different? (2013)
Journal Article
Sullivan, J. (2014). China’s Weibo: Is faster different?. New Media and Society, 16(1), 24-37. popularization of microblogging in China represents a new challenge to the state's regime of information control. The speed with which information is diffused in the microblogosphere has helped netizens to publicize and express their discontent w... Read More about China’s Weibo: Is faster different?.
Research data management survey: report (2013)
Parsons, T., Grimshaw, S., & Williamson, L. (2013). Research data management survey: report. The University of NottinghamA summary of findings and results from The University of Nottingham 2012 Research Data Management survey. This work was produced as part of the JISC funded ADMIRe Managing Research Data project.
Management of postkeratoplasty astigmatism by paired arcuate incisions with compression sutures (2013)
Journal Article
Fares, U., Mokashi, A. A., Al-Aqaba, M. A., Otri, A. M., Miri, A., & Dua, H. S. (2013). Management of postkeratoplasty astigmatism by paired arcuate incisions with compression sutures. British Journal of Ophthalmology, 97(4), 438-443. To analyse the efficacy of paired arcuate incisions and compression sutures technique in the management of post penetrating keratoplasty (PK) astigmatism. Methods: A paired arcuate incision with compression sutures procedure was used to trea... Read More about Management of postkeratoplasty astigmatism by paired arcuate incisions with compression sutures.
Deletion of Crry and DAF on Murine Platelets Stimulates Thrombopoiesis and Increases Factor H-Dependent Resistance of Peripheral Platelets to Complement Attack (2013)
Journal Article
Barata, L., Miwa, T., Sato, S., Kim, D., Mohammed, I., & Song, W.-C. (2013). Deletion of Crry and DAF on Murine Platelets Stimulates Thrombopoiesis and Increases Factor H-Dependent Resistance of Peripheral Platelets to Complement Attack. Journal of Immunology, 190(6), 2886-2895. receptor 1-related gene/protein y (Crry) and decay-accelerating factor (DAF) are two murine membrane C3 complement regulators with overlapping functions. Crry deletion is embryonically lethal whereas DAF-deficient mice are generally health... Read More about Deletion of Crry and DAF on Murine Platelets Stimulates Thrombopoiesis and Increases Factor H-Dependent Resistance of Peripheral Platelets to Complement Attack.
Expanding the repertoire of gene tools for precise manipulation of the Clostridium difficile genome: allelic exchange using pyrE alleles (2013)
Journal Article
Ng, Y. K., Ehsaan, M., Philip, S., Collery, M. M., Janoir, C., Collignon, A., Cartman, S. T., & Minton, N. P. (2013). Expanding the repertoire of gene tools for precise manipulation of the Clostridium difficile genome: allelic exchange using pyrE alleles. PLoS ONE, 8(2), Article 13. genetic tools to modify essential biological processes at the molecular level are pivotal in elucidating the molecular pathogenesis of Clostridium difficile, a major cause of healthcare associated disease. Here we have developed an effi... Read More about Expanding the repertoire of gene tools for precise manipulation of the Clostridium difficile genome: allelic exchange using pyrE alleles.
Examining psychosocial and physical hazards in the Ghanaian mining industry and their implications for employees' safety experience (2013)
Journal Article
Amponsah-Tawiah, K., Jain, A., Leka, S., Hollis, D., & Cox, T. (2013). Examining psychosocial and physical hazards in the Ghanaian mining industry and their implications for employees' safety experience. Journal of Safety Research, 45, 75-84. In addition to hazardous conditions that are prevalent in mines, there are various physical and psychosocial risk factors that can affect mine workers' safety and health. Without due diligence to mine safety, these risk factors can affec... Read More about Examining psychosocial and physical hazards in the Ghanaian mining industry and their implications for employees' safety experience.
Dead-time effects on the voltage spectrum of a PWM inverter (2013)
Journal Article
Moore, D. C., Odavic, M., & Cox, S. M. (2014). Dead-time effects on the voltage spectrum of a PWM inverter. IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, 79(6), inverter converts a direct-current power supply to an alternating-current power supply. This con- version is achieved by switching the output between the inputs at high frequency. The resulting output voltage may be described by a high-frequency t... Read More about Dead-time effects on the voltage spectrum of a PWM inverter.
Influence of slow oscillation on hippocampal activity and ripples through cortico-hippocampal synaptic interactions, analyzed by a cortical-CA3-CA1 network model (2013)
Journal Article
Taxidis, J., Mizuseki, K., Mason, R., & Owen, M. R. (2013). Influence of slow oscillation on hippocampal activity and ripples through cortico-hippocampal synaptic interactions, analyzed by a cortical-CA3-CA1 network model. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 7(Februa), Article 19. sharp wave-ripple complexes (SWRs) involve the synchronous discharge of thousands of cells throughout the CA3-CA1-subiculum-entorhinal cortex axis. Their strong
transient output affects cortical targets, rendering SWRs a possible means f... Read More about Influence of slow oscillation on hippocampal activity and ripples through cortico-hippocampal synaptic interactions, analyzed by a cortical-CA3-CA1 network model.
Assessment of uncertainty in river flow projections for the Mekong River using multiple GCMs and hydrological models (2013)
Journal Article
Thompson, J. R., Green, A. J., Kingston, D. G., & Gosling, S. N. (2013). Assessment of uncertainty in river flow projections for the Mekong River using multiple GCMs and hydrological models. Journal of Hydrology, 486, 1-30. model-related uncertainty is often ignored within climate change hydrological impact assessments. A MIKE SHE model is developed for the Mekong using the same data as an earlier semi-distributed, conceptual model (SLURP). The model is cal... Read More about Assessment of uncertainty in river flow projections for the Mekong River using multiple GCMs and hydrological models.
Commissioning social care for older people: Influencing the quality of direct care (2013)
Journal Article
Chester, H., Hughes, J., & Challis, D. (2014). Commissioning social care for older people: Influencing the quality of direct care. Ageing and Society, 34(6), 930-950. delivery of personalised support to vulnerable older people is largely contingent on those staff who provide direct care. These care workers play an invaluable role in supporting vulnerable older people that may have increasingly complex needs ei... Read More about Commissioning social care for older people: Influencing the quality of direct care.
Coming to terms with permanent involuntary childlessness: A phenomenological analysis of bulletin board postings (2013)
Journal Article
Malik, S. H., & Coulson, N. S. (2013). Coming to terms with permanent involuntary childlessness: A phenomenological analysis of bulletin board postings. Europe's Journal of Psychology, 9(1), 77-92. is known about the role that online support communities play in the lives of women faced with permanent involuntary childlessness. To understand the experiences of these women, this study conducted a thematic analysis of messages downloaded fr... Read More about Coming to terms with permanent involuntary childlessness: A phenomenological analysis of bulletin board postings.
A benchmark too far: national survey of surgical site infection surveillance (2013)
Journal Article
Tanner, J., Padley, W., Kiernan, M., Leaper, D., Norrie, P., & Baggot, R. (2013). A benchmark too far: national survey of surgical site infection surveillance. Journal of Hospital Infection, 83(2),
The national surgical site infection (SSI) surveillance service in England collates and publishes SSI rates that are used for benchmarking and to identify the prevalence of SSIs. However, research studies using high-quality SSI surveill... Read More about A benchmark too far: national survey of surgical site infection surveillance.
The spirit of the sword and spear (2013)
Journal Article
Pearce, M. (2013). The spirit of the sword and spear. Cambridge Archaeological Journal, 23(1), the Norse sagas or the Arthurian cycles, we are used to the concept that the warrior’s weapon has an identity, a name. In this article I shall ask whether some prehistoric weapons also had an identity. Using case studies of La Tène swords, early... Read More about The spirit of the sword and spear.
Euler principal component analysis (2013)
Journal Article
Liwicki, S., Tzimiropoulos, G., Zafeiriou, S., & Pantic, M. (2013). Euler principal component analysis. International Journal of Computer Vision, 101(3), Component Analysis (PCA) is perhaps the most prominent learning tool for dimensionality reduction in pattern recognition and computer vision. However, the ℓ 2-norm employed by standard PCA is not robust to outliers. In this paper, we propos... Read More about Euler principal component analysis.
Bacterial cooperation in the wild and in the clinic: are pathogen social behaviours relevant outside the laboratory? (2013)
Journal Article
Harrison, F. (2013). Bacterial cooperation in the wild and in the clinic: are pathogen social behaviours relevant outside the laboratory?. BioEssays, 35(2), bacterial cells can communicate via quorum sensing, cooperate to harvest nutrients from their environment, form multicellular biofilms, compete over resources and even kill one another. When the environment that bacteria inhabit is an anim... Read More about Bacterial cooperation in the wild and in the clinic: are pathogen social behaviours relevant outside the laboratory?.
Multiple factors modulate biofilm formation by the anaerobic pathogen Clostridium difficile (2013)
Journal Article
Dapa, T., Leuzzi, R., Ng, Y. K., Baban, S. T., Adamo, R., Kuehne, S. A., Scarselli, M., Minton, N. P., Serruto, D., & Unnikrishnan, M. (2013). Multiple factors modulate biofilm formation by the anaerobic pathogen Clostridium difficile. Journal of Bacteriology, 195(3), within biofilms are protected from multiple stresses, including immune responses and antimicrobial agents. The biofilm-forming ability of bacterial pathogens has been associated with increased antibiotic resistance and chronic recurrent infe... Read More about Multiple factors modulate biofilm formation by the anaerobic pathogen Clostridium difficile.