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All Outputs (380)

Evaluation of short-term effectiveness of the disease management program “Di.Pro.Di.” on continuity of care of patients with congestive heart failure (2010)
Journal Article
Pecchia, L., Schiraldi, F., Verde, S., Mirante, E., Bath, P. A., & Bracale, M. (2010). Evaluation of short-term effectiveness of the disease management program “Di.Pro.Di.” on continuity of care of patients with congestive heart failure. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 58(8),

This paper aimed to assess the early effectiveness of a disease management program (DMP), called “Dimissione Protetta Difficile” (Di.Pro.Di) conducted by personnel from the intensive care unit (ICU) of Public Hospital S. Paolo, Naples, Italy.
Di.Pro... Read More about Evaluation of short-term effectiveness of the disease management program “Di.Pro.Di.” on continuity of care of patients with congestive heart failure.

Bag1-L is a phosphorylation-dependent coactivator of c-Jun during neuronal apoptosis (2010)
Journal Article
Da Costa, C. R., Villadiego, J., Sancho, R., Fontana, X., Packham, G., Nateri, A. S., & Behrens, A. (2010). Bag1-L is a phosphorylation-dependent coactivator of c-Jun during neuronal apoptosis. Molecular and Cellular Biology, 30(15), 3842-3852.

In the nervous system, cell death by apoptosis plays a critical role during normal development and pathological neurodegeneration. Jun N-terminal kinases (JNKs) are essential regulators of neuronal apoptosis. The AP-1 transcription factor c-Jun is ph... Read More about Bag1-L is a phosphorylation-dependent coactivator of c-Jun during neuronal apoptosis.

Regulation of ovine and porcine stearoyl coenzyme A desaturase gene promoters by fatty acids and sterols (2010)
Journal Article
Zulkifli, R. M., Parr, T., Salter, A. M., & Brameld, J. M. (2010). Regulation of ovine and porcine stearoyl coenzyme A desaturase gene promoters by fatty acids and sterols. Journal of Animal Science, 88(8), 2565-2575.

Stearoyl CoA desaturase (SCD) is responsible for converting SFA into MUFA and plays an important role in regulating the fatty acid composition of tissues. Although the number of SCD isoforms differs among species, SCD-1 is the predominant isoform exp... Read More about Regulation of ovine and porcine stearoyl coenzyme A desaturase gene promoters by fatty acids and sterols.

The mannose receptor mediates the uptake of diverse native allergens by dendritic cells and determines allergen-induced T cell polarization through modulation of IDO Activity (2010)
Journal Article
Royer, P. J., Emara, M., Yang, C., Al-Ghouleh, A., Tighe, P., Jones, N., Sewell, H. F., Shakib, F., Martinez-Pomares, L., & Ghaemmaghami, A. M. (2010). The mannose receptor mediates the uptake of diverse native allergens by dendritic cells and determines allergen-induced T cell polarization through modulation of IDO Activity. Journal of Immunology, 185(3), 1522-1531.

The mannose receptor (MR) is a C-type lectin expressed by dendritic cells (DCs). We have investigated the ability of MR to recognize glycosylated allergens. Using a gene silencing strategy, we have specifically inhibited the expression of MR on human... Read More about The mannose receptor mediates the uptake of diverse native allergens by dendritic cells and determines allergen-induced T cell polarization through modulation of IDO Activity.

Thinking falls - taking action: development of a guide to action for falls prevention tool (GtA) (2010)
Journal Article
Robertson, K., Logan, P. A., Conroy, S. P., Dodds, V., Gordon, A. L., Challands, L., Smith, S., Humpage, S., & Burn, A. (2010). Thinking falls - taking action: development of a guide to action for falls prevention tool (GtA). British Journal of Community Nursing, 15(8),

Clinical guidelines and research papers help clinicians measure and understand the risk of falling in their older clients but very few provide the assessor with recommendations as to which interventions they can use to reduce the risk of a fall.

T... Read More about Thinking falls - taking action: development of a guide to action for falls prevention tool (GtA).

Towards an integrated workforce management system (2010)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Landa-Silva, D., Castillo, A., Bowie, L., & Johnston, H. Towards an integrated workforce management system. Presented at Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on the Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling (PATAT 2010)

We describe progress towards a workforce management system in which personnel scheduling is integrated with other important processes such as payroll processing, attendance and absence recording, staffing forecast and planning, etc. Our focus is on c... Read More about Towards an integrated workforce management system.

A 0/1 integer programming model for the office space allocation problem (2010)
Journal Article
Ulker, O., & Landa-Silva, D. (2010). A 0/1 integer programming model for the office space allocation problem. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 36,

We propose a 0/1 integer programming model to tackle the office space allocation (OSA) problem which refers to assigning room space to a set of entities (people, machines, roles, etc.), with the goal of optimising the space utilisation while satisfyi... Read More about A 0/1 integer programming model for the office space allocation problem.

Child and adolescent offending (2010)
Book Chapter
Chou, S., & Browne, K. (2010). Child and adolescent offending. In J. M. Brown, & E. A. Campbell (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Forensic Psychology (23-33). Cambridge University Press

Predicting beta-turns and their types using predicted backbone dihedral angles and secondary structures (2010)
Journal Article
Kountouris, P., & Hirst, J. D. (2010). Predicting beta-turns and their types using predicted backbone dihedral angles and secondary structures. BMC Bioinformatics, 11, Article 407.


β-turns are secondary structure elements usually classified as coil. Their prediction is important, because of their role in protein folding and their frequent occurrence in protein chains.


We have developed a novel method... Read More about Predicting beta-turns and their types using predicted backbone dihedral angles and secondary structures.

Exercise interventions in the treatment of depression (2010)
Book Chapter
Malik, S., Kit Han Mo, P., & Blake, H. (2010). Exercise interventions in the treatment of depression. In H. Blake (Ed.), Physical activity in rehabilitation and recovery (279-312). Nova Science Publishers

Depression is a common psychiatric problem affecting millions of people worldwide. Whilst conventional treatments for depression have involved the use of antidepressant medications or ‘talking’ therapies, in recent years the concept of exercise thera... Read More about Exercise interventions in the treatment of depression.

Planning and control of a hybrid vacuum-forming system based on screw-pin tooling (2010)
Journal Article
Wang, Z., Wang, Y., & Gindy, N. (2010). Planning and control of a hybrid vacuum-forming system based on screw-pin tooling. WSEAS Transactions on Systems and Control, 5(7),

This paper introduced planning and control of a hybrid vacuum-forming machine system (HAVES). The HAVES was developed to integrate CAD/CAM, screw-pin tooling, CNC, vacuum forming and optical measurement device together to produce vacuum forming compo... Read More about Planning and control of a hybrid vacuum-forming system based on screw-pin tooling.

A hybrid evolutionary approach to the nurse rostering problem (2010)
Journal Article
Bai, R., Burke, E. K., Kendall, G., Li, J., & McCollum, B. (2010). A hybrid evolutionary approach to the nurse rostering problem. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 14(4),

Nurse rostering is an important search problem with many constraints. In the literature, a number of approaches have been investigated including penalty function methods to tackle these constraints within genetic algorithm frameworks. In this paper,... Read More about A hybrid evolutionary approach to the nurse rostering problem.

Does looped nasogastric tube feeding improve nutritional delivery for patients with dysphagia after acute stroke? A randomised controlled trial (2010)
Journal Article
Beavan, J., Paul Conroy, S., Harwood, R., Gladman, J. R., Leonardi-Bee, J., Sach, T., Bowling, T., Sunman, W., & Gaynor, C. (2010). Does looped nasogastric tube feeding improve nutritional delivery for patients with dysphagia after acute stroke? A randomised controlled trial. Age and Ageing, 39(5), 624-630.

Background: nasogastric tube (NGT) feeding is commonly used after stroke, but its effectiveness is limited by frequent dislodgement.

Objective: the objective of the study was to evaluate looped NGT feeding in acute stroke patients with dysphagia.... Read More about Does looped nasogastric tube feeding improve nutritional delivery for patients with dysphagia after acute stroke? A randomised controlled trial.

Chemical Tags Mediate the Orthogonal Self-Assembly of DNA Duplexes into Supramolecular Structures (2010)
Journal Article
Mitchell, N. J., Ebner, A., Hinterdorfer, P., Tampé, R., & Howorka, S. (2010). Chemical Tags Mediate the Orthogonal Self-Assembly of DNA Duplexes into Supramolecular Structures. Small, 6(16), 1732-1735.

A new chemical approach that achieves ordered self‐assembly of biomolecules is reported. The chemical tags bis‐nitrilotriacetic acid (bisNTA) and hexahistidine (His6) are attached to DNA duplexes that self‐assemble into supramolecular structures whos... Read More about Chemical Tags Mediate the Orthogonal Self-Assembly of DNA Duplexes into Supramolecular Structures.

Molecular phylogeny of the stylommatophoran land snails and slugs (2010)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Wade, C. (2010, July). Molecular phylogeny of the stylommatophoran land snails and slugs. Presented at 17th World Congress of Malacology, Royal Phuket City Hotel Phuket, Thailand

DNA sequence data has revolutionised our understanding of the evolutionary relationships among the stylommatophoran land snails and slugs. Yet, the stylommatophoran tree is still not fully resolved and in particular, relationships at the bas... Read More about Molecular phylogeny of the stylommatophoran land snails and slugs.

In situ subcellular fractionation of adherent and non-adherent mammalian cells (2010)
Journal Article
Sawasdichai, A., Chen, H.-T., Abdul Hamid, N., Jayaraman, P.-S., & Gaston, K. (2010). In situ subcellular fractionation of adherent and non-adherent mammalian cells. Journal of Visualized Experiments, 41, Article e1958.

Protein function is intimately coupled to protein localization. Although some proteins are restricted to a specific location or subcellular compartment, many proteins are present as a freely diffusing population in free exchange with a sub-population... Read More about In situ subcellular fractionation of adherent and non-adherent mammalian cells.

Resolving taxonomic complications in the family of Ariophantidae by using molecular marker and morphological characteristics: a preliminary attempt. (2010)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Balkhis Abu Bakar, S., Razali, N. M., Izzati Minhat, F., Sau Pinn, W., Azizah Mohd Nor, S., Yasin, Z., Wade, C. M., Naggs, F., & Tan Shau Hwai, A. (2010, July). Resolving taxonomic complications in the family of Ariophantidae by using molecular marker and morphological characteristics: a preliminary attempt. Presented at 17th World Congress of Malacology, Royal Phuket City Hotel Phuket, Thailand

This study is an attempt to resolve the taxonomic complication in the Family Ariophantidae by using nucleotide sequences 16S rRNA gene with the aid of morphological characteristics of the shell. Morphological classification of members of this group c... Read More about Resolving taxonomic complications in the family of Ariophantidae by using molecular marker and morphological characteristics: a preliminary attempt..

Social stress in young people with specific language impairment (2010)
Journal Article
Wadman, R., Durkin, K., & Conti-Ramsden, G. (2010). Social stress in young people with specific language impairment. Journal of Adolescence, 34(3),

Social interactions can be a source of social stress for adolescents. Little is known about how adolescents with developmental difficulties, such as specific language impairment (SLI), feel when interacting socially. Participants included 28 adolesce... Read More about Social stress in young people with specific language impairment.