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All Outputs (313)

Gender differences in computer-mediated communication: A systematic literature review of online health-related support groups (2009)
Journal Article
Mo, P. K., Malik, S. H., & Coulson, N. S. (2009). Gender differences in computer-mediated communication: A systematic literature review of online health-related support groups. Patient Education and Counseling, 75(1), 16-24.

Objective: Previous research has contended that the unique characteristics of the Internet might remove some of the gender differences that exist in face-to-face healthcare. The aims of the present study were to systematically review studies that hav... Read More about Gender differences in computer-mediated communication: A systematic literature review of online health-related support groups.

Exercise intervention in brain injury: a pilot randomized study of Tai Chi Qigong (2009)
Journal Article
Blake, H., & Batson, M. (in press). Exercise intervention in brain injury: a pilot randomized study of Tai Chi Qigong. Clinical Rehabilitation, 23(7),

Objective: To examine the effects of a brief Tai Chi Chuan Qigong (‘Qigong’) exercise intervention on individuals with traumatic brain injury.
Design: A single-centre randomized controlled trial pilot study.
Setting: A registered charity day centre... Read More about Exercise intervention in brain injury: a pilot randomized study of Tai Chi Qigong.

Experimental evaluation of hybrid cycloconverters (2009)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Klumpner, C., Xu, T., & Clare, J. C. Experimental evaluation of hybrid cycloconverters. Presented at Twenty-Fourth Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC'09)

Power converters consisting of naturally commutated thyristors such as cycloconverters and current source inverters were the first used in driving electrical motors with variable speed but now due to their inferior performance compared to forced comm... Read More about Experimental evaluation of hybrid cycloconverters.

A cost-effective solution to power the gate drivers of multilevel inverters using the bootstrap power supply technique (2009)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Klumpner, C., & Shattock, N. A cost-effective solution to power the gate drivers of multilevel inverters using the bootstrap power supply technique. Presented at 2009 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC 2009)

Multilevel inverters are traditionally seen as a step forward in DC/AC conversion, providing more output voltage levels, better quality of the generated waveform and lower switching losses than the two-level and can process higher voltages with a giv... Read More about A cost-effective solution to power the gate drivers of multilevel inverters using the bootstrap power supply technique.

Neonatal maternal separation alters reward-related ultrasonic vocalizations in rat dams (2009)
Journal Article
Stevenson, C. W., Goodwin, P. E., Tunstall, B., Spicer, C. H., Marsden, C. A., & Mason, R. (2009). Neonatal maternal separation alters reward-related ultrasonic vocalizations in rat dams. Behavioural Brain Research, 200(1), 232-236.

We examined the effects of brief or long durations of repeated maternal separation (MS) on ultrasonic vocalizations (USVs) in rat dams. 50-kHz USVs putatively identified as maternal in origin were emitted only immediately after pups were returned fol... Read More about Neonatal maternal separation alters reward-related ultrasonic vocalizations in rat dams.

The extent and practice of inclusion in independent schools in South Africa (2009)
Journal Article
Walton, E., Nel, N., Hugo, A., & Muller, H. (2009). The extent and practice of inclusion in independent schools in South Africa. South African Journal of Education, 29(1), 105-126.

In line with international trends in education, South Africa has embraced inclusive education as the means by which learners who experience barriers to learning will be educated. As inclusion is beginning to be realised in South African schools, a ga... Read More about The extent and practice of inclusion in independent schools in South Africa.

Regulation of lens volume: Implications for lens transparency (2009)
Journal Article
Donaldson, P. J., Chee, K. S. N., Lim, J. C., & Webb, K. F. (2009). Regulation of lens volume: Implications for lens transparency. Experimental Eye Research, 88(2), 144-150.

Lens transparency is critically dependent on the maintenance of an ordered tissue architecture, and disruption of this order leads to light scatter and eventually lens cataract. Hence the volume of the fiber cells that make up the bulk of the lens ne... Read More about Regulation of lens volume: Implications for lens transparency.

The regulation of cell proliferation by the papillomavirus early proteins (2009)
Journal Article
Abdul Hamid, N., Brown, C., & Gaston, K. (2009). The regulation of cell proliferation by the papillomavirus early proteins. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 66(10), 1700-1717.

The human papillomavirus (HPV) E6 and E7 oncogenes have direct effects on host cell proliferation. The viral E2 protein regulates transcription of E6 and E7 and thereby has an indirect effect on cell proliferation. In HPV-induced tumours, misappropri... Read More about The regulation of cell proliferation by the papillomavirus early proteins.

Prenatal induced chronic dietary hypothyroidism delays but does not block adult-type Leydig cell development (2009)
Journal Article
Rijntjes, E., Swarts, H. J., Anand-Ivell, R., & Teerds, K. J. (2009). Prenatal induced chronic dietary hypothyroidism delays but does not block adult-type Leydig cell development. AJP - Endocrinology and Metabolism, 296(2), E305-E314.

Transient hypothyroidism induced by propyl-2-thiouracyl blocks postpartum Leydig cell development. In the present study, the effects of chronic hypothyroidism on the formation of this adult-type Leydig cell population were investigated, using a more... Read More about Prenatal induced chronic dietary hypothyroidism delays but does not block adult-type Leydig cell development.

The ethical ambivalence of resistant violence: notes from postcolonial south Asia (2009)
Journal Article
Roy, S. (2009). The ethical ambivalence of resistant violence: notes from postcolonial south Asia. Feminist Review, 91,

In the face of mounting militarism in south Asia, this essay turns to anti-state, ‘liberatory’ movements in the region that employ violence to achieve their political aims. It explores some of the ethical quandaries that arise from the embrace of suc... Read More about The ethical ambivalence of resistant violence: notes from postcolonial south Asia.

A truncation in the Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor of the CRL:WI(Han) rat does not affect the developmental toxicity of TCDD (2009)
Journal Article
Jiang, T., Bell, D. R., Clode, S., Fan, M., Fernandes, A., Foster, P. M., Loizou, G., MacNicoll, A., Miller, B. G., Rose, M., Tran, L., & White, S. (2009). A truncation in the Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor of the CRL:WI(Han) rat does not affect the developmental toxicity of TCDD. Toxicological Sciences, 107(2),

The Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor (AhR) is required for the toxicity of TCDD, and so the AhR of CRL:WI and CRL:WI(Han) rats was characterised. Western blot showed AhR proteins of ~110 and ~97 kDa in individual rats from both strains. The AhR cDNA from a... Read More about A truncation in the Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor of the CRL:WI(Han) rat does not affect the developmental toxicity of TCDD.

‘Do We Look like Boy Racers?’ The Role of the Folk Devil in Contemporary Moral Panics (2009)
Journal Article
Lumsden, K. (2009). ‘Do We Look like Boy Racers?’ The Role of the Folk Devil in Contemporary Moral Panics. Sociological Research Online, 14(1), 1-12.

This article addresses the failure of studies concerning moral panics to take into account the reaction of those individuals who are the subject of social anxiety. It responds to the suggestion by McRobbie and Thornton (1995) that studies of moral pa... Read More about ‘Do We Look like Boy Racers?’ The Role of the Folk Devil in Contemporary Moral Panics.

Cellular immortality in brain tumours: an integration of the cancer stem cell paradigm (2009)
Journal Article
Rahman, R., Heath, R., & Grundy, R. (2009). Cellular immortality in brain tumours: an integration of the cancer stem cell paradigm. BBA - Molecular Basis of Disease, 1792(4), 280-288.

Brain tumours are a diverse group of neoplasms that continue to present a formidable challenge in our attempt to achieve curable intervention. Our conceptual framework of human brain cancer has been redrawn in the current decade. There is a gathering... Read More about Cellular immortality in brain tumours: an integration of the cancer stem cell paradigm.

Symmetry Reduction in Twisted Noncommutative Gravity with Applications to Cosmology and Black Holes (2009)
Journal Article
Ohl, T., & Schenkel, A. (2009). Symmetry Reduction in Twisted Noncommutative Gravity with Applications to Cosmology and Black Holes. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2009, Article JHEP01(2009)084.

As a preparation for a mathematically consistent study of the physics of symmetric spacetimes in a noncommutative setting, we study symmetry reductions in deformed gravity. We focus on deformations that are given by a twist of a Lie algebra acting on... Read More about Symmetry Reduction in Twisted Noncommutative Gravity with Applications to Cosmology and Black Holes.

Mode locking in a spatially extended neuron model: Active soma and compartmental tree (2009)
Journal Article
Svensson, C. M., Svensson, C.-M., & Coombes, S. (2009). Mode locking in a spatially extended neuron model: Active soma and compartmental tree. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 19(8), 2597-2607.

Understanding the mode-locked response of excitable systems to periodic forcing has important applications in neuroscience. For example, it is known that spatially extended place cells in the hippocampus are driven by the theta rhythm to generate a c... Read More about Mode locking in a spatially extended neuron model: Active soma and compartmental tree.

Should applicants to Nottingham University Medical School study a non-science A-level?: a cohort study (2009)
Journal Article
Yates, J., Smith, J., James, D., & Ferguson, E. (2009). Should applicants to Nottingham University Medical School study a non-science A-level?: a cohort study. BMC Medical Education, 9, Article 5.

It has been suggested that studying non-science subjects at A-level should be compulsory for medical students. Our admissions criteria specify only Biology, Chemistry and one or more additional subjects. This study aimed to determine whet... Read More about Should applicants to Nottingham University Medical School study a non-science A-level?: a cohort study.

Epidermal Growth Factor Variations in Amniotic Membrane Used for Ex Vivo Tissue Constructs (2009)
Journal Article
Gicquel, J.-J., Dua, H. S., Brodie, A., Mohammed, I., Suleman, H., Lazutina, E., James, D. K., & Hopkinson, A. (2009). Epidermal Growth Factor Variations in Amniotic Membrane Used for Ex Vivo Tissue Constructs. Tissue Engineering Part A, 15(8), 1919-1927.

Introduction: The amniotic membrane (AM) is used for engineering ex vivo tissue constructs used in ocular surface reconstruction. Epidermal growth factor (EGF) content of the AM is believed to play a key role in supporting corneal epithelial cell exp... Read More about Epidermal Growth Factor Variations in Amniotic Membrane Used for Ex Vivo Tissue Constructs.

A low-cost automated focusing system for time-lapse microscopy (2009)
Journal Article
Wright, E. F., Wells, D. M., French, A. P., Howells, C., & Everitt, N. M. (2009). A low-cost automated focusing system for time-lapse microscopy. Measurement Science and Technology, 20(2), Article 027003.

We present a flexible, low-cost system for maintaining image focus during time-lapse and video microscopy, where focus drift over time can be problematic. The system comprises a stepper motor controlled by software which maintains focus in a closed-l... Read More about A low-cost automated focusing system for time-lapse microscopy.