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All Outputs (255)

Some stationary properties of a Q-ball in arbitrary space dimensions (2008)
Journal Article
Tsumagari, M. I., Copeland, E. J., & Saffin, P. M. (2008). Some stationary properties of a Q-ball in arbitrary space dimensions. Physical Review D, 78(6),

Introducing new physically motivated ansaetze, we explore both analytically and numerically the classical and absolute stabilities of a single Q-ball in an arbitrary number of spatial dimensions D, working in both the thin and thick wall limits.

Practising what we preach: worksite wellness intervention for healthcare staff (2008)
Book Chapter
Blake, H. (2008). Practising what we preach: worksite wellness intervention for healthcare staff. In A. B. Turley, & G. C. Hofmann (Eds.), Life style and health research progress (1-4). Nova Science Publishers

With the rising prevalence of preventable disease, caused by our modern lifestyles, population approaches to health promotion are becoming an essential part of healthcare. Nursing is the largest occupational group within the National Health Service a... Read More about Practising what we preach: worksite wellness intervention for healthcare staff.

Transmission of an inhomogeneous state via resonant tunnelling (2008)
Journal Article
Saffin, P. M., Padilla, A., & Copeland, E. J. (2008). Transmission of an inhomogeneous state via resonant tunnelling. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2008(9),

We recently investigated the nature of resonant tunnelling in standard scalar Quantum Field Theory, uncovering the conditions required for resonance. It was shown that whereas the homogeneous false vacuum may decay via bubble nucleation, it may not d... Read More about Transmission of an inhomogeneous state via resonant tunnelling.

A frequency domain approach to roto-translation estimation using gradient cross-correlation (2008)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Tzimiropoulos, G., Argyriou, V., & Stathaki, T. A frequency domain approach to roto-translation estimation using gradient cross-correlation. Presented at British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC 2008)

A novel frequency domain approach to roto-translation estimation is presented. The baseline gradient cross-correlation method is extended to handle rotations. A key feature of the proposed scheme is the ability to achieve good performance in the pres... Read More about A frequency domain approach to roto-translation estimation using gradient cross-correlation.

The Construction of Masculinities and Femininities in the Church of England: The Case of the Male Clergy Spouse (2008)
Journal Article
Page, S.-J. (2008). The Construction of Masculinities and Femininities in the Church of England: The Case of the Male Clergy Spouse. Feminist Theology, 17(1), 31-42.

The ordination of women to the priesthood in the Church of England in 1994 signified great change. The impact of the new priests was well documented, and their integration became the focus of much research in the following years. One important area o... Read More about The Construction of Masculinities and Femininities in the Church of England: The Case of the Male Clergy Spouse.

Workplace intervention to promote stair‐use in an NHS setting (2008)
Journal Article
Blake, H., Lee, S., Stanton, T., & Gorely, T. (2008). Workplace intervention to promote stair‐use in an NHS setting. International Journal of Workplace Health Management, 1(3), 162-175.

Purpose – Increasing physical activity (PA) is an international public health priority.
This study aims to assess the impact of an environmental stair-use intervention using “point of decision” prompts with varying messages in an NHS workplace in th... Read More about Workplace intervention to promote stair‐use in an NHS setting.

Tracking sub-page components in document workflows (2008)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Ollis, J. A., Bagley, S. R., & Brailsford, D. F. Tracking sub-page components in document workflows. Presented at ACM Symposium on Document Engineering (DocEng 2008)

Documents go through numerous transformations and intermediate formats as they are processed from abstract markup into final printable form. This notion of a document workflow is well established but it is common to find that ideas about document com... Read More about Tracking sub-page components in document workflows.

Developing novel anthelmintics from plant cysteine proteinases (2008)
Journal Article
Behnke, J. M., Buttle, D. J., Stepek, G., Lowe, A., & Duce, I. (2008). Developing novel anthelmintics from plant cysteine proteinases. Parasites and Vectors, 1(29),

Intestinal helminth infections of livestock and humans are predominantly controlled by treatment with three classes of synthetic drugs, but some livestock nematodes have now developed resistance to all three classes and there are signs that human hoo... Read More about Developing novel anthelmintics from plant cysteine proteinases.

An Immune Inspired Approach to Anomaly Detection (2008)
Book Chapter
Twycross, J., & Aickelin, U. (2009). An Immune Inspired Approach to Anomaly Detection. In J. N. Gupta, & S. Sharma (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Information Assurance and Security (109-121). IDEAS Publishing

The immune system provides a rich metaphor for computer security: anomaly detection that works in nature should work for machines. However, early artificial immune system approaches for computer security had only limited success. Arguably, this was d... Read More about An Immune Inspired Approach to Anomaly Detection.

Aspirin and extended-release dipyridamole versus clopidogrel for recurrent stroke (2008)
Journal Article
Sacco, R. L., Diener, H.-C., Yusuf, S., Cotton, D., Ounpuu, S., Lawton, W. A., Palesch, Y., Martin, R. H., Albers, G. W., Bath, P. M., Bornstein, N., Chan, B. P., Chen, S.-T., Cunha, L., Dahlöf, B., De Keyser, J., Donnan, G. A., Estol, C., Gorelick, P., Gu, V., …Yoon, B.-W. (2008). Aspirin and extended-release dipyridamole versus clopidogrel for recurrent stroke. New England Journal of Medicine, 359(12), 1238-1251.

Background: Recurrent stroke is a frequent, disabling event after ischemic stroke. This study compared the efficacy and safety of two antiplatelet regimens — aspirin plus extended release dipyridamole (ASA–ERDP) versus clopidogrel.
Methods: In this... Read More about Aspirin and extended-release dipyridamole versus clopidogrel for recurrent stroke.

Roots/Routes (2008)
Journal Article
Swanson, D. M. (2008). Roots/Routes. Qualitative Inquiry, 15(1), 49-78.

This narrative and poetic rendering acts as an articulation of a journey of many routes. It is a storying of critical research issues and events as performances of lived experience. It is a métissage of hybrid, but interrelated, themes that find cohe... Read More about Roots/Routes.

Deletion polymorphism upstream of IRGM associated with altered IRGM expression and Crohn's disease (2008)
Journal Article
McCarroll, S. A., Huett, A., Kuballa, P., Chilewski, S. D., Landry, A., Goyette, P., Zody, M. C., Hall, J. L., Brant, S. R., Cho, J. H., Duerr, R. H., Silverberg, M. S., Taylor, K. D., Rioux, J. D., Altshuler, D., Daly, M. J., & Xavier, R. J. (2008). Deletion polymorphism upstream of IRGM associated with altered IRGM expression and Crohn's disease. Nature Genetics, 40(9), 1107-1112.

Following recent success in genome-wide association studies, a critical focus of human genetics is to understand how genetic variation at implicated loci influences cellular and disease processes. Crohn's disease (CD) is associated with SNPs around I... Read More about Deletion polymorphism upstream of IRGM associated with altered IRGM expression and Crohn's disease.

Associations between elevated atmospheric temperature and human mortality: A critical review of the literature (2008)
Journal Article
Gosling, S. N., Lowe, J. A., McGregor, G. R., Pelling, M., & Malamud, B. D. (2009). Associations between elevated atmospheric temperature and human mortality: A critical review of the literature. Climatic Change, 92(3-4), 299-341.

The effects of the anomalously warm European summer of 2003 highlighted the importance of understanding the relationship between elevated atmospheric temperature and human mortality. This review is an extension of the brief evidence examining this re... Read More about Associations between elevated atmospheric temperature and human mortality: A critical review of the literature.

Oxidative stability of sunflower oil bodies (2008)
Journal Article
Fisk, I. D., White, D. A., Lad, M., & Gray, D. A. (2008). Oxidative stability of sunflower oil bodies. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 110(10), 962-968.

This study investigates the oxidative stability of sunflower oil body suspensions (10 wt-% lipid). Two washed suspensions of oil bodies were evaluated over 8 days at three temperatures (5, 25 and 45 °C) against three comparable sunflower oil emulsion... Read More about Oxidative stability of sunflower oil bodies.

The PRH/Hex repressor protein causes nuclear retention of Groucho/TLE co-repressors (2008)
Journal Article
Desjobert, C., Noy, P., Swingler, T., Williams, H., Gaston, K., & Jayaraman, P.-S. (2009). The PRH/Hex repressor protein causes nuclear retention of Groucho/TLE co-repressors. BBA - Biomembranes, 417(1), 121-132.

The PRH (proline-rich homeodomain) [also known as Hex (haematopoietically expressed homeobox)] protein is a transcription factor that functions as an important regulator of vertebrate development and many other processes in the adult including haemat... Read More about The PRH/Hex repressor protein causes nuclear retention of Groucho/TLE co-repressors.

General practitioners' views on reattribution for patients with medically unexplained symptoms: a questionnaire and qualitative study (2008)
Journal Article
Dowrick, C., Gask, L., Hughes, J. G., Charles-Jones, H., Hogg, J. A., Peters, S., Salmon, P., Rogers, A. R., & Morriss, R. K. (2008). General practitioners' views on reattribution for patients with medically unexplained symptoms: a questionnaire and qualitative study. BMC Family Practice, 9(46),


The successful introduction of new methods for managing medically unexplained symptoms in primary care is dependent to a large degree on the attitudes, experiences and expectations of practitioners. As part of an exploratory randomised... Read More about General practitioners' views on reattribution for patients with medically unexplained symptoms: a questionnaire and qualitative study.