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Numerical study on ballast disturbance and maintenance performance of tamping and stone-blowing (2025)
Journal Article
Chen, C., Li, P.-Y., McDowell, G., Zhang, L., & Rao, W.-J. (2025). Numerical study on ballast disturbance and maintenance performance of tamping and stone-blowing. Construction and Building Materials, 460, Article 139837.

Ballasted trackbeds are prone to settlement and degradation under long-term train loads, effective and timely maintenance is crucial for extending the lifespan of trackbeds and ensuring the safety of railway operations. Ballast maintenance, such as t... Read More about Numerical study on ballast disturbance and maintenance performance of tamping and stone-blowing.

Giant Elasto-Optic Response of Gallium Selenide on Flexible Mica (2025)
Journal Article
Barker, T., Gray, A., Weir, M., Sharp, J., Kenton, A., Kudrynskyi, Z., Rostami, H., & Patané, A. (2025). Giant Elasto-Optic Response of Gallium Selenide on Flexible Mica. npj Flexible Electronics, 9, Article 2.

Understanding the bending behaviour of a crystal onto a flexible platform is crucial for flexible electronics. The Young’s modulus, a measure of how easily a material deforms, plays a critical role in the coupled deformation of a crystal on a flexibl... Read More about Giant Elasto-Optic Response of Gallium Selenide on Flexible Mica.

A reduced-order model for advection-dominated problems based on the Radon Cumulative Distribution Transform (2025)
Journal Article
Long, T., Barnett, R., Jefferson-Loveday, R., Stabile, G., & Icardi, M. (2025). A reduced-order model for advection-dominated problems based on the Radon Cumulative Distribution Transform. Advances in Computational Mathematics, 51(1),

Problems with dominant advection, discontinuities, travelling features, or shape variations are widespread in computational mechanics. However, classical linear model reduction and interpolation methods typically fail to reproduce even relatively sma... Read More about A reduced-order model for advection-dominated problems based on the Radon Cumulative Distribution Transform.

Euclid preparation: LV. Exploring the properties of proto-clusters in the Simulated Euclid Wide Survey (2025)
Journal Article
Euclid Collaboration, Böhringer, H., Chon, G., Cucciati, O., Dannerbauer, H., Bolzonella, M., De Lucia, G., Cappi, A., Moscardini, L., Giocoli, C., Castignani, G., Hatch, N. A., Andreon, S., Bañados, E., Ettori, S., Fontanot, F., Gully, H., Hirschmann, M., Maturi, M., Mei, S., …Verza, G. (2025). Euclid preparation: LV. Exploring the properties of proto-clusters in the Simulated Euclid Wide Survey. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 693, Article A59.

Galaxy proto-clusters are receiving increased interest since most of the processes shaping the structure of clusters of galaxies and their galaxy population happen at the early stages of their formation. The Euclid Survey will provide a unique opport... Read More about Euclid preparation: LV. Exploring the properties of proto-clusters in the Simulated Euclid Wide Survey.

Interfacial water confers transcription factors with dinucleotide specificity (2025)
Journal Article
Morgunova, E., Nagy, G., Yin, Y., Zhu, F., Nayak, S. P., Xiao, T., Sokolov, I., Popov, A., Laughton, C., Grubmuller, H., & Taipale, J. (2025). Interfacial water confers transcription factors with dinucleotide specificity. Nature Structural and Molecular Biology,

Transcription factors (TFs) recognize specific bases within their DNA-binding motifs, with each base contributing nearly independently to total binding energy. However, the energetic contributions of particular dinucleotides can deviate strongly from... Read More about Interfacial water confers transcription factors with dinucleotide specificity.

Performance improvement of an automotive thermoelectric generator by introducing a novel split fin structure (2025)
Journal Article
Luo, D., Yang, S., Zhang, H., Cao, J., Yan, Y., & Chen, H. (2025). Performance improvement of an automotive thermoelectric generator by introducing a novel split fin structure. Applied Energy, 382, Article 125218.

In this research, a novel split fin structure is proposed to enhance the performance of automotive thermoelectric generators (ATEGs). The traditional plate fin is segmented into two identical secondary fins from the middle, improving the thermal cont... Read More about Performance improvement of an automotive thermoelectric generator by introducing a novel split fin structure.

Characterising the Thematic Content of Image Pixels with Topologically Structured Clustering (2025)
Journal Article
Foody, G. M. (2025). Characterising the Thematic Content of Image Pixels with Topologically Structured Clustering. Remote Sensing, 17(1), Article 130.

The location of a pixel in feature space is a function of its thematic composition. The latter is central to an image classification analysis, notably as an input (e.g., training data for a supervised classifier) and/or an output (e.g., predicted cla... Read More about Characterising the Thematic Content of Image Pixels with Topologically Structured Clustering.

Time Below Range and Its Influence on Hypoglycemia Awareness and Severe Hypoglycemia: Insights From the Association of British Clinical Diabetologists Study (2025)
Journal Article
Deshmukh, H., Wilmot, E. G., Choudhary, P., Ssemmondo, E., Barnes, D., Walker, N., Walton, C., Ryder, R. E., & Sathyapalan, T. (2025). Time Below Range and Its Influence on Hypoglycemia Awareness and Severe Hypoglycemia: Insights From the Association of British Clinical Diabetologists Study. Diabetes Care, Article dc241833.

This study aimed to explore the relationship between time below range (TBR), impaired awareness of hypoglycemia (IAH), and severe hypoglycemia (SH).

This cross-sectional study analyzed data from individuals... Read More about Time Below Range and Its Influence on Hypoglycemia Awareness and Severe Hypoglycemia: Insights From the Association of British Clinical Diabetologists Study.

Molecular xenomonitoring of Schistosoma mansoni infections in Biomphalaria choanomphala at Lake Victoria, East Africa: Assessing roles of abiotic and biotic factors (2025)
Journal Article
Andrus, P. S., Standley, C. J., Stothard, J. R., & Wade, C. M. (2025). Molecular xenomonitoring of Schistosoma mansoni infections in Biomphalaria choanomphala at Lake Victoria, East Africa: Assessing roles of abiotic and biotic factors. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 19(1), Article e0012771.

Lake Victoria is a well-known hot spot for intestinal schistosomiasis, caused by infection with the trematode Schistosoma mansoni. The snail intermediate hosts of this parasite are Biomphalaria snails, with Biomphalaria choanomphala being the predomi... Read More about Molecular xenomonitoring of Schistosoma mansoni infections in Biomphalaria choanomphala at Lake Victoria, East Africa: Assessing roles of abiotic and biotic factors.

A little less conversation, a little more action: Schools and the prevention of violent extremism through reasoned engagement (2025)
Journal Article
Stevens, D. (2025). A little less conversation, a little more action: Schools and the prevention of violent extremism through reasoned engagement. Theory and Research in Education,

Many liberal democratic countries have enacted policy programmes aimed at preventing support for violent extremism. In countries such as the United Kingdom, part of this responsibility falls upon state-maintained schools. Teachers are charged with –... Read More about A little less conversation, a little more action: Schools and the prevention of violent extremism through reasoned engagement.

Comparative genomics of Aspergillus nidulans and section Nidulantes (2025)
Journal Article
Theobald, S., Vesth, T., Nybo, J. L., Frisvad, J. C., Kjærbølling, I., Mondo, S., LaButti, K., Haridas, S., Riley, R., Kuo, A. A., Salamov, A. A., Pangilinan, J., Lipzen, A., Koriabine, M., Yan, M., Barry, K., Clum, A., Lyhne, E. K., Drula, E., Wiebenga, A., …Andersen, M. R. (2025). Comparative genomics of Aspergillus nidulans and section Nidulantes. Current Research in Microbial Sciences, 8, Article 100342.

Aspergillus nidulans is an important model organism for eukaryotic biology and the reference for the section Nidulantes in comparative studies. In this study, we de novo sequenced the genomes of 25 species of this section. Whole-genome phylogeny of 3... Read More about Comparative genomics of Aspergillus nidulans and section Nidulantes.

To Go and Look for Law (2025)
Journal Article
Auerbach, S. (in press). To Go and Look for Law. History Workshop Journal,

Focusing on the crown colonies acquired by Britain during the Napoleonic Wars, this article examines the integration of state oversight with colonial labor discipline during the final decades of slavery. The structural foundations post-emancipation... Read More about To Go and Look for Law.

Passive Monitoring of Parkinson Tremor in Daily Life: A Prototypical Network Approach (2025)
Journal Article
Evers, L. J., Raykov, Y. P., Heskes, T. M., Krijthe, J. H., Bloem, B. R., & Little, M. A. (2025). Passive Monitoring of Parkinson Tremor in Daily Life: A Prototypical Network Approach. Sensors, 25(2), Article 366.

Objective and continuous monitoring of Parkinson’s disease (PD) tremor in free-living conditions could benefit both individual patient care and clinical trials, by overcoming the snapshot nature of clinical assessments. To enable robust detection of... Read More about Passive Monitoring of Parkinson Tremor in Daily Life: A Prototypical Network Approach.

Data Checking of Asymmetric Catalysis Literature Using a Graph Neural Network Approach (2025)
Journal Article
Aguilar-Bejarano, E., Deorukhkar, V., & Woodward, S. (2025). Data Checking of Asymmetric Catalysis Literature Using a Graph Neural Network Approach. Molecules, 30(2), Article 355.

The range of chemical databases available has dramatically increased in recent years, but the reliability and quality of their data are often negatively affected by human-error fidelity. The size of chemical databases can make manual data curation/ch... Read More about Data Checking of Asymmetric Catalysis Literature Using a Graph Neural Network Approach.

Remote Monitoring of the Impact of Oil Spills on Vegetation in the Niger Delta, Nigeria (2025)
Journal Article
Kuta, A. A., Grebby, S., & Boyd, D. S. (2025). Remote Monitoring of the Impact of Oil Spills on Vegetation in the Niger Delta, Nigeria. Applied Sciences, 15(1), Article 338.

The widespread oil extraction in the Niger Delta and the impacts on different types of vegetation are poorly understood due to lack of ground access. This study aims to determine the impact of oil spills on vegetation in the Niger Delta using a Lands... Read More about Remote Monitoring of the Impact of Oil Spills on Vegetation in the Niger Delta, Nigeria.

Brain Connectome Graphs based Machine Learning for Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease (2024)
Journal Article
Chen, K., Weng, Y., Dening, T., Hosseini, A. A., & Zuo, G. (2024). Brain Connectome Graphs based Machine Learning for Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease. Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association, 20(S1), Article e090237.


Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by progressive cognitive decline and memory loss. Early and accurate diagnosis of AD is crucial for patient information, advance planning, and potentially effective... Read More about Brain Connectome Graphs based Machine Learning for Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease.

Personal recovery after mental illness from a cultural perspective: A scoping review (2024)
Journal Article
Panadevo, J., Kotera, Y., Køcks, N. R., Kring, L. D., & Møller, S. B. (2024). Personal recovery after mental illness from a cultural perspective: A scoping review. International Journal of Social Psychiatry,

Although personal recovery has become a well-known concept in most Western countries, it remains under-recognised in non-Western countries.

This scoping review aimed to investigate how culture impacts the conceptualisation of p... Read More about Personal recovery after mental illness from a cultural perspective: A scoping review.

Collagenase injection versus limited fasciectomy surgery to treat Dupuytren's contracture in adult patients in the UK: DISC, a non-inferiority RCT and economic evaluation (2024)
Journal Article
Dias, J., Tharmanathan, P., Arundel, C., Welch, C., Wu, Q., Leighton, P., Armaou, M., Corbacho, B., Johnson, N., James, S., Cooke, J., Bainbridge, C., Craigen, M., Warwick, D., Brady, S., Flett, L., Jones, J., Knowlson, C., Watson, M., Keding, A., …Torgerson, D. (2024). Collagenase injection versus limited fasciectomy surgery to treat Dupuytren's contracture in adult patients in the UK: DISC, a non-inferiority RCT and economic evaluation. Health Technology Assessment, 28(78), 1-262.

Background: Dupuytren's contracture is caused by nodules and cords which pull the fingers towards the palm of the hand. Treatments include limited fasciectomy surgery, collagenase injection and needle fasciotomy. There is limited evidence comparing l... Read More about Collagenase injection versus limited fasciectomy surgery to treat Dupuytren's contracture in adult patients in the UK: DISC, a non-inferiority RCT and economic evaluation.

Intervening conditions of the implementation of an Advanced Access Model: an implementation research (2024)
Journal Article
Fracolli, L. A., Oliveira, L. G. F., Anjos, T. S. D., Timmons, S., Nichiata, L. Y. I., Gryschek, A. L. D. F. P. L., & Pinto, A. R. (2024). Intervening conditions of the implementation of an Advanced Access Model: an implementation research. The Revista Gaúcha de Enfermagem, 45(spe1), Article e20240066.

Objective: To identify the conditions that interfere with the implementation of the Advanced Access model in primary health care. Method: This is an implementation research that used the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR). The... Read More about Intervening conditions of the implementation of an Advanced Access Model: an implementation research.

Novelty mismatch as a determinant of latent inhibition. (2024)
Journal Article
Haselgrove, M., Lagator, S., Mah, S. L., & Gray, E. K. (2024). Novelty mismatch as a determinant of latent inhibition. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Learning and Cognition, 51(1), 13-34.

Latent inhibition refers to the observation, made in both human and non-human animals, that learning about the relationship between a stimulus and an outcome progresses more rapidly when the stimulus is novel compared to when the stimulus has been re... Read More about Novelty mismatch as a determinant of latent inhibition..