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Configuring an open pipeline fulfilment system - a simulation study in an automotive context (2008)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Brabazon, P. G., Woodcock, A., & MacCarthy, B. L. Configuring an open pipeline fulfilment system - a simulation study in an automotive context. Presented at International Mass Customization Meeting

Automotive producers are adopting multi-modal fulfillment models in which customers can be fulfilled by products from stock, by allocating as yet unmade products that are in the planning pipeline, or by building a product to order. This study explore... Read More about Configuring an open pipeline fulfilment system - a simulation study in an automotive context.

Structure in parasite component communities in wild rodents: predictability, stability, associations and interactions or pure randomness? (2008)
Journal Article
Behnke, J. (2008). Structure in parasite component communities in wild rodents: predictability, stability, associations and interactions or pure randomness?. Parasitology, 135(7),

Experimental data establish that interactions exist between species of intestinal helminths during concurrent infections in rodents, the strongest effects being mediated through the host’s immune responses. Detecting immune-mediated relationships in... Read More about Structure in parasite component communities in wild rodents: predictability, stability, associations and interactions or pure randomness?.

The papillomavirus E2 DNA binding domain (2008)
Journal Article
de Prat-Gay, G., Gaston, K., & Cicero, D. O. (2008). The papillomavirus E2 DNA binding domain. Frontiers in Bioscience, 13, 6006-6021.

The DNA binding domain of the E2 master regulator from papillomaviruses is the primary effector for most the essential activities controlled by this protein. In this review we focus on the properties of the DNA binding domain of human papillomavirus... Read More about The papillomavirus E2 DNA binding domain.

Balancing food risks and food benefits: the coverage of probiotics in the UK national press (2008)
Journal Article
Nerlich, B., & Koteyko, N. (2008). Balancing food risks and food benefits: the coverage of probiotics in the UK national press. Sociological Research Online, 13(3),

The 1980s and 1990s were marked by a series of food crises, environmental disasters and the emergence of so-called 'superbugs'. At the same time, social scientists, such as Ulrich Beck, began to study the rise of a modern 'risk society'. The late 199... Read More about Balancing food risks and food benefits: the coverage of probiotics in the UK national press.

Resistance to FLT3 inhibition in an in vitro model of primary AML cells with a stem cell phenotype in a defined microenvironment (2008)
Journal Article
(2008). Resistance to FLT3 inhibition in an in vitro model of primary AML cells with a stem cell phenotype in a defined microenvironment. Leukemia, 22, 1395-1401.

Relapse in acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) is mediated by survival of leukaemic stem cells following remission-induction chemotherapy. It would therefore be useful to identify therapeutic agents that target leukaemic stem cells. We devised a flow cytom... Read More about Resistance to FLT3 inhibition in an in vitro model of primary AML cells with a stem cell phenotype in a defined microenvironment.

Molecular and functional mapping of regional differences in P2Y receptor expression in the rat lens (2008)
Journal Article
Hu, R. G., Suzuki-Kerr, H., Webb, K. F., Rhodes, J. D., Collison, D. J., Duncan, G., & Donaldson, P. J. (2008). Molecular and functional mapping of regional differences in P2Y receptor expression in the rat lens. Experimental Eye Research, 87(2), 137-146.

Extracellular ATP has been shown to mobilize intracellular Ca2+ in cultured ovine lens epithelial cells and in human lens epithelium, suggesting a role for purines in the modulation of lens transparency. In this study, we characterized the expression... Read More about Molecular and functional mapping of regional differences in P2Y receptor expression in the rat lens.

Neither Hide Nor Hair: The Difficulty of Identifying Useful Disease Biomarkers (2008)
Journal Article
Huett, A., & Xavier, R. J. (2008). Neither Hide Nor Hair: The Difficulty of Identifying Useful Disease Biomarkers. Gastroenterology, 134(7), 2164-2168.

Robert Koch was the first to propose a series of definitive tests to determine the agents of infectious disease. Koch's postulates, first published in 1890, were subsequently updated for the molecular era in 1988 by Stanley Falkow1 and continue to fo... Read More about Neither Hide Nor Hair: The Difficulty of Identifying Useful Disease Biomarkers.

Targeting of polyamidoamine-DNA nanoparticles using the Staudinger ligation: Attachment of an RGD motif either before or after complexation (2008)
Journal Article
Parkhouse, S. M., Garnett, M. C., & Chan, W. C. (2008). Targeting of polyamidoamine-DNA nanoparticles using the Staudinger ligation: Attachment of an RGD motif either before or after complexation. Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 16(13), 6641-6650.

Two new methods for the modular synthesis of targeted gene delivery systems are reported. The PEGylated polyamidoamine DMEDA-PEG-DMEDA-(MBA-DMEDA)n+1-PEG-DMEDA 3 was sequentially modified to contain an integrin-binding peptide ligand via the Stauding... Read More about Targeting of polyamidoamine-DNA nanoparticles using the Staudinger ligation: Attachment of an RGD motif either before or after complexation.

Guidelines for management of ischaemic stroke and transient ischaemic attack 2008 (2008)
Journal Article
Ringleb, P. A., Bousser, M.-G., Ford, G., Bath, P. M., Brainin, M., Caso, V., Cervara, Á., Chamorro, A., & Walker, M. F. (2008). Guidelines for management of ischaemic stroke and transient ischaemic attack 2008. Cerebrovascular Diseases, 25(5),

This article represents the update of the European Stroke Initiative Recommendations for Stroke Management. These guidelines cover both ischaemic stroke and transient ischaemic attacks, which are now considered to be a single entity. The article cove... Read More about Guidelines for management of ischaemic stroke and transient ischaemic attack 2008.

Fingering Instabilities in Dewetting Nanofluids (2008)
Journal Article
Pauliac-Vaujour, E., Stannard, A., Martin, C., Blunt, M., Notingher, I., Moriarty, P., Vancea, I., & Thiele, U. (2008). Fingering Instabilities in Dewetting Nanofluids. Physical Review Letters, 100,

The growth of fingering patterns in dewetting nanofluids (colloidal solutions of thiol-passivated gold nanoparticles) has been followed in real time using contrast-enhanced video microscopy. The fingering instability on which we focus here arises fro... Read More about Fingering Instabilities in Dewetting Nanofluids.

Differentiation-dependent changes in the membrane properties of fiber cells isolated from the rat lens (2008)
Journal Article
Webb, K. F., & Donaldson, P. J. (2008). Differentiation-dependent changes in the membrane properties of fiber cells isolated from the rat lens. American Journal of Physiology - Cell Physiology, 294(5), C1133-C1145.

Impedance measurements in whole lenses showed that lens fiber cells possess different permeability properties to the epithelial cells from which they differentiate. To confirm these observations at the cellular level, we analyzed the membrane propert... Read More about Differentiation-dependent changes in the membrane properties of fiber cells isolated from the rat lens.

Calculation of sample size for stroke trials assessing functional outcome: comparison of binary and ordinal approaches (2008)
Journal Article
The Optimising Analysis of Stroke Trials Collaboration, O. (2008). Calculation of sample size for stroke trials assessing functional outcome: comparison of binary and ordinal approaches. International Journal of Stroke, 3(2),

Background Many acute stroke trials have given neutral
results. Sub-optimal statistical analyses may be failing to
detect efficacy. Methods which take account of the ordinal
nature of functional outcome data are more efficient. We
compare sample... Read More about Calculation of sample size for stroke trials assessing functional outcome: comparison of binary and ordinal approaches.

On Randomness and the Genetic Behavior of Cellular Automata (2008)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Toutounji, H., & Aljundi, A. C. (2008, April). On Randomness and the Genetic Behavior of Cellular Automata. Presented at Communication Technologies: from Theory to Applications (ICTTA), Damascus, Syria

We investigate a new approach in utilizing a given classification to cellular automata to search for a particular behavior cellular automaton with a genetic algorithm. This investigation leads to the formation of two new concepts. The first is creati... Read More about On Randomness and the Genetic Behavior of Cellular Automata.

Exercise intervention in acquired brain injury rehabilitation: a discussion (2008)
Journal Article
Blake, H., & Batson, M. (2008). Exercise intervention in acquired brain injury rehabilitation: a discussion. International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, 15(4), 180-185.

Physical activity is essential for health and well-being. The importance of an active lifestyle is increasingly being recognized in rehabilitation for its benefits to quality of life and the prevention and management of secondary disease resulting fr... Read More about Exercise intervention in acquired brain injury rehabilitation: a discussion.

Multi-Agent Simulation and Management Practices (2008)
Book Chapter
Siebers, P.-O., Aickelin, U., Celia, H., & Clegg, C. (2008). Multi-Agent Simulation and Management Practices. In Encyclopedia of Decision Making and Decision Support Technologies. IGI Global

Intelligent agents offer a new and exciting way of understanding the world of work. Agent-Based Simulation (ABS), one way of using intelligent agents, carries great potential for progressing our understanding of management practices and how they link... Read More about Multi-Agent Simulation and Management Practices.

Reconstructing hydrological variability in Lake Baikal during MIS 11: An application of oxygen isotope analysis of diatom silica (2008)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Mackay, A. W., Karabanov, E., Leng, M. J., Sloane, H. J., Morley, D. W., Panizzo, V. N., Khursevich, G., & Williams, D. (2007, April). Reconstructing hydrological variability in Lake Baikal during MIS 11: An application of oxygen isotope analysis of diatom silica. Presented at Isotopes in Biogenic Silica (IBiS), Nottingham, UK

In this paper we reconstruct hydrological variability in Lake Baikal during Marine Isotope Stage 11 (MIS 11) (427-362 ka BP) from oxygen isotope analysis of diatom silica. Highest δ18Odiatom values are found during MIS 11.3, highlighting the dominanc... Read More about Reconstructing hydrological variability in Lake Baikal during MIS 11: An application of oxygen isotope analysis of diatom silica.