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Relationship between hyperacute blood pressure and outcome after ischemic stroke: data from the VISTA Collaboration (2009)
Journal Article
Sare, G. M., Ali, M., Shuaib, A., & Bath, P. M. (2009). Relationship between hyperacute blood pressure and outcome after ischemic stroke: data from the VISTA Collaboration. Stroke, 40(6),

Background and Purpose—High blood pressure (BP) is associated independently with poor outcome after acute ischemic stroke, although in most analyses “baseline” BP was measured 24 hours or more postictus, and not during the hyperacute period.
Methods... Read More about Relationship between hyperacute blood pressure and outcome after ischemic stroke: data from the VISTA Collaboration.

Direct tactile stimulation of dorsal occipito-temporal cortex in a visual agnosic (2009)
Journal Article
Allen, H. A., & Humphreys, G. W. (2009). Direct tactile stimulation of dorsal occipito-temporal cortex in a visual agnosic. Current Biology, 19(12),

The human occipito-temporal cortex is preferentially activated by images of objects as opposed to scrambled images [1]. Touching objects (versus textures) also activates this region [2–10]. We used neuropsychological fMRI to probe whether dorsal regi... Read More about Direct tactile stimulation of dorsal occipito-temporal cortex in a visual agnosic.

Knockdown of alpha myosin heavy chain disrupts the cytoskeleton and leads to multiple defects during chick cardiogenesis (2009)
Journal Article
Rutland, C., Warner, L., Thorpe, A., Alibhai, A., Robinson, T., Shaw, B., Layfield, R., Brook, D. J., & Loughna, S. (2009). Knockdown of alpha myosin heavy chain disrupts the cytoskeleton and leads to multiple defects during chick cardiogenesis. Journal of Anatomy, 214(6), 905-915.

Atrial septal defects are a common congenital heart defect in humans. Although mutations in different genes are now frequently being described, little is known about the processes and mechanisms behind the early stages of atrial septal development. B... Read More about Knockdown of alpha myosin heavy chain disrupts the cytoskeleton and leads to multiple defects during chick cardiogenesis.

The dynamics of professions and development of new roles in public services organizations: the case of modern matrons in the English NHS (2009)
Journal Article
Currie, G., Koteyko, N., & Nerlich, B. (2009). The dynamics of professions and development of new roles in public services organizations: the case of modern matrons in the English NHS. Public Administration, 87(2),

This study contributes to research examining how professional autonomy and hierarchy impacts upon the implementation of policy designed to improve the quality of public services delivery through the introduction of new managerial roles. It is based o... Read More about The dynamics of professions and development of new roles in public services organizations: the case of modern matrons in the English NHS.

“Be patient, dear mother … wait for me”: the neo-infirmity film, female illness and contemporary cinema (2009)
Journal Article
Gallagher, M. (2009). “Be patient, dear mother … wait for me”: the neo-infirmity film, female illness and contemporary cinema. Feminist Media Studies, 9(2),

In social reality, illness and death occur in myriad ways, yet Hollywood films have historically preferred spectacular, violent death over realist depictions of the terminal stages of life. Yet an ever-growing number of popular films, which I term ne... Read More about “Be patient, dear mother … wait for me”: the neo-infirmity film, female illness and contemporary cinema.

Speeding stroke recovery? A systematic review of amphetamine after stroke (2009)
Journal Article
Sprigg, N., & Bath, P. M. (2009). Speeding stroke recovery? A systematic review of amphetamine after stroke. Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 285(1-2), 3-9.

Introduction: The use of drugs to enhance recovery (“rehabilitation pharmacology”) has been assessed. Amphetamine can improve outcome in experimental models of stroke, and several small clinical trials have assessed its use in stroke.
Methods: Elec... Read More about Speeding stroke recovery? A systematic review of amphetamine after stroke.

Dynamically Polarizable Water Potential Based on Multipole Moments Trained by Machine Learning (2009)
Journal Article
Handley, C. M., & Popelier, P. L. A. (2009). Dynamically Polarizable Water Potential Based on Multipole Moments Trained by Machine Learning. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 5(6), 1474-1489.

It is widely accepted that correctly accounting for polarization within simulations involving water is critical if the structural, dynamic, and thermodynamic properties of such systems are to be accurately reproduced. We propose a novel potential for... Read More about Dynamically Polarizable Water Potential Based on Multipole Moments Trained by Machine Learning.

Musical modernity and contested commemoration at the festival of remembrance, 1923-1927 (2009)
Journal Article
Mansell, J. G. (2009). Musical modernity and contested commemoration at the festival of remembrance, 1923-1927. Historical Journal, 52(2), 433-454.

This article makes the case for incorporating music into the history of war commemoration in 1920s Britain by examining John Foulds's A World Requiem , performed at the British Legion's first Festivals of Remembrance at the Royal Albert Hall between... Read More about Musical modernity and contested commemoration at the festival of remembrance, 1923-1927.

Chemically Labeled Nucleotides and Oligonucleotides Encode DNA for Sensing with Nanopores (2009)
Journal Article
Borsenberger, V., Mitchell, N. J., & Howorka, S. (2009). Chemically Labeled Nucleotides and Oligonucleotides Encode DNA for Sensing with Nanopores. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 131(22), 7530-7531.

The labeling of nucleotides and oligonucleotides with reporter groups is an important tool in the sequence-specific sensing of DNA, as exemplified by fluorescence tags. Here we show that chemical tags can encode sequence information for electrical na... Read More about Chemically Labeled Nucleotides and Oligonucleotides Encode DNA for Sensing with Nanopores.

Laminin receptor initiates bacterial contact with the blood brain barrier in experimental meningitis models (2009)
Journal Article
Orihuela, C. J., Mahdavi, J., Thornton, J., Mann, B., Wooldridge, K. G., Abouseada, N., Oldfield, N. J., Self, T., Ala'Aldeen, D. A., & Tuomanen, E. I. (2009). Laminin receptor initiates bacterial contact with the blood brain barrier in experimental meningitis models. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 119(6), 1638-1646.

A diverse array of infectious agents, including prions and certain neurotropic viruses, bind to the laminin receptor (LR), and this determines tropism to the CNS. Bacterial meningitis in childhood is almost exclusively caused by the respiratory tract... Read More about Laminin receptor initiates bacterial contact with the blood brain barrier in experimental meningitis models.

Antioxidants attenuate hyperglycaemia-mediated brain endothelial cell dysfunction and blood–brain barrier hyperpermeability (2009)
Journal Article
Allen, C., & Bayraktutan, U. (2009). Antioxidants attenuate hyperglycaemia-mediated brain endothelial cell dysfunction and blood–brain barrier hyperpermeability. Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism, 11(5),

Aims: Hyperglycaemia (HG), in stroke patients, is associated with worse neurological outcome by compromising endothelial cell function and the blood–brain barrier (BBB) integrity. We have studied the contribution of HG-mediated
generation of oxidati... Read More about Antioxidants attenuate hyperglycaemia-mediated brain endothelial cell dysfunction and blood–brain barrier hyperpermeability.

Evaluation of antioxidant activity and vitamin E profile of some selected indigenous vegetables in Nigerian diet (2009)
Journal Article
Ogunlade, I., Tucker, G., Fisk, I., & Ogunlade, A. (2009). Evaluation of antioxidant activity and vitamin E profile of some selected indigenous vegetables in Nigerian diet. Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment, 7(2), 143-145.

Freeze-dried leaves of some selected vegetables (Cnidoscolus aconitifolius, Talinum fruticosum and Solanum macrocarpon) were examined for antioxidant activity and analysed for vitamin E profile, using Ferric-ion Reducing Antioxidant Power (FRAP) assa... Read More about Evaluation of antioxidant activity and vitamin E profile of some selected indigenous vegetables in Nigerian diet.

Photo-heating and the fate of hard photons during the reionisation of HeII by quasars (2009)
Journal Article
S. Bolton, J., Peng Oh, S., & R. Furlanetto, S. (2009). Photo-heating and the fate of hard photons during the reionisation of HeII by quasars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 395(2), 736–752.

We use a combination of analytic and numerical arguments to consider the impact of quasar photo-heating during HeII reionisation on the thermal evolution of the intergalactic medium (IGM). We demonstrate that rapid (\Delta z< 0.1-0.2), strong (\Delta... Read More about Photo-heating and the fate of hard photons during the reionisation of HeII by quasars.

Innervation of gonadotropin-releasing hormone neurons by peptidergic neurons conveying circadian or energy balance information in the mouse (2009)
Journal Article
Ward, D. R., Dear, F. M., Ward, I. A., Anderson, S. I., Spergel, D. J., Smith, P. A., & Ebling, F. J. (2009). Innervation of gonadotropin-releasing hormone neurons by peptidergic neurons conveying circadian or energy balance information in the mouse. PLoS ONE, 4(4), Article e5322.

Background: Secretion of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) produced in neurons in the basal forebrain is the primary regulator of reproductive maturation and function in mammals. Peptidergic signals relating to circadian timing and energy balance... Read More about Innervation of gonadotropin-releasing hormone neurons by peptidergic neurons conveying circadian or energy balance information in the mouse.