Graeme Currie
The dynamics of professions and development of new roles in public services organizations: the case of modern matrons in the English NHS
Currie, Graeme; Koteyko, Nelya; Nerlich, Brigitte
Nelya Koteyko
Brigitte Nerlich
This study contributes to research examining how professional autonomy and hierarchy impacts upon the implementation of policy designed to improve the quality of public services delivery through the introduction of new managerial roles. It is based on an empirical examination of a new role for nurses – modern matrons – who are expected by policy-makers to drive organizational change aimed at tackling health care acquired infections (HCAI) in the National Health Service (NHS) within England. First, we show that the changing role of nurses associated with their ongoing professionalization limits the influence of modern matrons over their own ranks in tackling HCAI. Second, the influence of modern matrons over doctors is limited. Third, government policy itself appears inconsistent in its support for the role of modern matrons. The attempts of modern matrons to tackle HCAI appear more effective where infection control activity is situated in professional practice and where modern matrons integrate aspirations for improved infection control within mainstream audit mechanisms in a health care organization.
Currie, G., Koteyko, N., & Nerlich, B. (2009). The dynamics of professions and development of new roles in public services organizations: the case of modern matrons in the English NHS. Public Administration, 87(2),
Journal Article Type | Article |
Publication Date | May 22, 2009 |
Deposit Date | Oct 14, 2010 |
Publicly Available Date | Oct 14, 2010 |
Journal | Public Administration |
Print ISSN | 0033-3298 |
Electronic ISSN | 1467-9299 |
Publisher | Wiley |
Peer Reviewed | Not Peer Reviewed |
Volume | 87 |
Issue | 2 |
DOI | |
Public URL | |
Publisher URL | |
Additional Information | This is the pre-peer reviewed version of the following article: Currie, G., Koteyko, N. & Nerlich, B., The dynamics of professions and development of new roles in public services organizations: the case of modern matrons in the English NHS, Public Administration, 87(2), 2009, 295-311, which has been published in final form at: |
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