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All Outputs (49)

'There never was a time when so great a drama was being played out in one generation': John Stuart Mill and the French Revolution of 1848 (2019)
Journal Article
McCabe, H. (2019). 'There never was a time when so great a drama was being played out in one generation': John Stuart Mill and the French Revolution of 1848. Revue d'Etudes Proudhoniennes, 5, 119-162

The events of 1848 in France had a profound effect on John Stuart Mill, marking both an important change, and emphasising an important continuity, in his radical political thought. Mill had always had a strong interest in French politics, and a long-... Read More about 'There never was a time when so great a drama was being played out in one generation': John Stuart Mill and the French Revolution of 1848.

Soft Power Determinants in the World and Implications for China: A Quantitative Test of Joseph Nye's Theory on Three Soft Power Resources and of the Positive Peace Agreement (2019)
Journal Article
Lai, H. (2019). Soft Power Determinants in the World and Implications for China: A Quantitative Test of Joseph Nye's Theory on Three Soft Power Resources and of the Positive Peace Agreement. Copenhagen Journal of Asian Studies, 37(1), 8-35.

Statistical tests are conducted on two explanations of soft power. One is Joseph Nye's argument that political values, foreign policy, and cultural appeals shape soft power, and the other is the positive peace argument which suggests the significant... Read More about Soft Power Determinants in the World and Implications for China: A Quantitative Test of Joseph Nye's Theory on Three Soft Power Resources and of the Positive Peace Agreement.

Electoral Shocks: The Volatile Voter in a Turbulent World (2019)
Fieldhouse, E., Green, J., Evans, G., Mellon, J., Prosser, C., Schmitt, H., & van der Eijk, C. (2019). Electoral Shocks: The Volatile Voter in a Turbulent World. Oxford University Press.

'Electoral Shocks' offers a novel perspective on British elections, focusing on the role of electoral shocks in the context of increasing electoral volatility. It demonstrates and explains the long-term trend in volatility, how shocks have contribute... Read More about Electoral Shocks: The Volatile Voter in a Turbulent World.

Oiling the bureaucracy? political spending, bureaucrats and the resource curse (2019)
Journal Article
Harris, A. S., Sigman, R., Meyer-Sahling, J.-H., Mikkelsen, K. S., & Schuster, C. (2020). Oiling the bureaucracy? political spending, bureaucrats and the resource curse. World Development, 127, Article 104745.

What role do bureaucrats play in the development of the resource curse in countries that have recently discovered oil? Much of the resource curse literature argues that political leaders spend natural resource revenue in ways that entrench their poli... Read More about Oiling the bureaucracy? political spending, bureaucrats and the resource curse.

Interpreting toxic masculinity in political parties: A framework for analysis (2019)
Journal Article
Daddow, O., & Hertner, I. (2019). Interpreting toxic masculinity in political parties: A framework for analysis. Party Politics,

The term ‘toxic masculinity’ was coined in the 1990s by sociologists and psychologists. It has since been appropriated by scholars and commentators interested in gendered behaviours and outcomes in politics. However, despite the attention belatedly b... Read More about Interpreting toxic masculinity in political parties: A framework for analysis.

Divided Allies: Strategic Cooperation against the Communist Threat in the Asia-Pacific during the Early Cold War (2019)
Gill, D., & Robb, T. (2019). Divided Allies: Strategic Cooperation against the Communist Threat in the Asia-Pacific during the Early Cold War. Cornell University Press

By directly challenging existing accounts of post-World War II relations among the United States of America, the United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand, Divided Allies is a significant contribution to transnational and diplomatic history. At its... Read More about Divided Allies: Strategic Cooperation against the Communist Threat in the Asia-Pacific during the Early Cold War.

Understanding Pipeline Politics in Eurasia: Turkey’s Transit Security in Natural Gas (2019)
Journal Article
Öge, K. (2021). Understanding Pipeline Politics in Eurasia: Turkey’s Transit Security in Natural Gas. Geopolitics, 26(5), 1510-1532.

As the importance of natural gas for the energy future of the European Union rises, many new pipeline projects are proposed to transfer rich resources of Eurasia towards Europe. Why do some of these projects succeed, and others fail? To explain this... Read More about Understanding Pipeline Politics in Eurasia: Turkey’s Transit Security in Natural Gas.

Globalization and Modern Slavery (2019)
Journal Article
Landman, T., & Silverman, B. W. (2019). Globalization and Modern Slavery. Politics and Governance, 7(4), 275-290.

This article presents a cross-national comparative analysis of the relationship between different dimensions of globalization and modern slavery. It argues that both the economic and political dimensions of globalization are strongly associated with... Read More about Globalization and Modern Slavery.

Alasdair MacIntyre, utopianism and the politics of social institutions (2019)
Journal Article
Burns, T. (2019). Alasdair MacIntyre, utopianism and the politics of social institutions. International Critical Thought, 9(3), 447-462.

In what follows I shall consider what Alasdair MacIntyre has to say about utopianism, from the standpoint of someone who has an interest in the kind of politics that takes place within social institutions. The discussion has two parts. In the first p... Read More about Alasdair MacIntyre, utopianism and the politics of social institutions.

The Struggle for Democracy in Mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong. Sharp Power and its Discontents (2019)
Fulda, A. (2019). The Struggle for Democracy in Mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong. Sharp Power and its Discontents. Routledge

The key question at the heart of this book is to what extent political activists in mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong have made progress in their quest to liberalise and democratise their respective polities. Taking a long historical perspective,... Read More about The Struggle for Democracy in Mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong. Sharp Power and its Discontents.

Harriet Taylor (2019)
Book Chapter
McCabe, H. (2019). Harriet Taylor. In Palgrave Encyclopedia of Victorian Women's Writing. Springer

Resurgent Remain and a Rebooted Revolt on the Right: Exploring the 2019 European Parliament Elections in the United Kingdom (2019)
Journal Article
Cutts, D., Goodwin, M., Heath, O., Holloway, R., & Milazzo, C. (2019). Resurgent Remain and a Rebooted Revolt on the Right: Exploring the 2019 European Parliament Elections in the United Kingdom. Political Quarterly, 90(3), 496-514.

The 2019 European Parliament (EP) election took place against the backdrop of the vote for Brexit and the failure of parliament to agree on a withdrawal agreement. Nigel Farage's new Brexit Party topped the poll and the pro-Remain Liberal Democrats,... Read More about Resurgent Remain and a Rebooted Revolt on the Right: Exploring the 2019 European Parliament Elections in the United Kingdom.

Mill’s ‘Modern’ Radicalism Re-Examined: Joseph Persky’s The Political Economy of Progress (2019)
Journal Article
McCabe, H. (2020). Mill’s ‘Modern’ Radicalism Re-Examined: Joseph Persky’s The Political Economy of Progress. Utilitas, 32(2), 147-164.

In The Political Economy of Progress, Joseph Persky argues for seeing J.S. Mill as a consistent ‘radical’ with much to offer modern ‘radical’ political discourse. In this article, I further this claim with consideration of Mill's political philosophy... Read More about Mill’s ‘Modern’ Radicalism Re-Examined: Joseph Persky’s The Political Economy of Progress.

China’s Football Dream: Sport, Citizenship, Symbolic Power, and Civic Spaces (2019)
Journal Article
Sullivan, J., Chadwick, S., & Gow, M. (2019). China’s Football Dream: Sport, Citizenship, Symbolic Power, and Civic Spaces. Journal of Sport and Social Issues, 43(6), 493-514.

This article examines the mobilization of football in relation to Chinese state-building projects. Pierre Bourdieu’s concept of “symbolic power” is applied to frame policy analysis of China’s 2016-2050 National Football Plan and narrative analysis of... Read More about China’s Football Dream: Sport, Citizenship, Symbolic Power, and Civic Spaces.

Techniques of covert propaganda: the British approach in the mid-1960s (2019)
Journal Article
Cormac, R. (2019). Techniques of covert propaganda: the British approach in the mid-1960s. Intelligence and National Security, 34(7), 1064-1069.

In early 2019, the British government declassified a tranche of Information Research Department files. Among them is a candid and concise overview of British thinking about covert propaganda, complete with a list of examples of British forgery operat... Read More about Techniques of covert propaganda: the British approach in the mid-1960s.

Lenin on library organisation in socialist society (2019)
Journal Article
Pateman, J. (2019). Lenin on library organisation in socialist society. Library and Information History, 35(2), 98-109.

Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, founder of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and leader of the first Socialist State in the world, devoted great attention from the very first days of the soviet power to the education of the people, to organising the wor... Read More about Lenin on library organisation in socialist society.

How Do Inclusionary and Exclusionary Autocracies Affect Ordinary People? (2019)
Journal Article
Neundorf, A., Gerschewski, J., & Olar, R.-G. (2020). How Do Inclusionary and Exclusionary Autocracies Affect Ordinary People?. Comparative Political Studies, 53(12), 1890-1925.

We propose a distinction between inclusionary and exclusionary autocratic ruling strategies and develop novel theoretical propositions on the legacy that these strategies leave on citizens' political attitudes once the autocratic regime broke down. U... Read More about How Do Inclusionary and Exclusionary Autocracies Affect Ordinary People?.

Testing the “China Model” of Meritocratic Promotions: Do Democracies Reward Less Competent Ministers Than Autocracies? (2019)
Journal Article
Lee, D. S., & Schuler, P. J. (2020). Testing the “China Model” of Meritocratic Promotions: Do Democracies Reward Less Competent Ministers Than Autocracies?. Comparative Political Studies, 53(3-4), 531-566.

Proponents of the "China Model" suggest that autocracies, particularly in East Asia, reward competence more than democracies. However, a competing literature argues that autocracies are less likely to reward competence because autocrats fear that com... Read More about Testing the “China Model” of Meritocratic Promotions: Do Democracies Reward Less Competent Ministers Than Autocracies?.