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All Outputs (102)

Sliding wear analysis of cobalt based alloys in nuclear reactor conditions (2017)
Journal Article
McCarron, R., Stewart, D., Shipway, P., & Dini, D. (2017). Sliding wear analysis of cobalt based alloys in nuclear reactor conditions. Wear, 376-377(B),

The study of the wear behaviour of cobalt based alloys in nuclear reactor environmental conditions is the focus of this work. The alloys are used in components within reactors due to their excellent wear and corrosion resistance and their high hardne... Read More about Sliding wear analysis of cobalt based alloys in nuclear reactor conditions.

What do we know about rail suicide incidents?: analysis of 257 fatalities on the rail network in Great Britain (2017)
Journal Article
Ryan, B. (2017). What do we know about rail suicide incidents?: analysis of 257 fatalities on the rail network in Great Britain. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 231(10), 1150-1173.

There are over two hundred and fifty suicides on the railway in Great Britain (GB) each year. Descriptive statistics are compiled, producing national and international data. The industry know how many and, to a limited extent, where these fatalities... Read More about What do we know about rail suicide incidents?: analysis of 257 fatalities on the rail network in Great Britain.

Modelling fracture of aged graphite bricks under radiation and temperature (2017)
Journal Article
Hashim, A., Kyaw, S., & Sun, W. (2017). Modelling fracture of aged graphite bricks under radiation and temperature. Nuclear Materials and Energy, 11, 3-11.

The graphite bricks of the UK carbon dioxide gas cooled nuclear reactors are subjected to neutron irradiation and radiolytic oxidation during operation which will affect thermal and mechanical material properties and may lead to structural failure. I... Read More about Modelling fracture of aged graphite bricks under radiation and temperature.

Erosion mechanisms during abrasive waterjet machining: model microstructures and single particle experiments (2017)
Journal Article
Mieszala, M., Lozano Torrubia, P., Axinte, D. A., Schwiedrzik, J., Mischler, S., & Michler, J. (2017). Erosion mechanisms during abrasive waterjet machining: model microstructures and single particle experiments. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 247,

The erosion mechanisms during abrasive waterjet (AWJ) machining have been examined for a variety of materials. However, no systematic study has considered the effect of the microstructure–property relationship on the erosion mechanisms in metals. In... Read More about Erosion mechanisms during abrasive waterjet machining: model microstructures and single particle experiments.

Dynamics of a small gap gas lubricated bearing with Navier slip boundary conditions (2017)
Journal Article
Bailey, N. Y., Hibberd, S., & Power, H. (2017). Dynamics of a small gap gas lubricated bearing with Navier slip boundary conditions. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 818, 68-99.

A gas lubricated bearing model is derived which is appropriate for a very small bearing face separation by including velocity slip boundary conditions and centrifugal inertia effects. The bearing dynamics are examined when an external harmonic force... Read More about Dynamics of a small gap gas lubricated bearing with Navier slip boundary conditions.

Passenger-centric factors influencing the experience of aircraft comfort (2017)
Journal Article
Patel, H., & D'Cruz, M. (2018). Passenger-centric factors influencing the experience of aircraft comfort. Transport Reviews, 38(2), 252-269.

Enhancing passenger comfort in an air cabin environment is uniquely challenging. Air travel offers a restrictive passenger experience in terms of available space and the ability to change one’s position or journey. The first step to designing experie... Read More about Passenger-centric factors influencing the experience of aircraft comfort.

Effects of three-dimensional coating interfaces on thermo-mechanical stresses within plasma spray thermal barrier coatings (2017)
Journal Article
Kyaw, S., Jones, A., Jepson, M. A., Hyde, T., & Thomson, R. C. (2017). Effects of three-dimensional coating interfaces on thermo-mechanical stresses within plasma spray thermal barrier coatings. Materials and Design, 125, 189-204.

It has been acknowledged that stresses within a thermal barrier coating (TBC) and its durability are significantly affected by the coating interfaces. This paper presents a finite element approach for stress analysis of the plasma sprayed TBC system,... Read More about Effects of three-dimensional coating interfaces on thermo-mechanical stresses within plasma spray thermal barrier coatings.

Effect of viscosity ratio on the self-sustained instabilities in planar immiscible jets (2017)
Journal Article
Tammisola, O., Loiseau, J.-C., & Brandt, L. (2017). Effect of viscosity ratio on the self-sustained instabilities in planar immiscible jets. Physical Review Fluids, 2(3), Article 033903.

Previous studies have shown that intermediate magnitude of surface tension has a counterintuitive destabilizing effect on two-phase planar jets. In the present study, the transition process in confined two-dimensional jets of two fluids with varying... Read More about Effect of viscosity ratio on the self-sustained instabilities in planar immiscible jets.

Gas-to-gas heat exchanger design for high performance thermal energy storage (2017)
Journal Article
Cardenas, B., Garvey, S. D., Kantharaj, B., & Simpson, M. (2017). Gas-to-gas heat exchanger design for high performance thermal energy storage. Journal of Energy Storage, 14(2),

The mathematical modelling and optimization of a gas-to-gas heat exchanger with a non-constant cross sectional area is presented. The design of the cross sectional area of the heat exchanger analyzed is based on an hexagonal mesh, which would be high... Read More about Gas-to-gas heat exchanger design for high performance thermal energy storage.

Verification of micro-scale photogrammetry for smooth three-dimensional object measurement (2017)
Journal Article
Sims-Waterhouse, D., Piano, S., & Leach, R. (2017). Verification of micro-scale photogrammetry for smooth three-dimensional object measurement. Measurement Science and Technology, 28(5), Article 055010.

© 2017 IOP Publishing Ltd. By using sub-millimetre laser speckle pattern projection we show that photogrammetry systems are able to measure smooth three-dimensional objects with surface height deviations less than 1 μm. The projection of laser speckl... Read More about Verification of micro-scale photogrammetry for smooth three-dimensional object measurement.

Expert knowledge elicitation to generate human factors guidance for future European rail traffic management system (ERTMS) train driving models (2017)
Journal Article
Naghiyev, A., Sharples, S., Ryan, B., Coplestone, A., & Carey, M. (2017). Expert knowledge elicitation to generate human factors guidance for future European rail traffic management system (ERTMS) train driving models. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 231(10), 1141-1149.

The European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS) will have an impact on the train driving task and train driver behaviour. This paper presents part of the final study of series of studies that have been conducted as part of a three-year research p... Read More about Expert knowledge elicitation to generate human factors guidance for future European rail traffic management system (ERTMS) train driving models.

Evaluation of deformation stability and fracture mechanism in incremental sheet forming (2017)
Journal Article
Ai, S., Lu, B., Chen, J., Long, H., & Ou, H. (2017). Evaluation of deformation stability and fracture mechanism in incremental sheet forming. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 124-125,

Incremental sheet forming (ISF) is a flexible process for rapid manufacturing of complex sheet metal parts. An advantage of ISF is the improved formability than traditional sheet forming processes such as stamping. A number of fundamental studies hav... Read More about Evaluation of deformation stability and fracture mechanism in incremental sheet forming.

"Do animals have accents?": Talking with agents in multi-party conversation (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Porcheron, M., Fischer, J. E., & Sharples, S. (2017, February). "Do animals have accents?": Talking with agents in multi-party conversation. Presented at 20th ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW 2017), Portland, Oregon, USA

In this paper we unpack the use of conversational agents, or so-called intelligent personal assistants (IPAs), in multi- party conversation amongst a group of friends while they are socialising in a café. IPAs such as Siri or Google Now can be found... Read More about "Do animals have accents?": Talking with agents in multi-party conversation.

Stokes–Brinkman formulation for prediction of void formation in dual-scale fibrous reinforcements: a BEM/DR-BEM simulation (2017)
Journal Article
Patiño, I. D., Power, H., Londoño, C. N., & Flόrez, W. F. (in press). Stokes–Brinkman formulation for prediction of void formation in dual-scale fibrous reinforcements: a BEM/DR-BEM simulation. Computational Mechanics,

A numerical study of voids formation in dual-scale fibrous reinforcements is presented. Flow fields in channels (Stokes) and tows (Brinkman) are solved via direct Boundary Element Method and Dual Reciprocity Boundary Element Method, respectively. The... Read More about Stokes–Brinkman formulation for prediction of void formation in dual-scale fibrous reinforcements: a BEM/DR-BEM simulation.

Three-dimensional multiphase flow computational fluid dynamics models for proton exchange membrane fuel cell: a theoretical development (2017)
Journal Article
Kone, J.-P., Zhang, X., Yan, Y., Hu, G., & Ahmadi, G. (in press). Three-dimensional multiphase flow computational fluid dynamics models for proton exchange membrane fuel cell: a theoretical development. Journal of Computational Multiphase Flows, 9(1),

A review of published three-dimensional, computational fluid dynamics models for proton exchange membrane fuel cells that accounts for multiphase flow is presented. The models can be categorized as models for transport phenomena, geometry or operatin... Read More about Three-dimensional multiphase flow computational fluid dynamics models for proton exchange membrane fuel cell: a theoretical development.

A new measuring method for friction factor by using ring with inner boss compression test (2017)
Journal Article
Hu, C., Yin, Q., Zhao, Z., & Ou, H. (2017). A new measuring method for friction factor by using ring with inner boss compression test. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 123,

To overcome the disadvantage of the bulging effect due to non-uniform deformation in dimension measurement of the conventional ring compression test (RCT), a new measuring method for the friction factor called ring compression test with inner boss (R... Read More about A new measuring method for friction factor by using ring with inner boss compression test.

A multi-layer integral model for locally-heated thin film flow (2017)
Journal Article
Kay, E., Hibberd, S., & Power, H. (2017). A multi-layer integral model for locally-heated thin film flow. Journal of Computational Physics, 336, 51-68.

Based on an approach used to model environmental flows such as rivers and estuaries, we develop a new multi-layered model for thin liquid film flow on a locally-heated inclined plane. The film is segmented into layers of equal thickness with the velo... Read More about A multi-layer integral model for locally-heated thin film flow.

Application of ZnO nanoparticles in a self-cleaning coating on a metal panel: an assessment of environmental benefits (2017)
Journal Article
Stieberova, B., Zilka, M., Ticha, M., Freiberg, F., Caramazana-Gonzalez, P., McKechnie, J., & Lester, E. (2017). Application of ZnO nanoparticles in a self-cleaning coating on a metal panel: an assessment of environmental benefits. ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, 5(3), 2493-2500.

This article is focused on assessing environmental benefits of a self-cleaning coating (SCCs) containing nanoparticles (NPs) applied on metal panels. ZnO NPs are incorporated in the coating to enhance the level of hydrophobicity, which enables a dram... Read More about Application of ZnO nanoparticles in a self-cleaning coating on a metal panel: an assessment of environmental benefits.

Microscopy and FTIR investigations of the thermal gelation of methylcellulose in glycols (2017)
Journal Article
Fahad, M., Gilbert, M., & Dickens, P. (2017). Microscopy and FTIR investigations of the thermal gelation of methylcellulose in glycols. Polymer Science Series A / Vysokomolekulyarnye Soedineniya, Ser. A, 59(1), 88-97.

Methylcellulose is a well-known polymer due to its reverse thermal gel formation property in aqueous solutions. Support materials play an important role in the additive manufacturing of three dimensional parts using processes that utilise inkjet tech... Read More about Microscopy and FTIR investigations of the thermal gelation of methylcellulose in glycols.

Combustion flame spray of CoNiCrAlY & YSZ coatings (2017)
Journal Article
Fanicchia, F., Axinte, D., Kell, J., McIntyre, R., Brewster, G., & Norton, A. (in press). Combustion flame spray of CoNiCrAlY & YSZ coatings. Surface and Coatings Technology,

The properties of CoNiCrAlY and ∼7–8%YSZ layers, used as thermal barrier coatings (TBC) to protect hot gas paths of power generation and aerospace gas turbines, that have been deposited through the Combustion Flame Spray (CFS) process, are assessed a... Read More about Combustion flame spray of CoNiCrAlY & YSZ coatings.