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All Outputs (14)

Tinnitus in Children and Adolescents (2024)
Book Chapter
Nemholt, S. S., & Baguley, D. M. (2024). Tinnitus in Children and Adolescents. In W. Schlee, B. Langguth, D. De Ridder, S. Vanneste, T. Kleinjung, & A. R. Møller (Eds.), Textbook of Tinnitus ( 465-482). (Second Edition). Springer.

Childhood tinnitus remains an under-researched topic area, though clinical and research interest in increasing. The literature indicates that childhood experiences of tinnitus are broadly as common as they are in adults and that in some cases it can... Read More about Tinnitus in Children and Adolescents.

Complementary and Alternative Medicine and Tinnitus (2022)
Book Chapter
Crundwell, G., & Baguley, D. M. (2022). Complementary and Alternative Medicine and Tinnitus. In A. K. Deshpande, & J. W. Hall III (Eds.), Tinnitus: Advances in Prevention, Assessment, and Management. Plural Publishing

Sensorineural Hearing Loss (2021)
Book Chapter
Cheung, L., Baguley, D., & McCombe, A. (2021). Sensorineural Hearing Loss. In R. A. England, & E. Shamil (Eds.), Scott-Brown's Essential Otorhinolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery. CRC Press

Tinnitus and its associations with general health, mental health and hearing loss (2021)
Book Chapter
Stegeman, I., Eikelboom, R. H., Smit, A. L., Baguley, D. M., Bucks, R. S., Stokroos, R. J., Bennett, R. J., Tegg-Quinn, S., Hunter, M., & Atlas, M. D. (2021). Tinnitus and its associations with general health, mental health and hearing loss. . Elsevier.

Background: A deeper knowledge of tinnitus is essential in order to better manage and treat tinnitus and its effects. Most studies to date are based on small samples and/or conducted in clinical settings. In this study we assessed the associations be... Read More about Tinnitus and its associations with general health, mental health and hearing loss.

Evidence for biological markers of tinnitus: A systematic review (2021)
Book Chapter
Haider, H. F., Hoare, D. J., Ribeiro, S. F., Ribeiro, D., Caria, H., Trigueiros, N., Borrego, L. M., Szczepek, A. J., Papoila, A. L., Elarbed, A., da Luz Martins, M., Paço, J., & Sereda, M. (2021). Evidence for biological markers of tinnitus: A systematic review. In Tinnitus - An Interdisciplinary Approach Towards Individualized Treatment: Towards understanding the complexity of tinnitus (345-398). Elsevier.

Subjective tinnitus is a phantom sound heard only by the affected person and may be a symptom of various diseases. Tinnitus diagnosis and monitoring is based on subjective audiometric and psychometric methods. This review aimed to synthesize evidence... Read More about Evidence for biological markers of tinnitus: A systematic review.

Tinnitus and Tinnitus Disorder: Theoretical and Operational Definitions (An international multidisciplinary proposal) (2021)
Book Chapter
De Ridder, D., Schlee, W., Vanneste, S., Londero, A., Weisz, N., Kleinjung, T., Singh Shekhawat, G., Belén Elgoyhen, A., Song, J.-J., Andersson, G., Aparecida de Azevedo, A., Baguley, D. M., Biesinger, E., Carolina Binetti, A., Del Bo, L., Cederroth, C. R., Cima, R., Eggermont, J. J., Figueiredo, R., Fuller, T. E., …Langguth, B. (2021). Tinnitus and Tinnitus Disorder: Theoretical and Operational Definitions (An international multidisciplinary proposal). . Elsevier.

As for hypertension, chronic pain, epilepsy and other disorders with particular symptoms, a commonly accepted and unambiguous definition provides a common ground for researchers and clinicians to study and treat the problem. The WHO's ICD11 definitio... Read More about Tinnitus and Tinnitus Disorder: Theoretical and Operational Definitions (An international multidisciplinary proposal).

An exploration of psychological symptom-based phenotyping of adult cochlear implant users with and without tinnitus using a machine learning approach (2020)
Book Chapter
Smith, S., Kitterick, P., Scutt, P., Baguley, D., & Pierzycki, R. (2021). An exploration of psychological symptom-based phenotyping of adult cochlear implant users with and without tinnitus using a machine learning approach. In Tinnitus - An Interdisciplinary Approach Towards Individualized Treatment: From Heterogeneity to Personalized Medicine (283-300). Elsevier.

The identification of phenotypes within populations with troublesome tinnitus is an important step towards individualizing tinnitus treatments to achieve optimal outcomes. However, previous application of clustering algorithms has called into questio... Read More about An exploration of psychological symptom-based phenotyping of adult cochlear implant users with and without tinnitus using a machine learning approach.

Exploring tinnitus heterogeneity (2020)
Book Chapter
Beukes, E. W., Manchaiah, V., Allen, P. M., Andersson, G., & Baguley, D. M. (2021). Exploring tinnitus heterogeneity. In Tinnitus - An Interdisciplinary Approach Towards Individualized Treatment: From Heterogeneity to Personalized Medicine (79-99). Elsevier.

Introduction: Tinnitus experiences differ widely. A greater understanding of the core processes underlying these variations is needed. Moreover, meaningful definitions for different subgroups are required to better manage this heterogeneous populatio... Read More about Exploring tinnitus heterogeneity.

Preparation of Dried Amniotic Membrane for Corneal Repair (2020)
Book Chapter
Hopkinson, A., Britchford, E. R., & Sidney, L. E. (2020). Preparation of Dried Amniotic Membrane for Corneal Repair. In M. Ahearne (Ed.), Corneal Regeneration: Methods and Protocols (143-157). Springer US.

Amniotic membrane transplantation is an established therapeutic and biological adjunct for several clinical situations, including treatment of diabetic foot ulcers and ocular surface disease. However, poorly standardized and validated clinical prepar... Read More about Preparation of Dried Amniotic Membrane for Corneal Repair.

Outcome measures associated with perceived stress (2017)
Book Chapter
Hall, D. A. (2017). Outcome measures associated with perceived stress. In A. Szczepek, & B. Mazurek (Eds.), Tinnitus and stress: an interdisciplinary companion for healthcare professionals (173-200). Springer International Publishing.

We tend to think of situations in life as stressful when they are unpredictable, uncontrollable or overloading. Stress is a very personal experience. Perceived stress is a reflection of how such external stressful events and everyday hassles are ‘fil... Read More about Outcome measures associated with perceived stress.

Functional auditory disorders (2016)
Book Chapter
Baguley, D., Cope, T., & McFerran, D. (2016). Functional auditory disorders. In M. Hallett, J. Stone, & A. Carson (Eds.), Handbook of clinical neurology, Volume 139 (367-378). Elsevier.

There are a number of auditory symptom syndromes that can develop without an organic basis. Some of these, such as nonorganic hearing loss, affect populations similar to those presenting with functional somatosensory and motor symptoms, while others,... Read More about Functional auditory disorders.

Spatial hearing and hearing aids (2016)
Book Chapter
Akeroyd, M. A., & Whitmer, W. M. (2016). Spatial hearing and hearing aids. In G. R. Popelka, B. C. Moore, R. R. Fay, & A. N. Popper (Eds.), Hearing aids. Springer-Verlag.

The questions of whether hearing-impaired listeners are also impaired for the localization of sounds and what benefits hearing aids can provide are important for understanding the wider effects of hearing impairment. We review here 29 studies publis... Read More about Spatial hearing and hearing aids.

Hearing aid validation (2016)
Book Chapter
Whitmer, W. M., Wright-Whyte, K. F., Holman, J. A., & Akeroyd, M. A. (2016). Hearing aid validation. In G. R. Popelka, B. C. Moore, R. R. Fay, & A. N. Popper (Eds.), Hearing aids. Springer Science+Business Media

Validation provides quality assurance that a hearing aid wearer’s needs are being met—that the solution meets not only their technical requirements (i.e., verification) but also their requirements for everyday communication. In the past 50 years, the... Read More about Hearing aid validation.

Assessing the benefits of auditory training to real-world listening: identifying appropriate and sensitive outcomes (2014)
Book Chapter
Henshaw, H., & Ferguson, M. A. (2014). Assessing the benefits of auditory training to real-world listening: identifying appropriate and sensitive outcomes. In T. Dau, & S. Santurette (Eds.), Auditory plasticity - listening with the brain. Danavox Jubilee Foundation

Auditory training is an intervention that aims to improve auditory performance and help alleviate the difficulties associated with hearing loss. To be an effective intervention, any task-specific learning needs to transfer to functional benefits in r... Read More about Assessing the benefits of auditory training to real-world listening: identifying appropriate and sensitive outcomes.