Tinnitus in Children and Adolescents
Book Chapter
Nemholt, S. S., & Baguley, D. M. (2024). Tinnitus in Children and Adolescents. In W. Schlee, B. Langguth, D. De Ridder, S. Vanneste, T. Kleinjung, & A. R. Møller (Eds.), Textbook of Tinnitus ( 465-482). (Second Edition). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-35647-6_39
Childhood tinnitus remains an under-researched topic area, though clinical and research interest in increasing. The literature indicates that childhood experiences of tinnitus are broadly as common as they are in adults and that in some cases it can... Read More about Tinnitus in Children and Adolescents.