Use of rapid reading software to reduce capsule endoscopy reading times while maintaining accuracy
Journal Article
Beg, S., Wronska, E., Araujo, I., González Suárez, B., Ivanova, E., Fedorov, E., Aabakken, L., Seitz, U., Rey, J.-F., Saurin, J.-C., Tari, R., Card, T., & Ragunath, K. (2020). Use of rapid reading software to reduce capsule endoscopy reading times while maintaining accuracy. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, 91(6), 1322-1327.
Backgrounds and aims: A typical capsule endoscopy (CE) case generates tens of thousands of images, with abnormalities often confined to a just few frames. Omni Mode is a novel EndoCapsule software algorithm (Olympus, Tokyo, Japan) that proposes to...
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