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All Outputs (11)

Hafele and Keating on a chip: Sagnac interferometry with a single clock (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Johnson, J., Foxon, B., Atkocius, V., Gentile, F., Jammi, S., Poulios, K., & Fernholz, T. Hafele and Keating on a chip: Sagnac interferometry with a single clock. Presented at Optical, Opto-Atomic, and Entanglement-Enhanced Precision Metrology II, San Francisco, United States

We describe our progress in the development of an atom based rotation sensor, which employs state-dependent trapping potentials to transport ultracold atoms along a closed path and perform Sagnac interferometry. Whilst guided atom interferometers are... Read More about Hafele and Keating on a chip: Sagnac interferometry with a single clock.

Controlling the dynamical scale factor in a trapped atom Sagnac interferometer (2020)
Journal Article
Zhou, Y., Lesanovsky, I., Fernholz, T., & Li, W. (2020). Controlling the dynamical scale factor in a trapped atom Sagnac interferometer. Physical Review A, 101(1), Article 012517.

Sagnac interferometers with massive particles promise unique advantages in achieving high-precision measurements of rotation rates over their optical counterparts. Recent proposals and experiments are exploring nonballistic Sagnac interferometers whe... Read More about Controlling the dynamical scale factor in a trapped atom Sagnac interferometer.

Microwave spectroscopy of radio-frequency dressed 87Rb (2019)
Journal Article
A. Sinuco-Leon, G., M. Garraway, B., Mas, H., Pandey, S., Vasilakis, G., Bolpasi, V., von Klitzing, W., Foxon, B., Jammi, S., Poulios, K., & Fernholz, T. (2019). Microwave spectroscopy of radio-frequency dressed 87Rb. Physical Review A, 100(5),

We study the hyperfine spectrum of atoms of $^{87}$Rb dressed by a radio-frequency field, and present experimental results in three different situations: freely falling atoms, atoms trapped in an optical dipole trap and atoms in an adiabatic radio-fr... Read More about Microwave spectroscopy of radio-frequency dressed 87Rb.

Ring-shaped atom-trap lattices using multipole dressing fields (2019)
Journal Article
Gentile, F., Johnson, J., Poulios, K., & Fernholz, T. Ring-shaped atom-trap lattices using multipole dressing fields. Manuscript submitted for publication

We present a method for the creation of closed-loop lattices for ultra-cold atoms using dressed potentials. We analytically describe the generation of trap lattices that are state-dependent, with dynamically controlled lattice depths and positioning.... Read More about Ring-shaped atom-trap lattices using multipole dressing fields.

Voigt-effect-based three-dimensional vector magnetometer (2019)
Journal Article
Pyragius, T., Marin Florez, H., & Fernholz, T. (2019). Voigt-effect-based three-dimensional vector magnetometer. Physical Review A, 100(2), Article 023416.

We describe a method to dispersively detect all three vector components of an external magnetic field using alkali atoms based on the Voigt effect. Our method relies on measuring the linear birefringence of the radio frequency dressed atomic medium v... Read More about Voigt-effect-based three-dimensional vector magnetometer.

Dispersive detection of radio-frequency-dressed states (2018)
Journal Article
Jammi, S., Pyragius, T., Bason, M. G., Florez, H. M., & Fernholz, T. (2018). Dispersive detection of radio-frequency-dressed states. Physical Review A, 97(4), Article 043416.

We introduce a method to dispersively detect alkali atoms in radio-frequency dressed states. In particular, we use dressed detection to measure populations and population differences of atoms prepared in their clock states. Linear birefringence of th... Read More about Dispersive detection of radio-frequency-dressed states.

Matter-wave interferometers using TAAP rings (2016)
Journal Article
Navez, P., Pandey, S., Mas, H., Poulios, K., Fernholz, T., & von Klitzing, W. (in press). Matter-wave interferometers using TAAP rings. New Journal of Physics, 18,

We present two novel matter-wave Sagnac interferometers based on ring-shaped time-averaged adiabatic potentials (TAAP). For both the atoms are put into a superposition of two different spin states and manipulated independently using elliptically pola... Read More about Matter-wave interferometers using TAAP rings.

The UK National Quantum Technologies Hub in sensors and metrology (Keynote Paper) (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Bongs, K., Boyer, V., Cruise, M., Freise, A., Holynski, M., Hughes, J., Kaushik, A., Lien, Y.-H., Niggebaum, A., Perea-Ortiz, M., Petrov, P., Plant, S., Singh, Y., Stabrawa, A., Paul, D., Sorel, M., Cumming, D., Marsh, J., Bowtell, R. W., Bason, M., …John, P. (2016, April). The UK National Quantum Technologies Hub in sensors and metrology (Keynote Paper). Presented at SPIE Photonics Europe, 2016, Brussels, Belgium

The UK National Quantum Technology Hub in Sensors and Metrology is one of four flagship initiatives in the UK National of Quantum Technology Program. As part of a 20-year vision it translates laboratory demonstrations to deployable practical devices,... Read More about The UK National Quantum Technologies Hub in sensors and metrology (Keynote Paper).

Towards rotation sensing with a single atomic clock (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Fernholz, T., Stevenson, R., Hush, M. R., Lesanovsky, I., Bishop, T., Gentile, F., Jammi, S., Pyragius, T., Bason, M. G., Mas, H., Pandey, S., Vasilakis, G., Poulios, K., & von Klitzing, W. Towards rotation sensing with a single atomic clock. Presented at SPIE Photonics Europe, Brussels, Belgium

We discuss a scheme to implement a gyroscopic atom sensor with magnetically trapped ultra-cold atoms. Unlike standard light or matter wave Sagnac interferometers no free wave propagation is used. Interferometer operation is controlled only with stati... Read More about Towards rotation sensing with a single atomic clock.

Sagnac Interferometry with a Single Atomic Clock (2015)
Journal Article
Stevenson, R., Hush, M. R., Bishop, T., Lesanovsky, I., & Fernholz, T. (2015). Sagnac Interferometry with a Single Atomic Clock. Physical Review Letters, 115(16), Article 163001.

© 2015 American Physical Society. © 2015 American Physical Society. The Sagnac effect enables interferometric measurements of rotation with high precision. Using matter waves instead of light promises resolution enhancement by orders of magnitude tha... Read More about Sagnac Interferometry with a Single Atomic Clock.

iSense: a technology platform for cold atom based quantum technologies (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Bongs, K., Malcolm, J., Ramelloo, C., Zhu, L., Boyer, V., Valenzuela, T., Maclean, J., Piccardo-Selg, A., Mellor, C., Fernholz, T., Fromhold, M., Krüger, P., Hellmig, O., Grote, A., Dörscher, S., Duncker, H., Windpassinger, P., Sengstock, K., Becker, C., Pelle, B., …Wicht, A. iSense: a technology platform for cold atom based quantum technologies. Presented at Quantum Information and Measurement 2014

A breakthrough in cold atom quantum technology is hindered by a bottleneck in the supporting technologies. We discuss a cold atom technology platform developed within the European iSense project, aiming at a gravimeter as demonstrator.