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iSense: a technology platform for cold atom based quantum technologies

Bongs, Kai; Malcolm, Jon; Ramelloo, Clemens; Zhu, Lingxiao; Boyer, Vincent; Valenzuela, Tristan; Maclean, Jessica; Piccardo-Selg, Anton; Mellor, Chris; Fernholz, Thomas; Fromhold, Mark; Kr�ger, Peter; Hellmig, Ortwin; Grote, Alexander; D�rscher, Soren; Duncker, Hannes; Windpassinger, Patrick; Sengstock, Klaus; Becker, Christoph; Pelle, Bruno; Hilico, Ad�le; Zhou, Minkang; Angonin, Marie-Christine; Wolf, Peter; Dos Santos, Franck Pereira; Bertoldi, FranceAndrea; Bouyer, Philippe; Mazzoni, Tommaso; Poli, Nicola; Sorrentino, Fiodor; Tarallo, Marco; Tino, Guglielmo; Stellmer, Simon; Schreck, Florian; Popp, Manuel; Herr, Waldemar; Wendrich, Thijs; Ertmer, Wolfgang; Rasel, Ernst; K�rbis, Christian; Peters, Achim; Wicht, Andreas

iSense: a technology platform for cold atom based quantum technologies Thumbnail


Kai Bongs

Jon Malcolm

Clemens Ramelloo

Lingxiao Zhu

Vincent Boyer

Tristan Valenzuela

Jessica Maclean

Anton Piccardo-Selg

Chris Mellor

Peter Kr�ger

Ortwin Hellmig

Alexander Grote

Soren D�rscher

Hannes Duncker

Patrick Windpassinger

Klaus Sengstock

Christoph Becker

Bruno Pelle

Ad�le Hilico

Minkang Zhou

Marie-Christine Angonin

Peter Wolf

Franck Pereira Dos Santos

FranceAndrea Bertoldi

Philippe Bouyer

Tommaso Mazzoni

Nicola Poli

Fiodor Sorrentino

Marco Tarallo

Guglielmo Tino

Simon Stellmer

Florian Schreck

Manuel Popp

Waldemar Herr

Thijs Wendrich

Wolfgang Ertmer

Ernst Rasel

Christian K�rbis

Achim Peters

Andreas Wicht


A breakthrough in cold atom quantum technology is hindered by a bottleneck in the supporting technologies. We discuss a cold atom technology platform developed within the European iSense project, aiming at a gravimeter as demonstrator.


Bongs, K., Malcolm, J., Ramelloo, C., Zhu, L., Boyer, V., Valenzuela, T., Maclean, J., Piccardo-Selg, A., Mellor, C., Fernholz, T., Fromhold, M., Krüger, P., Hellmig, O., Grote, A., Dörscher, S., Duncker, H., Windpassinger, P., Sengstock, K., Becker, C., Pelle, B., …Wicht, A. iSense: a technology platform for cold atom based quantum technologies. Presented at Quantum Information and Measurement 2014

Conference Name Quantum Information and Measurement 2014
End Date Mar 20, 2014
Acceptance Date Jan 23, 2014
Publication Date Mar 18, 2014
Deposit Date Aug 9, 2017
Publicly Available Date Aug 9, 2017
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Book Title Research in Optical Sciences
Public URL
Publisher URL
Additional Information Paper QTu3B.1 :: doi:10.1364/QIM.2014.QTu3B.1 :: ISBN 978-1-55752-995-4
Contract Date Aug 9, 2017


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