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All Outputs (28)

Analysing reduced tillage practices within a bio-economic modelling framework (2016)
Journal Article
Townsend, T. J., Ramsden, S. J., & Wilson, P. (2016). Analysing reduced tillage practices within a bio-economic modelling framework. Agricultural Systems, 146, 91-102.

Sustainable Intensification of agricultural production systems will require changes in farm practice. Within arable cropping systems, reducing the intensity of tillage practices (e.g. reduced tillage) potentially offers one such sustainable intensifi... Read More about Analysing reduced tillage practices within a bio-economic modelling framework.

How do we cultivate in England? Tillage practices in crop production systems (2015)
Journal Article
Townsend, T. J., Ramsden, S. J., & Wilson, P. (2016). How do we cultivate in England? Tillage practices in crop production systems. Soil Use and Management, 32(1),

Reducing tillage intensity offers the possibility of moving towards sustainable intensification objectives. Reduced tillage (RT) practices, where the plough is not used, can provide a number of environmental and financial benefits, particularly for s... Read More about How do we cultivate in England? Tillage practices in crop production systems.

Red and processed meat consumption and purchasing behaviours and attitudes: impacts for human health, animal welfare and environmental sustainability (2015)
Journal Article
Clonan, A., Wilson, P., Swift, J. A., Leibovici, D., & Holdsworth, M. (in press). Red and processed meat consumption and purchasing behaviours and attitudes: impacts for human health, animal welfare and environmental sustainability. Public Health Nutrition, 19(13),

Objective: Higher intakes of red and processed meat are associated with poorer health outcomes and negative environmental impacts. Drawing upon a population survey the present paper investigates meat consumption behaviours, exploring perceived impact... Read More about Red and processed meat consumption and purchasing behaviours and attitudes: impacts for human health, animal welfare and environmental sustainability.

Optimal combinable and dedicated energy crop scenarios for marginal land (2015)
Journal Article
Glithero, N., Wilson, P., & Ramsden, S. J. (in press). Optimal combinable and dedicated energy crop scenarios for marginal land. Applied Energy, 147,

Modern biomass energy sources account for less than 2% of primary world energy supplies while major economies have enabled legislation that aims to increase bioenergy production. In response to controversies over first generation biofuel, it has been... Read More about Optimal combinable and dedicated energy crop scenarios for marginal land.

Farmer characteristics associated with improved and high farm business performance (2014)
Journal Article
Wilson, P. (2014). Farmer characteristics associated with improved and high farm business performance.

Common Agricultural Policy reform, coupled with increasing market and climatic volatility will necessitate a competitive, resilient and environmentally sustainable UK agricultural industry reliant upon successful farm business management. Drawing upo... Read More about Farmer characteristics associated with improved and high farm business performance.

Farm-level actions towards water pollution control: the role of nutrient guidance systems (2014)
Journal Article
Wilson, P. (2015). Farm-level actions towards water pollution control: the role of nutrient guidance systems. Water and Environment Journal, 29(1),

Enhanced agricultural pollution control will be required to ensure compliance with the 2015 European Union (EU) Water Framework Directive. Drawing upon data from an on-farm survey with 1370 farmers and growers across England, combined with production... Read More about Farm-level actions towards water pollution control: the role of nutrient guidance systems.

A comparison of the economic value for enteric methane emissions with other biological traits associated with dairy cows
Journal Article
Bell, M. J., Pryce, J., & Wilson, P. (in press). A comparison of the economic value for enteric methane emissions with other biological traits associated with dairy cows.

This is the first study to derive the economic value of enteric methane produced by a ruminant animal. There is considerable interest globally in selecting for low methane-emitting ruminant livestock, as methane is a potent greenhouse gas. However, b... Read More about A comparison of the economic value for enteric methane emissions with other biological traits associated with dairy cows.