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Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor and Physiotherapy after Stroke: Results of a Feasibility Randomised Controlled Trial: Stem Cell Trial of Recovery EnhanceMent after Stroke-3 (STEMS-3 ISRCTN16714730) (2016)
Journal Article
Sprigg, N., O’Connor, R., Woodhouse, L. J., Krishnan, K., England, T. J., Connell, L. A., Walker, M. F., & Bath, P. M. (2016). Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor and Physiotherapy after Stroke: Results of a Feasibility Randomised Controlled Trial: Stem Cell Trial of Recovery EnhanceMent after Stroke-3 (STEMS-3 ISRCTN16714730). PLoS ONE, 11(9), Article e0161359.

Granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) mobilises endogenous haematopoietic stem cells and enhances recovery in experimental stroke. Recovery may also be dependent on an enriched environment and physical activity. G-CSF may have the... Read More about Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor and Physiotherapy after Stroke: Results of a Feasibility Randomised Controlled Trial: Stem Cell Trial of Recovery EnhanceMent after Stroke-3 (STEMS-3 ISRCTN16714730).

METACOHORTS for the study of vascular disease and its contribution to cognitive decline and neurodegeneration: an initiative of the Joint Programme for Neurodegenerative Disease Research (2016)
Journal Article
Dichgans, M., Wardlaw, J., Smith, E., Zietemann, V., Seshadri, S., Sachdev, P., Biessels, G. J., Fazekas, F., Benavente, O., Pantoni, L., De Leeuw, F.-E., Norrving, B., Matthews, P., Chen, C., Mok, V., Düring, M., Whiteley, W., Shuler, K., Alonso, A., Black, S. E., …Yang, Y.-H. (in press). METACOHORTS for the study of vascular disease and its contribution to cognitive decline and neurodegeneration: an initiative of the Joint Programme for Neurodegenerative Disease Research. Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association,

Dementia is a global problem and major target for health care providers. Although up to 45% of cases are primarily or partly due to cerebrovascular disease, little is known of these mechanisms or treatments because most dementia research still focuse... Read More about METACOHORTS for the study of vascular disease and its contribution to cognitive decline and neurodegeneration: an initiative of the Joint Programme for Neurodegenerative Disease Research.

The Insulin Resistance Intervention after Stroke trial: a perspective on future practice and research (2016)
Journal Article
Bath, P. M., Appleton, J. P., & Sprigg, N. (in press). The Insulin Resistance Intervention after Stroke trial: a perspective on future practice and research. International Journal of Stroke,

The prevention of recurrent events after ischaemic stroke and transient ischaemic attack is well established and based on lifestyle changes, antithrombotics, statins, antihypertensives and carotid surgery. The international IRIS trial assessed whethe... Read More about The Insulin Resistance Intervention after Stroke trial: a perspective on future practice and research.

Blood pressure management in acute stroke (2016)
Journal Article
Appleton, J. P., Sprigg, N., & Bath, P. M. (in press). Blood pressure management in acute stroke. Stroke and Vascular Neurology, 1(2),

Blood pressure (BP) is elevated in 75% or more of patients with acute stroke and is associated with poor outcomes. Whether to modulate BP in acute stroke has long been debated. With the loss of normal cerebral autoregulation, theoretical concerns are... Read More about Blood pressure management in acute stroke.

Intravenous tranexamic acid for hyperacute primary intracerebral hemorrhage: protocol for a randomized, placebo-controlled trial (2016)
Journal Article
Sprigg, N., Robson, K., Bath, P. M., Dineen, R. A., Roberts, I., Robinson, T., Roffe, C., Werring, D., Al-Shahi Salman, R., Pocock, S. J., Duley, L., England, T. J., Whynes, D., Ciccone, A., Laska, A. C., Christensen, H., Ozturk, S., Collins, R., Bereczki, D., Egea-Guerrero, J. J., …Beredzie, M. (2016). Intravenous tranexamic acid for hyperacute primary intracerebral hemorrhage: protocol for a randomized, placebo-controlled trial. International Journal of Stroke, 11(6),

Rationale: Outcome after intracerebral hemorrhage remains poor. Tranexamic acid is easy to administer, readily available, inexpensive, and effective in other hemorrhagic conditions.

Aim: This randomized trial aims to test the hypothesis that intra... Read More about Intravenous tranexamic acid for hyperacute primary intracerebral hemorrhage: protocol for a randomized, placebo-controlled trial.

Can illness beliefs, from the common-sense model, prospectively predict adherence to self-management behaviours?: a systematic review and meta-analysis (2016)
Journal Article
Aujla, N., Walker, M., Sprigg, N., Abrams, K., Massey, A., & Vedhara, K. (in press). Can illness beliefs, from the common-sense model, prospectively predict adherence to self-management behaviours?: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Psychology and Health, 2016,

Objective: To determine whether people’s beliefs about their illness, conceptualised by the common sense model (CSM), can prospectively predict adherence to self-management behaviours (including, attendance, medication, diet and exercise) in adults w... Read More about Can illness beliefs, from the common-sense model, prospectively predict adherence to self-management behaviours?: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

Continuing versus Stopping Prestroke Antihypertensive Therapy in Acute Intracerebral Hemorrhage: A Subgroup Analysis of the Efficacy of Nitric Oxide in Stroke Trial (2016)
Journal Article
Krishnan, K., Scutt, P., Woodhouse, L., Bath, P. M., Adami, A., Becker, J. L., Cala, L. A., Casado, A. M., Chen, C., Dineen, R. A., Gommans, J., Koumellis, P., Christensen, H., Collins, R., Czlonkowska, A., Lees, K. R., Ntaios, G., Ozturk, S., Phillips, S. J., Sprigg, N., …Bath, P. M. (2016). Continuing versus Stopping Prestroke Antihypertensive Therapy in Acute Intracerebral Hemorrhage: A Subgroup Analysis of the Efficacy of Nitric Oxide in Stroke Trial. Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases, 25(5), 1017-1026.

Background and purpose: More than 50% of patients with acute intracerebral haemorrhage (ICH) are taking antihypertensive drugs before ictus. Although antihypertensive therapy should be given long term for secondary prevention, whether to continue or... Read More about Continuing versus Stopping Prestroke Antihypertensive Therapy in Acute Intracerebral Hemorrhage: A Subgroup Analysis of the Efficacy of Nitric Oxide in Stroke Trial.

ESCAPS study protocol: a feasibility randomised controlled trial of ‘Early electrical stimulation to the wrist extensors and wrist flexors to prevent the post-stroke complications of pain and contractures in the paretic arm’ (2016)
Journal Article
Fletcher-Smith, J. C., Walker, D.-M., Sprigg, N., James, M., Walker, M. F., Allatt, K., Mehta, R., & Pandyan, A. D. (2016). ESCAPS study protocol: a feasibility randomised controlled trial of ‘Early electrical stimulation to the wrist extensors and wrist flexors to prevent the post-stroke complications of pain and contractures in the paretic arm’. BMJ Open, 6(1), Article e010079.

Introduction Approximately 70% of patients with stroke experience impaired arm function, which is persistent and disabling for an estimated 40%. Loss of function reduces independence in daily activities and impacts on quality of life. Muscles in thos... Read More about ESCAPS study protocol: a feasibility randomised controlled trial of ‘Early electrical stimulation to the wrist extensors and wrist flexors to prevent the post-stroke complications of pain and contractures in the paretic arm’.

Effect of treatment delay, stroke type, and thrombolysis on the effect of glyceryl trinitrate, a nitric oxide donor, on outcome after acute stroke: a systematic review and meta-analysis of individual patient from randomised trials (2016)
Journal Article
Bath, P. M., Woodhouse, L. J., Krishnan, K., Anderson, C., Berge, E., Ford, G. A., Robinson, T. G., Saver, J. L., Sprigg, N., & Wardlaw, J. M. (2016). Effect of treatment delay, stroke type, and thrombolysis on the effect of glyceryl trinitrate, a nitric oxide donor, on outcome after acute stroke: a systematic review and meta-analysis of individual patient from randomised trials. Stroke Research and Treatment, 2016,

Background. Nitric oxide (NO) donors are a candidate treatment for acute stroke and two trials have suggested that they might improve outcome if administered within 4–6 hours of stroke onset. We assessed the safety and efficacy of NO donors using ind... Read More about Effect of treatment delay, stroke type, and thrombolysis on the effect of glyceryl trinitrate, a nitric oxide donor, on outcome after acute stroke: a systematic review and meta-analysis of individual patient from randomised trials.

Glyceryl Trinitrate for Acute Intracerebral Hemorrhage: Results From the Efficacy of Nitric Oxide in Stroke (ENOS) Trial, a Subgroup Analysis (2015)
Journal Article
Krishnan, K., Scutt, P., Woodhouse, L. J., Adami, A., Becker, J. L., Berge, E., Cala, L. A., Casado, A. M., Caso, V., Chen, C., Christensen, H., Collins, R., Czlonkowska, A., Dineen, R. A., Gommans, J., Koumellis, P., Lees, K. R., Ntaios, G., Ozturk, S., Phillips, S. J., …Bath, P. M. (in press). Glyceryl Trinitrate for Acute Intracerebral Hemorrhage: Results From the Efficacy of Nitric Oxide in Stroke (ENOS) Trial, a Subgroup Analysis. Stroke, 47(1), 44-52.

Background and purpose: The Efficacy of Nitric oxide in Stroke (ENOS) trial found that transdermal glyceryl trinitrate (GTN, a nitric oxide donor) lowered blood pressure but did not improve functional outcome in patients with acute stroke. However, G... Read More about Glyceryl Trinitrate for Acute Intracerebral Hemorrhage: Results From the Efficacy of Nitric Oxide in Stroke (ENOS) Trial, a Subgroup Analysis.

Baseline characteristics, analysis plan and report on feasibility for the Prevention Of Decline in Cognition After Stroke Trial (PODCAST) (2015)
Journal Article
Scutt, P., Blackburn, D., Krishnan, K., Ballard, C., Burns, A., Ford, G. A., Mant, J., Passmore, P., Pocock, S., Reckless, J., Sprigg, N., Stewart, R., Wardlaw, J. M., & Bath, P. M. (2015). Baseline characteristics, analysis plan and report on feasibility for the Prevention Of Decline in Cognition After Stroke Trial (PODCAST). Trials, 16(1), Article 509.


A common complication after stroke is development of cognitive impairment and dementia. However, effective strategies for reducing the risk of developing these problems remain undefined. Potential strategies include intensive lowering o... Read More about Baseline characteristics, analysis plan and report on feasibility for the Prevention Of Decline in Cognition After Stroke Trial (PODCAST).

Effect of hyperacute administration (within 6 hours) of transdermal glyceryl trinitrate, a nitric oxide donor, on outcome after stroke (2015)
Journal Article
Woodhouse, L. J., Scutt, P., Krishnan, K., Berge, E., Gommans, J., Ntaios, G., Wardlaw, J. M., Sprigg, N., & Bath, P. M. (2015). Effect of hyperacute administration (within 6 hours) of transdermal glyceryl trinitrate, a nitric oxide donor, on outcome after stroke. Stroke, 46(11),

Background and Purpose — Nitric oxide donors are candidate treatments for acute stroke, potentially through hemodynamic, reperfusion, and neuroprotectant effects, especially if given early. Although the large Efficacy of Nitric Oxide in Stroke (ENOS)... Read More about Effect of hyperacute administration (within 6 hours) of transdermal glyceryl trinitrate, a nitric oxide donor, on outcome after stroke.

Performance characteristics of methods for quantifying spontaneous intracerebral haemorrhage: data from the Efficacy of Nitric Oxide in Stroke (ENOS) trial (2015)
Journal Article
Krishnan, K., Mukhtar, S. F., Dineen, R., Lingard, J., Houlton, A., Walker, E., Jones, T., Sprigg, N., Cala, L. A., Becker, J. L., Koumellis, P., Adami, A., Casado, A. M., Bath, P. M., & Wardlaw, J. M. (2015). Performance characteristics of methods for quantifying spontaneous intracerebral haemorrhage: data from the Efficacy of Nitric Oxide in Stroke (ENOS) trial. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 86(11), 1258-1266.

Background: Poor prognosis after intracerebral haemorrhage (ICH) is related to haemorrhage characteristics. Along with developing therapeutic interventions, we sought to understand the performance of haemorrhage descriptors in large clinical trials.... Read More about Performance characteristics of methods for quantifying spontaneous intracerebral haemorrhage: data from the Efficacy of Nitric Oxide in Stroke (ENOS) trial.

Statistical analysis plan for the ‘Triple Antiplatelets for Reducing Dependency after Ischaemic Stroke’ (TARDIS) trial (2014)
Journal Article
Bath, P. M., Robson, K., Woodhouse, L. J., Sprigg, N., Dineen, R. A., & Pocock, S. J. (2015). Statistical analysis plan for the ‘Triple Antiplatelets for Reducing Dependency after Ischaemic Stroke’ (TARDIS) trial. International Journal of Stroke, 10(3),

Rationale: Antiplatelet agents such as aspirin, clopidogrel and dipyridamole are effective in reducing the risk of recurrence after a stroke. Importantly, the risk of recurrence is highest immediately after the index event while antiplatelets cause b... Read More about Statistical analysis plan for the ‘Triple Antiplatelets for Reducing Dependency after Ischaemic Stroke’ (TARDIS) trial.

Who should have a pre–discharge home assessment visit after a stroke? A qualitative study of occupational therapists' views (2014)
Journal Article
Whitehead, P. J., Fellows, K. R., Sprigg, N., Walker, M. F., & Drummond, A. E. (2014). Who should have a pre–discharge home assessment visit after a stroke? A qualitative study of occupational therapists' views. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 77(8),

The number of patients who have a pre-discharge home assessment visit following a stroke has been reported to vary nationally. The purpose of this research was to explore the factors influencing occupational therapists' decisions to co... Read More about Who should have a pre–discharge home assessment visit after a stroke? A qualitative study of occupational therapists' views.

Relationship between Poststroke Cognition, Baseline Factors, and Functional Outcome: Data from “Efficacy of Nitric Oxide in Stroke” Trial (2014)
Journal Article
Ankolekar, S., Renton, C., Sare, G., Ellender, S., Sprigg, N., Wardlaw, J. M., & Bath, P. M. (2014). Relationship between Poststroke Cognition, Baseline Factors, and Functional Outcome: Data from “Efficacy of Nitric Oxide in Stroke” Trial. Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases, 23(7), 1821-1829.

Tranexamic acid for spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage: a randomized controlled pilot trial (ISRCTN50867461) (2014)
Journal Article
a randomized controlled pilot trial (ISRCTN50867461). Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases, 23(6), 1312-1318.

Background: Spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) can be devastating, particularly if hematoma expansion (HE) occurs. Tranexamic acid (TA), an antifibrinolytic drug, significantly reduced mortality in bleeding patients after trauma in the large... Read More about Tranexamic acid for spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage: a randomized controlled pilot trial (ISRCTN50867461).

Inhibition of Rho-kinase protects cerebral barrier from ischaemia-evoked injury through modulations of endothelial cell oxidative stress and tight junctions (2014)
Journal Article
Gibson, C. L., Srivastava, K., Sprigg, N., Bath, P. M., & Bayrakutan, U. (in press). Inhibition of Rho-kinase protects cerebral barrier from ischaemia-evoked injury through modulations of endothelial cell oxidative stress and tight junctions. Journal of Neurochemistry, 129(5),

Ischaemic strokes evoke blood–brain barrier (BBB) disruption and oedema formation through a series of mechanisms involving Rho-kinase activation. Using an animal model of human focal cerebral ischaemia, this study assessed and confirmed the therapeut... Read More about Inhibition of Rho-kinase protects cerebral barrier from ischaemia-evoked injury through modulations of endothelial cell oxidative stress and tight junctions.

Statistical analysis plan for the ‘Efficacy of Nitric Oxide in Stroke’ (ENOS) trial (2014)
Journal Article
Bath, P. M., Houlton, A., Woodhouse, L. J., Sprigg, N., Wardlaw, J. M., & Pocock, S. J. (in press). Statistical analysis plan for the ‘Efficacy of Nitric Oxide in Stroke’ (ENOS) trial. International Journal of Stroke, 9(3),

High blood pressure is common during the acute phase of stroke and is associated with a poor outcome. However, the management of high blood pressure remains unclear. The ‘Efficacy of Nitric Oxide in Stroke’ trial tested whether transdermal glyceryl t... Read More about Statistical analysis plan for the ‘Efficacy of Nitric Oxide in Stroke’ (ENOS) trial.

Occupational therapy predischarge home visits for patients with a stroke (HOVIS): results of a feasibility randomized controlled trial (2013)
Journal Article
Drummond, A., Whitehead, P., Fellows, K., Sprigg, N., Sampson, C. J., Edwards, C., & Lincoln, N. (2013). Occupational therapy predischarge home visits for patients with a stroke (HOVIS): results of a feasibility randomized controlled trial. Clinical Rehabilitation, 27(5),

Objective: To assess the feasibility of conducting a randomized controlled trial of occupational therapy predischarge home visits for people after stroke.
Design: Randomized controlled trial and cohort study. We randomized eligible patients for whom... Read More about Occupational therapy predischarge home visits for patients with a stroke (HOVIS): results of a feasibility randomized controlled trial.