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All Outputs (8)

Exploiting Generative Design for 3D Printing of Bacterial Biofilm Resistant Composite Devices (2021)
Journal Article
He, Y., Abdi, M., Trindade, G. F., Begines, B., Dubern, J. F., Prina, E., Hook, A. L., Choong, G. Y., Ledesma, J., Tuck, C. J., Rose, F. R., Hague, R. J., Roberts, C. J., De Focatiis, D. S., Ashcroft, I. A., Williams, P., Irvine, D. J., Alexander, M. R., & Wildman, R. D. (2021). Exploiting Generative Design for 3D Printing of Bacterial Biofilm Resistant Composite Devices. Advanced Science, 8(15), Article 2100249.

As the understanding of disease grows, so does the opportunity for personalization of therapies targeted to the needs of the individual. To bring about a step change in the personalization of medical devices it is shown that multi-material inkjet-bas... Read More about Exploiting Generative Design for 3D Printing of Bacterial Biofilm Resistant Composite Devices.

Sequential Orbitrap Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry and Liquid Extraction Surface Analysis-Tandem Mass Spectrometry-Based Metabolomics for Prediction of Brain Tumor Relapse from Sample-Limited Primary Tissue Archives (2021)
Journal Article
Meurs, J., Scurr, D. J., Lourdusamy, A., Storer, L. C., Grundy, R. G., Alexander, M. R., Rahman, R., & Kim, D.-H. (2021). Sequential Orbitrap Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry and Liquid Extraction Surface Analysis-Tandem Mass Spectrometry-Based Metabolomics for Prediction of Brain Tumor Relapse from Sample-Limited Primary Tissue Archives. Analytical Chemistry, 93(18), 6947-6954.

We present here a novel surface mass spectrometry strategy to perform untargeted metabolite profiling of formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded pediatric ependymoma archives. Sequential Orbitrap secondary ion mass spectrometry (3D OrbiSIMS) and liquid extr... Read More about Sequential Orbitrap Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry and Liquid Extraction Surface Analysis-Tandem Mass Spectrometry-Based Metabolomics for Prediction of Brain Tumor Relapse from Sample-Limited Primary Tissue Archives.

Discovery of a Novel Polymer for Xeno-Free, Long-Term Culture of Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Expansion (2020)
Journal Article
Nasir, A., Thorpe, J., Burroughs, L., Meurs, J., Pijuan‐Galito, S., Irvine, D. J., Alexander, M. R., & Denning, C. (2020). Discovery of a Novel Polymer for Xeno-Free, Long-Term Culture of Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Expansion. Advanced Healthcare Materials, 10(6), Article 2001448.

Human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) can be expanded and differentiated in vitro into almost any adult tissue cell type, and thus have great potential as a source for cell therapies with biomedical application. In this study, a fully-defined polymer... Read More about Discovery of a Novel Polymer for Xeno-Free, Long-Term Culture of Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Expansion.

Spatially Resolved Molecular Compositions of Insoluble Multilayer Deposits Responsible for Increased Pollution from Internal Combustion Engines (2020)
Journal Article
Edney, M. K., Lamb, J. S., Spanu, M., Smith, E. F., Steer, E., Wilmot, E., Reid, J., Barker, J., Alexander, M. R., Snape, C. E., & Scurr, D. J. (2020). Spatially Resolved Molecular Compositions of Insoluble Multilayer Deposits Responsible for Increased Pollution from Internal Combustion Engines. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 12(45), 51026-51035.

Internal combustion engines are used heavily in diverse applications worldwide. Achieving the most efficient operation is key to improving air quality as society moves to a decarbonized energy system. Insoluble deposits that form within internal comb... Read More about Spatially Resolved Molecular Compositions of Insoluble Multilayer Deposits Responsible for Increased Pollution from Internal Combustion Engines.

Discovery of hemocompatible bacterial biofilm-resistant copolymers (2020)
Journal Article
Singh, T., Hook, A. L., Luckett, J., Maitz, M. F., Sperling, C., Werner, C., Davies, M. C., Irvine, D. J., Williams, P., & Alexander, M. R. (2020). Discovery of hemocompatible bacterial biofilm-resistant copolymers. Biomaterials, 260, Article 120312.

© 2020 The Authors Blood-contacting medical devices play an important role within healthcare and are required to be biocompatible, hemocompatible and resistant to microbial colonization. Here we describe a high throughput screen for copolymers with t... Read More about Discovery of hemocompatible bacterial biofilm-resistant copolymers.

Immune-Instructive Polymers Control Macrophage Phenotype and Modulate the Foreign Body Response In Vivo (2020)
Journal Article
Rostam, H. M., Fisher, L. E., Hook, A. L., Burroughs, L., Luckett, J. C., Figueredo, G. P., Mbadugha, C., Teo, A. C., Latif, A., Kämmerling, L., Day, M., Lawler, K., Barrett, D., Elsheikh, S., Ilyas, M., Winkler, D. A., Alexander, M. R., & Ghaemmaghami, A. M. (2020). Immune-Instructive Polymers Control Macrophage Phenotype and Modulate the Foreign Body Response In Vivo. Matter, 2(6), 1564-1581.

© 2020 The Author(s) Implantation of medical devices can result in inflammation. A large library of polymers is screened, and a selection found to promote macrophage differentiation towards pro- or anti-inflammatory phenotypes. The bioinstructive pro... Read More about Immune-Instructive Polymers Control Macrophage Phenotype and Modulate the Foreign Body Response In Vivo.

Polymer microparticles with defined surface chemistry and topography mediate the formation of stem cell aggregates and cardiomyocyte function (2019)
Journal Article
Alvarez-Paino, M., Amer, M. H., Nasir, A., Cuzzucoli Crucitti, V., Thorpe, J., Burroughs, L., Needham, D., Denning, C., Alexander, M. R., Alexander, C., & Rose, F. (2019). Polymer microparticles with defined surface chemistry and topography mediate the formation of stem cell aggregates and cardiomyocyte function. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 11(38), 34560-34574.

Surface-functionalized microparticles are relevant to fields spanning engineering and biomedicine, with uses ranging from cell culture to advanced cell delivery. Varying topographies of biomaterial surfaces are also being investigated as mediators of... Read More about Polymer microparticles with defined surface chemistry and topography mediate the formation of stem cell aggregates and cardiomyocyte function.