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All Outputs (77)

Anaesthetists stress is induced by patient ASA grade and may impair non-technical skills during intubation (2016)
Journal Article
Doleman, B., Blackwell, J., Karangizi, A., Butt, W., Bhalla, A., Lund, J. N., & Williams, J. P. (2016). Anaesthetists stress is induced by patient ASA grade and may impair non-technical skills during intubation. Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica, 60(7), 910-916.


The aims of this study were to determine if patient ASA grade was associated with increased stress in anaesthetists with a subsequent effect on non-technical skills.

Stress was measured using a validated objective (heart rat... Read More about Anaesthetists stress is induced by patient ASA grade and may impair non-technical skills during intubation.

Preventive acetaminophen reduces postoperative opioid consumption, vomiting, and pain scores after surgery: systematic review and meta-analysis (2015)
Journal Article
Doleman, B., Read, D., Lund, J. N., & Williams, J. P. (2015). Preventive acetaminophen reduces postoperative opioid consumption, vomiting, and pain scores after surgery: systematic review and meta-analysis. Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine, 40(6),

Background and Objectives: Preventive analgesia has been proposed as a potential strategy to reduce postoperative pain. However, there is currently no review that focuses on acetaminophen for preventive analgesia.

Methods: We conducted a search of... Read More about Preventive acetaminophen reduces postoperative opioid consumption, vomiting, and pain scores after surgery: systematic review and meta-analysis.

The bowel cancer awareness campaign ‘Be Clear on Cancer’: sustained increased pressure on resources and over-accessed by higher social grades with no increase in cancer detected (2015)
Journal Article
Hall, S., Peacock, J. D. H., Cochrane, L. A., Peacock, O., Tierney, G. M., Tou, S. I. H., & Lund, J. (2016). The bowel cancer awareness campaign ‘Be Clear on Cancer’: sustained increased pressure on resources and over-accessed by higher social grades with no increase in cancer detected. Colorectal Disease, 18(2), 195-199.

To evaluate the impact of the national 'Be Clear on Cancer' bowel cancer reminder campaign on service and diagnosis at a single UK institution. Secondly, to evaluate the socio-economic background of patients referred before and after the remind... Read More about The bowel cancer awareness campaign ‘Be Clear on Cancer’: sustained increased pressure on resources and over-accessed by higher social grades with no increase in cancer detected.

A systematic review and meta-regression analysis of prophylactic gabapentin for postoperative pain (2015)
Journal Article
Doleman, B., Heinink, T., Faleiro, R., Lund, J. N., & Williams, J. P. (2015). A systematic review and meta-regression analysis of prophylactic gabapentin for postoperative pain. Anaesthesia, 70(10),

We searched MEDLINE, Embase, CINAHL, AMED and CENTRAL databases until December 2014 and included 133 randomised controlled trials of peri-operative gabapentin vs placebo. Gabapentin reduced mean (95% CI) 24-h morphine-equivalent consumption by 8.44 (... Read More about A systematic review and meta-regression analysis of prophylactic gabapentin for postoperative pain.

Day-case closure of ileostomy: feasible, safe and efficient (2015)
Journal Article
Bhalla, A., Peacock, O., Tierney, G., Tou, S., Hurst, N., Speake, W., …Lund, J. N. (2015). Day-case closure of ileostomy: feasible, safe and efficient. Colorectal Disease, 17(9),


Over 5000 loop ileostomy closures were performed in the UK in 2013 with a median inpatient stay of 5 days. Previously we have successfully implemented a 23-h protocol for loop ileostomy closure which was modified for same-day discharge. We pre... Read More about Day-case closure of ileostomy: feasible, safe and efficient.

Internal comparison between deuterium oxide (D2O) and L-[ring-13C6] phenylalanine for acute measurement of muscle protein synthesis in humans (2015)
Journal Article

Stable isotope tracer methodologies are becoming increasingly widespread in metabolic research; yet a number of factors restrict their implementation, such as, i.v infusions, multiple cannulae, tissue samples, and significant cost. We recently valida... Read More about Internal comparison between deuterium oxide (D2O) and L-[ring-13C6] phenylalanine for acute measurement of muscle protein synthesis in humans.

Creatinine and myoglobin are poor predictors of anaerobic threshold in colorectal cancer and health (2015)
Journal Article
Nyasavajjala, S. M., Phillips, B. E., Lund, J. N., & Williams, J. P. (2015). Creatinine and myoglobin are poor predictors of anaerobic threshold in colorectal cancer and health. Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle, 6(2),


Myoglobin is a haem protein produced in skeletal muscles. Serum concentrations of myoglobin have been proposed as a surrogate marker of muscle mass and function in both cachectic cancer patients and healthy non-cancer individuals. Creatinine,... Read More about Creatinine and myoglobin are poor predictors of anaerobic threshold in colorectal cancer and health.

Assessing surgeon stress when operating using heart rate variability and the State Trait Anxiety Inventory: will surgery be the death of us? (2015)
Journal Article
Jones, K., Amawi, F., Bhalla, A., Peacock, O., Williams, J. P., & Lund, J. N. (2015). Assessing surgeon stress when operating using heart rate variability and the State Trait Anxiety Inventory: will surgery be the death of us?. Colorectal Disease, 17(4),


Performance in the operating room is affected by a combination of individual, patient and environmental factors amongst others. Stress has a potential negative impact on performance with the quality of surgical practice and patient safety bein... Read More about Assessing surgeon stress when operating using heart rate variability and the State Trait Anxiety Inventory: will surgery be the death of us?.

Simple psoas cross-sectional area measurement is a quick and easy method to assess sarcopenia and predicts major surgical complications (2014)
Journal Article
Jones, K., Doleman, B., Scott, S., Lund, J. N., & Williams, J. P. (2015). Simple psoas cross-sectional area measurement is a quick and easy method to assess sarcopenia and predicts major surgical complications. Colorectal Disease, 17(1), Article O20-O26.


Radiologically assessed muscle mass has been suggested as a surrogate marker of functional status and frailty and may predict patients at risk of postoperative complications. We hypothesize that sarcopenia negatively impacts on postoperative r... Read More about Simple psoas cross-sectional area measurement is a quick and easy method to assess sarcopenia and predicts major surgical complications.

A dose- rather than delivery profile-dependent mechanism regulates the "muscle-full" effect in response to oral essential amino acid intake in young men (2014)
Journal Article
Mitchell, W. K., Phillips, B. E., Williams, J. P., Rankin, D., Lund, J. N., Smith, K., & Atherton, P. J. (2015). A dose- rather than delivery profile-dependent mechanism regulates the "muscle-full" effect in response to oral essential amino acid intake in young men. Journal of Nutrition, 145(2),

Background: The anabolic response of skeletal muscle to essential amino acids (EAAs) is dose dependent, maximal at modest doses, and short lived, even with continued EAA availability, a phenomenon termed “muscle-full.” However, the effect of EAA inge... Read More about A dose- rather than delivery profile-dependent mechanism regulates the "muscle-full" effect in response to oral essential amino acid intake in young men.

One-third of patients fail to return to work 1 year after surgery for colorectal cancer (2014)
Journal Article
Bhalla, A., Williams, J. P., Hurst, N., Speake, W., Tierney, G., Tou, S., & Lund, J. N. (2014). One-third of patients fail to return to work 1 year after surgery for colorectal cancer. Techniques in Coloproctology, 18(12),


Achieving full recovery after colorectal cancer surgery means a return to normal physical and psychological health and to a normal social life. Recovery data focusses on time to discharge rather than longer term functionality including... Read More about One-third of patients fail to return to work 1 year after surgery for colorectal cancer.

Effect of 3 to 5 years of scheduled CEA and CT follow-upto detect recurrence of colorectal cancer The FACS Randomized Clinical Trial (2014)
Journal Article
Primrose, J. N., Perera, R., Gray, A., Rose, P., Fuller, A., Corkhill, A., …FACS Trial Investigators. (2014). Effect of 3 to 5 years of scheduled CEA and CT follow-upto detect recurrence of colorectal cancer The FACS Randomized Clinical Trial. Journal of the American Medical Association, 311(3),

IMPORTANCE Intensive follow-up after surgery for colorectal cancer is common practice but is based on limited evidence.
OBJECTIVE To assess the effect of scheduled blood measurement of carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) and computed tomography (CT) as f... Read More about Effect of 3 to 5 years of scheduled CEA and CT follow-upto detect recurrence of colorectal cancer The FACS Randomized Clinical Trial.

Effect of colon cancer and surgical resection on skeletal muscle mitochondrial enzyme activity in colon cancer patients: a pilot study (2012)
Journal Article
Phillips, B. E., Smith, K., Liptrot, S., Atherton, P. J., Varadhan, K., Rennie, M. J., …Williams, J. P. (2013). Effect of colon cancer and surgical resection on skeletal muscle mitochondrial enzyme activity in colon cancer patients: a pilot study. Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle, 4(1), 71-77.

Expression of a large LINE-1-driven antisense RNA is linked to epigenetic silencing of the metastasis suppressor gene TFPI-2 in cancer
Journal Article
Cruickshanks, H., Vafadar-Isfahani, N., Dunican, D., Lee, A., Sproul, D., Lund, J. N., …Tufarelli, C. Expression of a large LINE-1-driven antisense RNA is linked to epigenetic silencing of the metastasis suppressor gene TFPI-2 in cancer. Nucleic Acids Research, 41(14),

LINE-1 retrotransposons are abundant repetitive
elements of viral origin, which in normal cells are
kept quiescent through epigenetic mechanisms.
Activation of LINE-1 occurs frequently in cancer
and can enable LINE-1 mobilization but also has
re... Read More about Expression of a large LINE-1-driven antisense RNA is linked to epigenetic silencing of the metastasis suppressor gene TFPI-2 in cancer.