Cryogenics free production of hyperpolarized 129Xe and 83Kr for biomedical MRI applications
Journal Article
Hughes-Riley, T., Six, J. S., Lilburn, D., Stupic, K. F., Dorkes, A. C., Shaw, D. E., Pavlovskaya, G. E., & Meersmann, T. (2013). Cryogenics free production of hyperpolarized 129Xe and 83Kr for biomedical MRI applications. Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 237,
As an alternative to cryogenic gas handling, hyperpolarized (hp) gas mixtures were extracted directly from the spin exchange optical pumping (SEOP) process through expansion followed by compression to ambient pressure for biomedical MRI applications.... Read More about Cryogenics free production of hyperpolarized 129Xe and 83Kr for biomedical MRI applications.