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All Outputs (77)

Phenotyping pipeline reveals major seedling root growth QTL in hexaploid wheat (2015)
Journal Article
Atkinson, J. A., Wingen, L. U., Griffiths, M., Pound, M. P., Gaju, O., Foulkes, M. J., Le Gouis, J., Griffiths, S., Bennett, M. J., King, J., & Wells, D. M. (2015). Phenotyping pipeline reveals major seedling root growth QTL in hexaploid wheat. Journal of Experimental Botany, 66(8), 2283-2292.

Seedling root traits of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) have been shown to be important for efficient establishment and linked to mature plant traits such as height and yield. A root phenotyping pipeline, consisting of a germination paper-based screen c... Read More about Phenotyping pipeline reveals major seedling root growth QTL in hexaploid wheat.

On the evaluation of methods for the recovery of plant root systems from X-ray computed tomography images (2014)
Journal Article
Mairhofer, S., Sturrock, C., Wells, D. M., Bennett, M. J., Mooney, S. J., & Pridmore, T. P. (2014). On the evaluation of methods for the recovery of plant root systems from X-ray computed tomography images. Functional Plant Biology, 42(5), 460-470.

© CSIRO 2015. X-ray microcomputed tomography (μCT) allows nondestructive visualisation of plant root systems within their soil environment and thus offers an alternative to the commonly used destructive methodologies for the examination of plant root... Read More about On the evaluation of methods for the recovery of plant root systems from X-ray computed tomography images.

Quantification of Fluorescent Reporters in Plant Cells (2014)
Book Chapter
Pound, M., French, A. P., & Wells, D. M. (2015). Quantification of Fluorescent Reporters in Plant Cells. In J. M. Estevez (Ed.), Plant Cell Expansion: Methods and Protocols (123-131). Springer.

© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015. Fluorescent reporters are powerful tools for plant research. Many studies require accurate determination of fluorescence intensity and localization. Here, we describe protocols for the quantification o... Read More about Quantification of Fluorescent Reporters in Plant Cells.

Branching out in roots: uncovering form, function, and regulation (2014)
Journal Article
Atkinson, J. A., Rasmussen, A., Traini, R., Voss, U., Sturrock, C., Mooney, S. J., Wells, D. M., & Bennett, M. J. (2014). Branching out in roots: uncovering form, function, and regulation. Plant Physiology, 166(2), 538-550.

Root branching is critical for plants to secure anchorage and ensure the supply of water, minerals, and nutrients. To date, research on root branching has focused on lateral root development in young seedlings. However, many other programs of postemb... Read More about Branching out in roots: uncovering form, function, and regulation.

Systems Analysis of Auxin Transport in the Arabidopsis Root Apex (2014)
Journal Article
Band, L. R., Wells, D. M., Fozard, J. A., Ghetiu, T., French, A. P., Pound, M. P., Wilson, M. H., Yu, L., Li, W., Hijazi, H. I., Oh, J., Pearce, S. P., Perez-Amador, M. A., Yun, J., Kramer, E., Alonso, J. M., Godin, C., Vernoux, T., Hodgman, T. C., Pridmore, T. P., …Bennett, M. J. (2014). Systems Analysis of Auxin Transport in the Arabidopsis Root Apex. Plant Cell, 26(3), 862-875.

Auxin is a key regulator of plant growth and development. Within the root tip, auxin distribution plays a crucial role specifying developmental zones and coordinating tropic responses. Determining how the organ-scale auxin pattern is regulated at the... Read More about Systems Analysis of Auxin Transport in the Arabidopsis Root Apex.

Mechanical modelling quantifies the functional importance of outer tissue layers during root elongation and bending (2014)
Journal Article
Dyson, R. J., Vizcay-Barrena, G., Band, L. R., Fernandes, A. N., French, A. P., Fozard, J. A., Hodgman, T. C., Kenobi, K., Pridmore, T. P., Stout, M., Wells, D. M., Wilson, M. H., Bennett, M. J., & Jensen, O. E. (2014). Mechanical modelling quantifies the functional importance of outer tissue layers during root elongation and bending. New Phytologist, 202(4), 1212-1222.

Root elongation and bending require the coordinated expansion of multiple cells of different types. These processes are regulated by the action of hormones that can target distinct cell layers. We use a mathematical model to characterise the influenc... Read More about Mechanical modelling quantifies the functional importance of outer tissue layers during root elongation and bending.

Time-Profiling Fluorescent Reporters in the Arabidopsis Root (2013)
Book Chapter
Larrieu, A. P., French, A. P., Pridmore, T. P., Bennett, M. J., & Wells, D. M. (2014). Time-Profiling Fluorescent Reporters in the Arabidopsis Root. In Plant chemical genomics : methods and protocols (11-17). Springer.

Confocal laser scanning microscopy is a useful nondestructive approach for the visualization of fluorescent reporters in planta. Samples are usually placed between a slide and a cover slip which, although suited to single time-point imaging, does not... Read More about Time-Profiling Fluorescent Reporters in the Arabidopsis Root.

From jellyfish to biosensors: the use of fluorescent proteins in plants (2013)
Journal Article
Voss, U., Larrieu, A., & Wells, D. M. (2013). From jellyfish to biosensors: the use of fluorescent proteins in plants. International Journal of Developmental Biology, 57(6-7-8), 525-533.

The milestone discovery of green fluorescent protein (GFP) from the jellyfish Aequorea victoria, its optimisation for efficient use in plantae, and subsequent improvements in techniques for fluorescent detection and quantification have changed plant... Read More about From jellyfish to biosensors: the use of fluorescent proteins in plants.

RootNav: navigating images of complex root architectures (2013)
Journal Article
Pound, M. P., French, A. P., Atkinson, J. A., Wells, D. M., Bennett, M. J., & Pridmore, T. (2013). RootNav: navigating images of complex root architectures. Plant Physiology, 162(4), 1802-1814.

We present a novel image analysis tool that allows the semiautomated quantification of complex root system architectures in a range of plant species grown and imaged in a variety of ways. The automatic component of RootNav takes a top-down approach,... Read More about RootNav: navigating images of complex root architectures.

MicroFilament Analyzer, an image analysis tool for quantifying fibrillar orientation, reveals changes in microtubule organization during gravitropism (2013)
Journal Article
Jacques, E., Buytaert, J., Wells, D. M., Lewandowski, M., Bennett, M. J., Dirckx, J., Verbelen, J. P., & Vissenberg, K. (2013). MicroFilament Analyzer, an image analysis tool for quantifying fibrillar orientation, reveals changes in microtubule organization during gravitropism. Plant Journal, 74(6), 1045-1058.

Image acquisition is an important step in the study of cytoskeleton organization. As visual interpretations and manual measurements of digital images are prone to errors and require a great amount of time, a freely available software package named Mi... Read More about MicroFilament Analyzer, an image analysis tool for quantifying fibrillar orientation, reveals changes in microtubule organization during gravitropism.

Biosensors for phytohormone quantification: challenges, solutions, and opportunities (2013)
Journal Article
Wells, D. M., Laplaze, L., Bennett, M. J., & Vernoux, T. (2013). Biosensors for phytohormone quantification: challenges, solutions, and opportunities. Trends in Plant Science, 18(5), 244-249.

Fluorescent reporters are valuable tools for plant science research, particularly as sensors to monitor biological signals and developmental processes. Such biosensors are particularly useful to monitor the spatial and temporal distribution of small... Read More about Biosensors for phytohormone quantification: challenges, solutions, and opportunities.

Root Gravitropism (2013)
Book Chapter
Swarup, R., Wells, D. M., & Bennett, M. J. (2013). Root Gravitropism. In A. Eshel, & T. Beeckman (Eds.), Roots: the Hidden Half (265-278). (4th). CRC Press

Plants adapt their development in response to environmental signals in order to optimize their chances of survival. These environmental cues include directional signals such as gravity and light. Plant organs adjust their position relative to such si... Read More about Root Gravitropism.

Tissue-level segmentation and tracking of cells in growing plant roots (2012)
Journal Article
Sethuraman, V., French, A., Wells, D., Kenobi, K., & Pridmore, T. (2012). Tissue-level segmentation and tracking of cells in growing plant roots. Machine Vision and Applications, 23(4), 639-658.

With the spread of systems approaches to biological research, there is increasing demand for methods and tools capable of extracting quantitative measurements of biological samples from individual and time-based sequences of microscope images. To thi... Read More about Tissue-level segmentation and tracking of cells in growing plant roots.

A novel sensor to map auxin response and distribution at high spatio-temporal resolution (2012)
Journal Article
Brunoud, G., Wells, D. M., Oliva, M., Larrieu, A., Mirabet, V., Burrow, A. H., Beeckman, T., Kepinski, S., Traas, J., Bennett, M. J., & Vernoux, T. (2012). A novel sensor to map auxin response and distribution at high spatio-temporal resolution. Nature, 482(7383), 103-106.

Auxin is a key plant morphogenetic signal but tools to analyse dynamically its distribution and signalling during development are still limited. Auxin perception directly triggers the degradation of Aux/IAA repressor proteins. Here we describe a nove... Read More about A novel sensor to map auxin response and distribution at high spatio-temporal resolution.

The auxin signalling network translates dynamic input into robust patterning at the shoot apex (2011)
Journal Article
Vernoux, T., Brunoud, G., Farcot, E., Morin, V., Van Den Daele, H., Legrand, J., Oliva, M., Das, P., Larrieu, A., Wells, D., Guédon, Y., Armitage, L., Picard, F., Guyomarc'H, S., Cellier, C., Parry, G., Koumproglou, R., Doonan, J. H., Estelle, M., Godin, C., …Traas, J. (2011). The auxin signalling network translates dynamic input into robust patterning at the shoot apex. Molecular Systems Biology, 7(1), Article 508.

The plant hormone auxin is thought to provide positional information for patterning during development. It is still unclear, however, precisely how auxin is distributed across tissues and how the hormone is sensed in space and time. The control of ge... Read More about The auxin signalling network translates dynamic input into robust patterning at the shoot apex.

Traffic exposure increases natural 15N and heavy metal concentrations in mosses (2000)
Journal Article
Pearson, J., Wells, D. M., Seller, K. J., Bennett, A., Soares, A., Woodall, J., & Ingrouille, M. J. (2000). Traffic exposure increases natural 15N and heavy metal concentrations in mosses. New Phytologist, 147(2), 317-326.

Mosses have been used as biomonitors of atmospheric pollution for some years, but few studies have been carried out on the effect of NO(x) emissions from traffic on moss tissue N. Eight species of moss (102 samples) growing on walls or roofs next to... Read More about Traffic exposure increases natural 15N and heavy metal concentrations in mosses.