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Risk of dementia associated with anticholinergic drugs for overactive bladder in adults aged ≥55 years: nested case-control study (2024)
Journal Article
Iyen, B., Coupland, C., Bell, B., Orrell, M., Dening, T., & Avery, T. (2024). Risk of dementia associated with anticholinergic drugs for overactive bladder in adults aged ≥55 years: nested case-control study. BMJ Medicine, 3(1), Article e000799.

Objective To investigate whether different anticholinergic drug treatments for overactive bladder have differential risks for incident dementia, in a large representative population of older adults in England.

Design Nested case-control study.... Read More about Risk of dementia associated with anticholinergic drugs for overactive bladder in adults aged ≥55 years: nested case-control study.

Evaluating the UK's first national prescribing assessment for GPs in training using an online survey (2023)
Journal Article
Knox, R., Bell, B., Salema, N., Emerson, K., Bodgener, S., Rial, J., Gookey, G., Swanwick, G., Charly, A., & Avery, A. J. (2023). Evaluating the UK's first national prescribing assessment for GPs in training using an online survey. BJGP Open, 7(4), Article 044.

Background GP trainees may not have experienced a systematic and comprehensive education in safe prescribing. Therefore, a self-assessment prescribing review was developed.

Aim To determine whether the assessment was feasible, had face validity, a... Read More about Evaluating the UK's first national prescribing assessment for GPs in training using an online survey.

The impact of ageing on adults with cerebral palsy (2023)
Journal Article
Bell, B., Shah, S., Coulson, N., McLaughlin, J., Logan, P., Luke, R., & Avery, A. J. (2023). The impact of ageing on adults with cerebral palsy. British Journal of General Practice Open, 7(4), Article 0028.

Background Cerebral palsy (CP) is one of the most common neurological disorders in children and results in lifelong physical impairments. Adults with CP have approximately the same life expectancy as their non-disabled peers, so helping them to stay... Read More about The impact of ageing on adults with cerebral palsy.

Retrospective review of medication-related incidents at a major teaching hospital and the potential mitigation of these incidents with electronic prescribing and medicines administration (2023)
Journal Article
Cattell, M., Hyde, K., Bell, B., Dawson, T., Hills, T., Iyen, B., Khimji, A., & Avery, A. (in press). Retrospective review of medication-related incidents at a major teaching hospital and the potential mitigation of these incidents with electronic prescribing and medicines administration. European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy, Article 003515.

To describe the frequency of the different types of medication-related incidents that caused patient harm, or adverse consequences, in a major teaching hospital and investigate whether the likelihood of these incidents occurring would hav... Read More about Retrospective review of medication-related incidents at a major teaching hospital and the potential mitigation of these incidents with electronic prescribing and medicines administration.

Retrospective review of medication-related incidents at a major teaching hospital and the potential mitigation of these incidents with electronic prescribing and medicines administration (2023)
Journal Article
Cattell, M., Hyde, K., Bell, B., Dawson, T., Hills, T., Iyen, B., Khimji, A., & Avery, A. (2023). Retrospective review of medication-related incidents at a major teaching hospital and the potential mitigation of these incidents with electronic prescribing and medicines administration. European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy, 31(4), 295-300.

Objectives: To describe the frequency of the different types of medication-related incidents that caused patient harm, or adverse consequences, in a major teaching hospital and investigate whether the likelihood of these incidents occurring would hav... Read More about Retrospective review of medication-related incidents at a major teaching hospital and the potential mitigation of these incidents with electronic prescribing and medicines administration.

The frequency and nature of prescribing problems by GPs-in-training (REVISiT): a retrospective review (2022)
Journal Article
Salema, N. E., Bell, B., Marsden, K., Gookey, G., Swanwick, G., Bassi, M., Mehta, R., Silcock, N., Avery, A. J., & Knox, R. (2022). The frequency and nature of prescribing problems by GPs-in-training (REVISiT): a retrospective review. BJGP Open, 6(3), Article BJGPO.2021.0231.

Background: Prescribing errors can cause significant morbidity and occur in about 5% of prescriptions in English general practices. Aim: To describe the frequency and nature of prescribing problems in a cohort of GPs-in-training to determine whether... Read More about The frequency and nature of prescribing problems by GPs-in-training (REVISiT): a retrospective review.

Anticholinergic drugs and risk of dementia: Time for action? (2021)
Journal Article
Bell, B., Avery, A., Bishara, D., Coupland, C., Ashcroft, D., & Orrell, M. (2021). Anticholinergic drugs and risk of dementia: Time for action?. Pharmacology Research and Perspectives, 9(3), Article e00793.

Evidence suggests that the prescription of bladder anticholinergics is increasing. Recent studies have accentuated concerns about whether certain prescribed medications could increase risk of dementia, including anticholinergic drugs, and specificall... Read More about Anticholinergic drugs and risk of dementia: Time for action?.

The evaluation of an e-learning prescribing course for general practice (2021)
Journal Article
Salema, N.-E., Clement, N., Hysenagolli, R., Hibberd, R., Bell, B. G., Gookey, G., Avery, A., & Knox, R. (2021). The evaluation of an e-learning prescribing course for general practice. Education for Primary Care, 32(4), 219-225.

Prescribed medication may lead to significant morbidity or mortality as a result of these medications causing adverse events, or because of a prescribing error. E-learning is a common tool used in supporting training in prescribing. This paper descri... Read More about The evaluation of an e-learning prescribing course for general practice.

Identifying anticholinergic burden in clinical practice (2021)
Journal Article
Bell, B., & Avery, A. (2021). Identifying anticholinergic burden in clinical practice. Prescriber, 32(3), 20-23.

Anticholinergic medications are associated with a wide range of adverse effects to which elderly patients are particularly susceptible. This article discusses the various ways that anticholinergic burden can be measured, how these can be used to help... Read More about Identifying anticholinergic burden in clinical practice.

Incidence, nature and causes of avoidable significant harm in primary care in England: retrospective case note review (2020)
Journal Article
Avery, A. J., Sheehan, C. L., Bell, B. G., Armstrong, S. J., Ashcroft, D. M., Boyd, M. J., Chuter, A., Cooper, A., Donnelly, A., Edwards, A., Prosser Evans, H., Hellard, S., Lymn, J., Mehta, R., Rodgers, S., Sheikh, A., Smith, P., Williams, H., Campbell, S., & Carson-Stevens, A. (2021). Incidence, nature and causes of avoidable significant harm in primary care in England: retrospective case note review. BMJ Quality and Safety, 30(12), 961-976.

Objective To estimate the incidence of avoidable significant harm in primary care in England; describe and classify the associated patient safety incidents and generate suggestions to mitigate risks of ameliorable factors contributing to the incident... Read More about Incidence, nature and causes of avoidable significant harm in primary care in England: retrospective case note review.

Identifying 'avoidable harm' in family practice: a RAND/UCLA Appropriateness Method consensus study (2019)
Journal Article
Carson-Stevens, A., Campbell, S., Bell, B., Cooper, A., Armstrong, S., Ashcroft, D., Boyd, M., Evans, H., Mehta, R., Sheehan, C., Sheikh, A., & Avery, A. (2019). Identifying 'avoidable harm' in family practice: a RAND/UCLA Appropriateness Method consensus study. BMC Family Practice, 20, Article 134.

Background: Health care-related harm is an internationally recognized threat to public health. The United Kingdom’s national health services demonstrate that upwards of 90% of health care encounters can be delivered in ambulatory settings. Other coun... Read More about Identifying 'avoidable harm' in family practice: a RAND/UCLA Appropriateness Method consensus study.

A comparison of six osteoporosis risk assessment tools among postmenopausal women in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (2019)
Journal Article
Shean Toh, L., Lai, P. S. M., Wu, D. B.-C., Bell, B. G., Dang, C. P. L., Low, B. Y., Wong, K. T., Guglielmi, G., & Anderson, C. (2019). A comparison of six osteoporosis risk assessment tools among postmenopausal women in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Osteoporosis and Sarcopenia, 5(3), 87-93.

To compare and assess the performance of 6 osteoporosis risk assessment tools for screening osteoporosis in Malaysian postmenopausal women.

Six osteoporosis risk assessments tools (the Simple Calculated Osteoporosis Risk Estim... Read More about A comparison of six osteoporosis risk assessment tools among postmenopausal women in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Essential prescribing tips for GP Associates-in-Training (2018)
Journal Article
Gookey, G., Knox, R., Salema, N.-E., Marsden, K., Bell, B., Bassi, M., Silcock, N., Swanwick, G., & Avery, A. (in press). Essential prescribing tips for GP Associates-in-Training. InnovAiT, 11(2),

Prescribing is an essential role in general practice but it is also, at times, a high risk activity. GP Associates-in-Training (GP AiTs) have been highlighted as needing further support to reduce the risk of prescribing errors. This article highlight... Read More about Essential prescribing tips for GP Associates-in-Training.

A Patient Safety Toolkit for Family Practices (2018)
Journal Article
Campbell, S. M., Bell, B. G., Marsden, K., Spencer, R., Kadam, U., Perryman, K., Rodgers, S., Litchfield, I., Reeves, D., Chuter, A., Doos, L., Ricci-Cabello, I., Gill, P., Esmail, A., Greenfield, S., Slight, S., Middleton, K., Barnett, J., Moore, M., Valderas, J. M., …Avery, A. J. (2018). A Patient Safety Toolkit for Family Practices. Journal of Patient Safety, 16(3), e182-e186.

Objectives: Major gaps remain in our understanding of primary care patient safety. We describe a toolkit for measuring patient safety in family practices.

Methods: Six tools were used in 46 practices. These tools were: NHS Education for Scotlan... Read More about A Patient Safety Toolkit for Family Practices.

Optimal healthcare delivery to care homes in the UK: a realist evaluation of what supports effective working to improve healthcare outcomes (2018)
Journal Article
Gordon, A. L., Goodman, C., Davies, S. L., Dening, T., Gage, H., Meyer, J., Schneider, J., Bell, B., Jordan, J., Martin, F. C., Iliffe, S., Bowman, C., Gladman, J. R., Victor, C., Mayrhofer, A., Handley, M., & Zubair, M. (2018). Optimal healthcare delivery to care homes in the UK: a realist evaluation of what supports effective working to improve healthcare outcomes. Age and Ageing, 47(4), 595-603.

Introduction: care home residents have high healthcare needs not fully met by prevailing healthcare models. This study explored how healthcare configuration influences resource use.

Methods: a realist evaluation using qualitative and quantitative... Read More about Optimal healthcare delivery to care homes in the UK: a realist evaluation of what supports effective working to improve healthcare outcomes.

Optimal NHS service delivery to care homes: a realist evaluation of the features and mechanisms that support effective working for the continuing care of older people in residential settings (2017)
Journal Article
Goodman, C., Davies, S. L., Gordon, A. L., Dening, T., Gage, H., Meyer, J., Schneider, J. M., Bell, B., Jordan, J., Martin, F. C., Iliffe, S., Bowman, C., Gladman, J. R., Victor, C., Mayrhofer, A., Handley, M., & Zubair, M. (2017). Optimal NHS service delivery to care homes: a realist evaluation of the features and mechanisms that support effective working for the continuing care of older people in residential settings. Health Services and Delivery Research, 5(29),

Background: Care homes are the institutional providers of long-term care for older people. The OPTIMAL study argued that it is probable that there are key activities within different models of health-care provision that are important for residents’ h... Read More about Optimal NHS service delivery to care homes: a realist evaluation of the features and mechanisms that support effective working for the continuing care of older people in residential settings.

Professional, structural and organisational interventions in primary care for reducing medication errors (2017)
Journal Article
Khalil, H., Bell, B., Chambers, H., Sheikh, A., & Avery, A. J. (2017). Professional, structural and organisational interventions in primary care for reducing medication errors. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2017(10),

Background: Medication-related adverse events in primary care represent an important cause of hospital admissions and mortality. Adverse events could result from people experiencing adverse drug reactions (not usually preventable) or could be due to... Read More about Professional, structural and organisational interventions in primary care for reducing medication errors.

Identifying patient and practice characteristics associated with patient-reported experiences of safety problems and harm: a cross-sectional study using a multilevel modelling approach (2017)
Journal Article
Ricci Cabello, I., Reeves, D., Bell, B. G., & Valderas, J. M. (2017). Identifying patient and practice characteristics associated with patient-reported experiences of safety problems and harm: a cross-sectional study using a multilevel modelling approach. BMJ Quality and Safety, 26(11), 899-907.

Objective: To identify patient and family practice characteristics associated with patient-reported experiences of safety problems and harm.
Design: Cross-sectional study combining data from the individual postal administration of the validated Pati... Read More about Identifying patient and practice characteristics associated with patient-reported experiences of safety problems and harm: a cross-sectional study using a multilevel modelling approach.

Patients’ evaluations of patient safety in English general practices: a cross-sectional study (2017)
Journal Article
Ricci-Cabello, I., Marsden, K. S., Avery, A. J., Bell, B., Kadam, U., Reeves, D., Slight, S. P., Perryman, K., Barnett, J., Litchfield, I., Thomas, S., Campbell, S. M., Doos, L., Esmail, A., & Valderas, J. M. (in press). Patients’ evaluations of patient safety in English general practices: a cross-sectional study. British Journal of General Practice, 67(660), Article e474-e482.

Background: The frequency and nature of safety problems and harm in general practices has previously relied on information supplied by health professionals, and scarce attention has been paid to experiences of patients.
Aim: To examine patient-repor... Read More about Patients’ evaluations of patient safety in English general practices: a cross-sectional study.