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Optimising medication management in children and young people with ADHD using a computerised test (QbTest): a feasibility randomised controlled trial (2021)
Journal Article
Williams, L., Hall, C. L., Brown, S., Guo, B., James, M., Franceschini, M., Clarke, J., Selby, K., Vijayan, H., Kulkarni, N., Brown, N., Sayal, K., Hollis, C., & Groom, M. J. (2021). Optimising medication management in children and young people with ADHD using a computerised test (QbTest): a feasibility randomised controlled trial. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 7, Article 68.

Medication for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) should be closely monitored to ensure optimisation. There is growing interest in using computerised assessments of ADHD symptoms to support medication monitoring. The aim of t... Read More about Optimising medication management in children and young people with ADHD using a computerised test (QbTest): a feasibility randomised controlled trial.

The Clinical Effectiveness of Using a Predictive Algorithm to Guide Antidepressant Treatment in Primary Care (PReDicT): an open-label, randomised controlled trial (2021)
Journal Article
Browning, M., Bilderbeck, A. C., Dias, R., Dourish, C. T., Kingslake, J., Deckert, J., Goodwin, G. M., Gorwood, P., Guo, B., Harmer, C. J., Morriss, R., Reif, A., Ruhe, H. G., Van Schaik, A., Simon, J., Sola, V. P., Veltman, D. J., Elices, M., Lever, A. G., Menke, A., …Dawson, G. R. (2021). The Clinical Effectiveness of Using a Predictive Algorithm to Guide Antidepressant Treatment in Primary Care (PReDicT): an open-label, randomised controlled trial. Neuropsychopharmacology, 46, 1307–1314.

Depressed patients often do not respond to the first antidepressant prescribed, resulting in sequential trials of different medications. Personalised medicine offers a means of reducing this delay, however the clinical effectiveness of personalised a... Read More about The Clinical Effectiveness of Using a Predictive Algorithm to Guide Antidepressant Treatment in Primary Care (PReDicT): an open-label, randomised controlled trial.

Pilot Randomised Evaluation of Singing in Dementia (PRESIDE): protocol for a two-arm, parallel group randomised controlled feasibility study with waiting-list control (2021)
Journal Article
Dowson, B., Schneider, J., Guo, B., Bath, P. M., Mcdermott, O., Haywood, L. J., & Orrell, M. (2021). Pilot Randomised Evaluation of Singing in Dementia (PRESIDE): protocol for a two-arm, parallel group randomised controlled feasibility study with waiting-list control. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 7, Article 15.


As the number of people living with dementia grows, so does the need to provide them with adequate psychosocial support. Many people with dementia live at home with family carers, who also require social and emotional support to cope wi... Read More about Pilot Randomised Evaluation of Singing in Dementia (PRESIDE): protocol for a two-arm, parallel group randomised controlled feasibility study with waiting-list control.

Outcomes of a public health campaign and automated randomised controlled trial of a direct to public peer support programme (Big White Wall) versus web-based information to aid self-management of depression and anxiety (The REBOOT study) (2020)
Preprint / Working Paper
Morriss, R., Kaylor-Hughes, C., Rawsthorne, M., Coulson, N., Simpson, S., Guo, B., James, M., Lathe, J., Moran, P., Tata, L., & Williams, L. Outcomes of a public health campaign and automated randomised controlled trial of a direct to public peer support programme (Big White Wall) versus web-based information to aid self-management of depression and anxiety (The REBOOT study)

Effective help for depression and anxiety only reaches a small proportion of those who might benefit from it. The scale of the problem suggests a role for effective, safe public health online services delivered directly to the public. On... Read More about Outcomes of a public health campaign and automated randomised controlled trial of a direct to public peer support programme (Big White Wall) versus web-based information to aid self-management of depression and anxiety (The REBOOT study).

The bi-factor structure of the 17-item Hamilton Depression Rating Scale in persistent major depression; dimensional measurement of outcome (2020)
Journal Article
Nixon, N., Guo, B., Garland, A., Kaylor-Hughes, C., Nixon, E., & Morriss, R. (2020). The bi-factor structure of the 17-item Hamilton Depression Rating Scale in persistent major depression; dimensional measurement of outcome. PLoS ONE, 15(10), Article e0241370.

The 17-item Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS17) is used world-wide as an observer-rated measure of depression in randomised controlled trials (RCTs) despite continued uncertainty regarding its factor structure. This study investiga... Read More about The bi-factor structure of the 17-item Hamilton Depression Rating Scale in persistent major depression; dimensional measurement of outcome.

Long term effect of gender affirming hormone treatment on depression and anxiety symptoms in transgender people: a prospective cohort study (2020)
Journal Article
Aldridge, Z., Patel, S., Guo, B., Nixon, E., Bouman, W. P., Witcomb, G. L., & Arcelus, J. (2021). Long term effect of gender affirming hormone treatment on depression and anxiety symptoms in transgender people: a prospective cohort study. Andrology, 9(6), 1808-1816.

Cross-sectional studies show that transgender people are more likely than cisgender people to experience depression and anxiety before Gender Affirming Hormone Treatment (GAHT). However, the effect of GAHT on mental health in transgender... Read More about Long term effect of gender affirming hormone treatment on depression and anxiety symptoms in transgender people: a prospective cohort study.

Long term effect of gender affirming hormone treatment on depression and anxiety symptoms in transgender people: A prospective cohort study (2020)
Journal Article
Aldridge, Z., Patel, S., Guo, B., Nixon, E., Pierre Bouman, W., Witcomb, G. L., & Arcelus, J. (2021). Long term effect of gender affirming hormone treatment on depression and anxiety symptoms in transgender people: A prospective cohort study. Andrology, 9(6), 1808-1816.


Cross‐sectional studies show that transgender people are more likely than cisgender people to experience depression and anxiety before Gender Affirming Hormone Treatment (GAHT). However, the effect of GAHT on mental health in transgende... Read More about Long term effect of gender affirming hormone treatment on depression and anxiety symptoms in transgender people: A prospective cohort study.

How do patients spend their time in stroke rehabilitation units in England? The REVIHR study (2019)
Journal Article
Chouliara, N., Fisher, R., Crosbie, B., Guo, B., Sprigg, N., & Walker, M. (2021). How do patients spend their time in stroke rehabilitation units in England? The REVIHR study. Disability and Rehabilitation, 43(16), 2312-2319.

Aim: To examine how patients spend their time in stroke rehabilitation units in England.

Methods: We recruited 144 patients within a month after stroke from four stroke rehabilitation units and observed their activity type, interactions and locati... Read More about How do patients spend their time in stroke rehabilitation units in England? The REVIHR study.

SKIP (Supporting Kids with diabetes In Physical activity): Feasibility of a randomised controlled trial of a digital intervention for 9-12 year olds with type 1 diabetes mellitus (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Blake, H., Knox, E., Randell, T., Leighton, P., Guo, B., Greening, J., Bethan Davies, E., Amor, L., & Glazebrook, C. (2019, October). SKIP (Supporting Kids with diabetes In Physical activity): Feasibility of a randomised controlled trial of a digital intervention for 9-12 year olds with type 1 diabetes mellitus. Presented at 5th International Clinical Trials Methodology Conference (ICTMC 2019), Brighton, UK

Introduction: Physical activity is important for children with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) but it is unclear whether interventions delivered online are feasible, acceptable to patients and efficacious. The aim was to assess the feasibility and ac... Read More about SKIP (Supporting Kids with diabetes In Physical activity): Feasibility of a randomised controlled trial of a digital intervention for 9-12 year olds with type 1 diabetes mellitus.

The validity of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) for children with ADHD symptoms (2019)
Journal Article
Hall, C. L., Guo, B., Valentine, A. Z., Groom, M. J., Daley, D., Sayal, K., & Hollis, C. (2019). The validity of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) for children with ADHD symptoms. PLoS ONE, 14(6), Article e0218518.

Background: The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) is widely used to assess child and adolescent mental health problems. However, the factor structure of the SDQ is subject to debate and there is limited evidence investigating measurement... Read More about The validity of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) for children with ADHD symptoms.

The Validity of the SNAP-IV in Children Displaying ADHD Symptoms (2019)
Journal Article
Hall, C. L., Guo, B., Valentine, A. Z., Groom, M. J., Daley, D., Sayal, K., & Hollis, C. (2020). The Validity of the SNAP-IV in Children Displaying ADHD Symptoms. Assessment, 27(6), 1258-1271.

The Swanson, Nolan, and Pelham Rating Scale (SNAP-IV) is a widely used scale that measures the core symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). However, there are contradictory findings regarding factor structure. Factor structure an... Read More about The Validity of the SNAP-IV in Children Displaying ADHD Symptoms.

SKIP (Supporting Kids with diabetes In Physical activity): Feasibility of a randomised controlled trial of a digital intervention for 9-12 year olds with type 1 diabetes mellitus (2019)
Journal Article
Knox, E., Glazebrook, C., Randell, T., Leighton, P., Guo, B., Greening, J., Davies, E. B., Amor, L., & Blake, H. (2019). SKIP (Supporting Kids with diabetes In Physical activity): Feasibility of a randomised controlled trial of a digital intervention for 9-12 year olds with type 1 diabetes mellitus. BMC Public Health, 19, 1-14.

Background: Physical activity and self-monitoring are important for children with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) but it is unclear whether interventions delivered online are feasible, acceptable to patients and efficacious. The aim was to assess the... Read More about SKIP (Supporting Kids with diabetes In Physical activity): Feasibility of a randomised controlled trial of a digital intervention for 9-12 year olds with type 1 diabetes mellitus.

Feasibility of a randomised controlled trial of remotely delivered problem-solving cognitive behaviour therapy versus usual care for young people with depression and repeat self-harm: lessons learnt (e-DASH) (2019)
Journal Article
Sayal, K., Roe, J., Ball, H., Atha, C., Kaylor-Hughes, C., Guo, B., Townsend, E., & Morriss, R. (2019). Feasibility of a randomised controlled trial of remotely delivered problem-solving cognitive behaviour therapy versus usual care for young people with depression and repeat self-harm: lessons learnt (e-DASH). BMC Psychiatry, 19(1), Article 42.


Self-harm and depression are strong risk factors for repeat self-harm and suicide. We aimed to investigate the feasibility of a randomised controlled trial (RCT) of remotely delivered problem-solving cognitive behaviour therapy (PSCBT)... Read More about Feasibility of a randomised controlled trial of remotely delivered problem-solving cognitive behaviour therapy versus usual care for young people with depression and repeat self-harm: lessons learnt (e-DASH).

Clinical and economic outcomes of remotely delivered cognitive behaviour therapy versus treatment as usual for repeat unscheduled care users with severe health anxiety: a multi-centre randomised controlled trial (2019)
Journal Article
Morriss, R., Patel, S., Mallins, S., Guo, B., Higton, F., James, M., Wu, M., Brown, P., Boycott, N., Kaylor-Hughes, C., Morris, M., Rowley, E., Simpson, J., Smart, D., Stubley, M., Kai, J., & Tyrer, H. (2019). Clinical and economic outcomes of remotely delivered cognitive behaviour therapy versus treatment as usual for repeat unscheduled care users with severe health anxiety: a multi-centre randomised controlled trial. BMC Medicine, 17, 1-13.

Background: Repeat users of unscheduled health care with severe health anxiety are challenging to engage in psychological help and incur high service costs. We investigated whether clinical and economic outcomes were improved by offering remote cogni... Read More about Clinical and economic outcomes of remotely delivered cognitive behaviour therapy versus treatment as usual for repeat unscheduled care users with severe health anxiety: a multi-centre randomised controlled trial.

The effectiveness of exercise-based interventions for preventing or treating postpartum depression: a systematic review and meta-analysis (2018)
Journal Article
Carter, T., Bastounis, A., Guo, B., & Jane Morrell, C. (2019). The effectiveness of exercise-based interventions for preventing or treating postpartum depression: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Archives of Women's Mental Health, 22(1), 37-53.

© 2018, Springer-Verlag GmbH Austria, part of Springer Nature. Postpartum depression can have detrimental effects on both a mother’s physical and mental health and on her child’s growth and emotional development. The aim of this study is to assess th... Read More about The effectiveness of exercise-based interventions for preventing or treating postpartum depression: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

The impact of a computerised test of attention and activity (QbTest) on diagnostic decision-making in children and young people with suspected attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: single-blind randomised controlled trial (2018)
Journal Article
the AQUA Trial Group, Hollis, C., Hall, C. L., Guo, B., James, M., Boadu, J., Groom, M. J., Brown, N., Kaylor-Hughes, C., Moldavsky, M., Valentine, A. Z., Walker, G. M., Daley, D., Sayal, K., & Morriss, R. (2018). The impact of a computerised test of attention and activity (QbTest) on diagnostic decision-making in children and young people with suspected attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: single-blind randomised controlled trial. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 59(12), 1298-1308.

© 2018 The Authors. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health. Background: Diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) relies on su... Read More about The impact of a computerised test of attention and activity (QbTest) on diagnostic decision-making in children and young people with suspected attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: single-blind randomised controlled trial.

Supporting kids with diabetes in physical activity (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Knox, E. C., Glazebrook, C., Leighton, P., Randell, T., Greening, J., Guo, B., & Blake, H. (2018, March). Supporting kids with diabetes in physical activity. Paper presented at III Congreso Internacional en Investigacion y Didactica de la Educacion Fisica

Protocol investigating the clinical utility of an objective measure of attention, impulsivity and activity (QbTest) for optimising medication management in children and young people with ADHD ‘QbTest Utility for Optimising Treatment in ADHD’ (QUOTA): a feasibility randomised controlled trial (2018)
Journal Article
Hall, C. L., James, M., Brown, S., Martin, J. L., Brown, N., Selby, K., Clarke, J., Vijayan, H., Guo, B., Sayal, K., Hollis, C., & Groom, M. J. (2018). Protocol investigating the clinical utility of an objective measure of attention, impulsivity and activity (QbTest) for optimising medication management in children and young people with ADHD ‘QbTest Utility for Optimising Treatment in ADHD’ (QUOTA): a feasibility randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open, 8(2), Article e021104.

Introduction: Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is characterised by symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity. To improve outcomes, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence ADHD guidelines recommend regular mon... Read More about Protocol investigating the clinical utility of an objective measure of attention, impulsivity and activity (QbTest) for optimising medication management in children and young people with ADHD ‘QbTest Utility for Optimising Treatment in ADHD’ (QUOTA): a feasibility randomised controlled trial.

Long-stay in forensic-psychiatric care in the UK (2018)
Journal Article
Hare Duke, L., Furtado, V., Guo, B., & Völlm, B. A. (in press). Long-stay in forensic-psychiatric care in the UK. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology,

Purpose: Forensic services provide care for mentally disordered offenders. In England this is provided at three levels of security – low, medium and high. Significant number of patients within these settings remain detained for protracted periods of... Read More about Long-stay in forensic-psychiatric care in the UK.