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Leveraging affect: mobilizing enthusiasm and the co-production of the musical economy

Leyshon, Andrew; Thrift, Nigel; Crewe, Louise; French, Shaun; Webb, Peter

Leveraging affect: mobilizing enthusiasm and the co-production of the musical economy Thumbnail


Andrew Leyshon

Nigel Thrift

Louise Crewe

Peter Webb


Brian J. Hracs

Michael Seman

Tarek E. Virani


This chapter considers the promises and problems of fandom and enthusiasm within capitalism, with particular reference to rise of crowdsourcing as a means of mobilising fan enthusiasm to fund new creative projects, with a particular focus on the music industry. Crowdfunding has emerged as an alternative way of funding projects caused by the more cautious investments of record companies, and is the latest development here firms and companies have sought to harness the affect and emotions of fans. However, although crowdfunding may tap new sources of money, the process is not without its costs, both in terms of the demands placed on its users and of being able to navigate a system that requires reserves of social, cultural and financial capital.


Leyshon, A., Thrift, N., Crewe, L., French, S., & Webb, P. (2016). Leveraging affect: mobilizing enthusiasm and the co-production of the musical economy. In B. J. Hracs, M. Seman, & T. E. Virani (Eds.), The production and consumption of music in the digital age (248-262). Routledge

Acceptance Date Aug 31, 2015
Publication Date Apr 21, 2016
Deposit Date Aug 9, 2018
Publicly Available Date Aug 9, 2018
Publisher Routledge
Pages 248-262
Book Title The production and consumption of music in the digital age
Chapter Number 18
ISBN 978-1-138-85165-8
Keywords fans, affect, production, consumption, music industry, crowdfunding, Kickstarter, crisis, business models, software, coding, performance, copyright, intellectual property rights, audiences, value, money, financial system, streaming, Spotify, Apple, P2P ne
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Contract Date Aug 9, 2018


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