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Troubleshooting methods for the generation of novel pseudotyped viruses

King, Barnabas; Temperton, Nigel; Grehan, Keith; Scott, Simon; Wright, Edward; Tarr, Alexander W.; Daly, Janet M.

Troubleshooting methods for the generation of novel pseudotyped viruses Thumbnail


Barnabas King

Nigel Temperton

Keith Grehan

Simon Scott

Edward Wright

Alexander W. Tarr


A pseudotyped virus (PV) is a virus particle with an envelope protein originating from a different virus. The ability to dictate which envelope proteins are expressed on the surface has made pseudotyping an important tool for basic virological studies such as determining the cellular targets of the envelope protein of the virus as well as identification of potential antiviral compounds and measuring specific antibody responses. In this review, we describe the common methodologies employed to generate PVs, with a focus on approaches to improve the efficacy of PV generation.


King, B., Temperton, N., Grehan, K., Scott, S., Wright, E., Tarr, A. W., & Daly, J. M. Troubleshooting methods for the generation of novel pseudotyped viruses. Future Virology,

Journal Article Type Article
Deposit Date Oct 30, 2015
Journal Future Virology
Print ISSN 1746-0794
Electronic ISSN 1746-0808
Publisher Future Medicine
Peer Reviewed Not Peer Reviewed
Keywords Pseudotyped virus, pseudotypes, pseudoparticles, envelope glycoproteins
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Additional Information Article has been submitted for publication to Future Virology.


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