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Exome-wide analysis of rare coding variation identifies novel associations with COPD and airflow limitation in MOCS3, IFIT3 and SERPINA12

Jackson, Victoria E.; Ntalla, Ioanna; Sayers, Ian; Morris, Richard; Whincup, Peter; Casas, Juan-Pablo; Amuzu, Antoinette; Choi, Minkyoung; Dale, Caroline; Kumari, Meena; Engmann, Jorgen; Kalsheker, Noor; Chappell, Sally; Guetta-Baranes, Tamar; McKeever, Tricia M.; Palmer, Colin N.A.; Tavendale, Roger; Holloway, John W.; Sayer, Avan A.; Dennison, Elaine M.; Cooper, Cyrus; Bafadhel, Mona; Barker, Bethan; Brightling, Chris; Bolton, Charlotte E.; John, Michelle E.; Parker, Stuart G.; Moffat, Miriam F.; Wardlaw, Andrew J.; Connolly, Martin J.; Porteous, David J.; Smith, Blair H.; Padmanabhan, Sandosh; Hocking, Lynne; Stirrups, Kathleen E.; Deloukas, Panos; Strachan, David P.; Hall, Ian P.; Tobin, Martin D.; Wain, Louise V.

Exome-wide analysis of rare coding variation identifies novel associations with COPD and airflow limitation in MOCS3, IFIT3 and SERPINA12 Thumbnail


Victoria E. Jackson

Ioanna Ntalla

Richard Morris

Peter Whincup

Juan-Pablo Casas

Antoinette Amuzu

Minkyoung Choi

Caroline Dale

Meena Kumari

Jorgen Engmann

Noor Kalsheker

Sally Chappell

Tamar Guetta-Baranes

Colin N.A. Palmer

Roger Tavendale

John W. Holloway

Avan A. Sayer

Elaine M. Dennison

Cyrus Cooper

Mona Bafadhel

Bethan Barker

Chris Brightling

Charlotte E. Bolton

Michelle E. John

Stuart G. Parker

Miriam F. Moffat

Andrew J. Wardlaw

Martin J. Connolly

David J. Porteous

Blair H. Smith

Sandosh Padmanabhan

Lynne Hocking

Kathleen E. Stirrups

Panos Deloukas

David P. Strachan

Ian P. Hall

Martin D. Tobin

Louise V. Wain



Several regions of the genome have shown to be associated with COPD in genome-wide association studies of common variants.


To determine rare and potentially functional single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with the risk of COPD and severity of airflow limitation.


3226 current or former smokers of European ancestry with lung function measures indicative of Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) 2 COPD or worse were genotyped using an exome array. An analysis of risk of COPD was carried out using ever smoking controls (n=4784). Associations with %predicted FEV1 were tested in cases. We followed-up signals of interest (p<10−5) in independent samples from a subset of the UK Biobank population and also undertook a more powerful discovery study by meta-analysing the exome array data and UK Biobank data for variants represented on both arrays.


Among the associated variants were two in regions previously unreported for COPD; a low frequency non-synonymous SNP in MOCS3 (rs7269297, pdiscovery=3.08×10−6, preplication=0.019) and a rare SNP in IFIT3, which emerged in the meta-analysis (rs140549288, pmeta=8.56×10−6). In the meta-analysis of % predicted FEV1 in cases, the strongest association was shown for a splice variant in a previously unreported region, SERPINA12 (rs140198372, pmeta=5.72×10−6). We also confirmed previously reported associations with COPD risk at MMP12, HHIP, GPR126 and CHRNA5. No associations in novel regions reached a stringent exome-wide significance threshold (p<3.7×10−7).


This study identified several associations with the risk of COPD and severity of airflow limitation, including novel regions MOCS3, IFIT3 and SERPINA12, which warrant further study.


Jackson, V. E., Ntalla, I., Sayers, I., Morris, R., Whincup, P., Casas, J.-P., Amuzu, A., Choi, M., Dale, C., Kumari, M., Engmann, J., Kalsheker, N., Chappell, S., Guetta-Baranes, T., McKeever, T. M., Palmer, C. N., Tavendale, R., Holloway, J. W., Sayer, A. A., Dennison, E. M., …Wain, L. V. (in press). Exome-wide analysis of rare coding variation identifies novel associations with COPD and airflow limitation in MOCS3, IFIT3 and SERPINA12. Thorax, 71(6),

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jan 5, 2016
Online Publication Date Feb 1, 2016
Deposit Date Apr 5, 2016
Publicly Available Date Apr 5, 2016
Journal Thorax
Print ISSN 0040-6376
Electronic ISSN 1468-3296
Publisher BMJ Publishing Group
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 71
Issue 6
Keywords COPD, Airflow limitation, Low frequency exonic variants
Public URL
Publisher URL
Contract Date Apr 5, 2016


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