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Predicting effective pro-apoptotic antileukaemic drug combinations using cooperative dynamic BH3 profiling

Grundy, Martin; Seedhouse, Claire; Jones, Thomas; Elmi, Liban; Hall, Michael; Graham, Adam; Russell, Nigel; Pallis, Monica

Predicting effective pro-apoptotic antileukaemic drug combinations using cooperative dynamic BH3 profiling Thumbnail


Martin Grundy

Thomas Jones

Liban Elmi

Michael Hall

Adam Graham

Nigel Russell

Monica Pallis


The BH3-only apoptosis agonists BAD and NOXA target BCL-2 and MCL-1 respectively and co-operate to induce apoptosis. On this basis, therapeutic drugs targeting BCL-2 and MCL-1 might have enhanced activity if used in combination. We identified anti-leukaemic drugs sensitising to BCL-2 antagonism and drugs sensitising to MCL-1 antagonism using the technique of dynamic BH3 profiling, whereby cells were primed with drugs to discover whether this would elicit mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilisation in response to BCL-2-targeting BAD-BH3 peptide or MCL-1-targeting MS1-BH3 peptide. We found that a broad range of anti-leukaemic agents–notably MCL-1 inhibitors, DNA damaging agents and FLT3 inhibitors–sensitise leukaemia cells to BAD-BH3. We further analysed the BCL-2 inhibitors ABT-199 and JQ1, the MCL-1 inhibitors pladienolide B and torin1, the FLT3 inhibitor AC220 and the DNA double-strand break inducer etoposide to correlate priming responses with co-operative induction of apoptosis. ABT-199 in combination with pladienolide B, torin1, etoposide or AC220 strongly induced apoptosis within 4 hours, but the MCL-1 inhibitors did not co-operate with etoposide or AC220. In keeping with the long half-life of BCL-2, the BET domain inhibitor JQ1 was found to downregulate BCL-2 and to prime cells to respond to MS1-BH3 at 48, but not at 4 hours: prolonged priming with JQ1 was then shown to induce rapid cytochrome C release when pladienolide B, torin1, etoposide or AC220 were added. In conclusion, dynamic BH3 profiling is a useful mechanism-based tool for understanding and predicting co-operative lethality between drugs sensitising to BCL-2 antagonism and drugs sensitising to MCL-1 antagonism. A plethora of agents sensitised cells to BAD-BH3-mediated mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilisation in the dynamic BH3 profiling assay and this was associated with effective co-operation with the BCL-2 inhibitory compounds ABT-199 or JQ1.


Grundy, M., Seedhouse, C., Jones, T., Elmi, L., Hall, M., Graham, A., Russell, N., & Pallis, M. (2018). Predicting effective pro-apoptotic antileukaemic drug combinations using cooperative dynamic BH3 profiling. PLoS ONE, 13(1), Article e0190682.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Dec 22, 2017
Publication Date Jan 3, 2018
Deposit Date Jan 8, 2018
Publicly Available Date Jan 8, 2018
Journal PLoS ONE
Electronic ISSN 1932-6203
Publisher Public Library of Science
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 13
Issue 1
Article Number e0190682
Public URL
Publisher URL
Contract Date Jan 8, 2018


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