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Research and development of hydrogen carrier based solutions for hydrogen compression and storage

Dornheim, Martin; Baetcke, Lars; Akiba, Etsuo; Ares, Jose Ramon; Autrey, Tom; Barale, Jussara; Baricco, Marcello; Brooks, Kriston; Chalkiadakis, Nikolaos; Charbonnier, Veronique; Christensen, Steven; Bellosta Von Colbe, Jose; Costamagna, Mattia; Dematteis, Erika; Fernandez, Jose Francisco; Genett, Thomas; Grant, David; Heo, Tae Wook; Hirscher, Michael; Hurst, Katherine; Lototskyy, Mykhaylo; Metz, Oliver; Rizzi, Paolo; Sakaki, Kouji; Sartori, Sabrina; Stamatakis, Emmanuel; Stuart, Alastair; Stubos, Athanasios; Walker, Gavin; Webb, Colin J.; Wood, Brandon; Yartys, Volodymyr; Zoulias, Emmanuel

Research and development of hydrogen carrier based solutions for hydrogen compression and storage Thumbnail



Lars Baetcke

Etsuo Akiba

Jose Ramon Ares

Tom Autrey

Jussara Barale

Marcello Baricco

Kriston Brooks

Nikolaos Chalkiadakis

Veronique Charbonnier

Steven Christensen

Jose Bellosta Von Colbe

Mattia Costamagna

Erika Dematteis

Jose Francisco Fernandez

Thomas Genett

Tae Wook Heo

Michael Hirscher

Katherine Hurst

Mykhaylo Lototskyy

Oliver Metz

Paolo Rizzi

Kouji Sakaki

Sabrina Sartori

Emmanuel Stamatakis

Athanasios Stubos

Gavin Walker

Colin J. Webb

Brandon Wood

Volodymyr Yartys

Emmanuel Zoulias


Industrial and public interest in hydrogen technologies has risen strongly recently, as hydrogen is the ideal means for medium to long term energy storage, transport and usage in combination with renewable and green energy supply. In a future energy system, the production, storage and usage of green hydrogen is a key technology. Hydrogen is and will in future be even more used for industrial production processes as a reduction agent or for the production of synthetic hydrocarbons, especially in the chemical industry and in refineries. Under certain conditions material based systems for hydrogen storage and compression offer advantages over the classical systems based on gaseous or liquid hydrogen. This includes in particular lower maintenance costs, higher reliability and safety. Hydrogen storage is possible at pressures and temperatures much closer to ambient conditions. Hydrogen compression is possible without any moving parts and only by using waste heat. In this paper, we summarize the newest developments of hydrogen carriers for storage and compression and in addition, give an overview of the different research activities in this field.


Dornheim, M., Baetcke, L., Akiba, E., Ares, J. R., Autrey, T., Barale, J., Baricco, M., Brooks, K., Chalkiadakis, N., Charbonnier, V., Christensen, S., Bellosta Von Colbe, J., Costamagna, M., Dematteis, E., Fernandez, J. F., Genett, T., Grant, D., Heo, T. W., Hirscher, M., Hurst, K., …Zoulias, E. (2022). Research and development of hydrogen carrier based solutions for hydrogen compression and storage. Progress in Energy, 4(4), Article 042005.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jun 28, 2022
Online Publication Date Aug 8, 2022
Publication Date Aug 8, 2022
Deposit Date Aug 5, 2024
Publicly Available Date Oct 14, 2024
Journal Progress in Energy
Electronic ISSN 2516-1083
Publisher IOP Publishing
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 4
Issue 4
Article Number 042005
Keywords General Earth and Planetary Sciences; General Environmental Science
Public URL
Publisher URL


Dornheim_2022_Prog._Energy_4_042005 (4.7 Mb)

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Original content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. Any further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI.

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