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Relaxin-like peptides in male reproduction: a human perspective

Ivell, Richard; Agoulnik, Alexander I.; Anand-Ivell, Ravinder

Relaxin-like peptides in male reproduction: a human perspective Thumbnail


Richard Ivell

Alexander I. Agoulnik


The relaxin family of peptide hormones and their cognate GPCRs are becoming physiologically well-characterized in the cardiovascular system and particularly in female reproductive processes. Much less is known about the physiology and pharmacology of these peptides in male reproduction, particularly as regards humans. H2-relaxin is involved in prostate function and growth, while insulin-like peptide 3 (INSL3) is a major product of the testicular Leydig cells and, in the adult, appears to modulate steroidogenesis and germ cell survival. In the fetus, INSL3 is a key hormone expressed shortly after sex determination and is responsible for the first transabdominal phase of testicular descent. Importantly, INSL3 is becoming a very useful constitutive biomarker reflecting both fetal and post-natal development. Nothing is known about roles for INSL4 in male reproduction and only very little about relaxin-3, which is mostly considered as a brain peptide, or INSL5. The former is expressed at very low levels in the testes, but has no known physiology there, whereas the INSL5 knockout mouse does exhibit a testicular phenotype with mild effects on spermatogenesis,probably due to a disruption of glucose homeostasis. INSL6 is a major product of male germ cells, although it is relatively unexplored with regard to its physiology or pharmacology, except that in mice disruption of the INSL6 gene leads to a disruption of spermatogenesis. Clinically, relaxin analogues may be useful in the control of prostate cancer, and both relaxin and INSL3 have been considered as sperm adjuvants for in vitro fertilization.


Ivell, R., Agoulnik, A. I., & Anand-Ivell, R. (2017). Relaxin-like peptides in male reproduction: a human perspective. British Journal of Pharmacology, 174(10), 990-1001.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Dec 5, 2016
Online Publication Date Feb 27, 2017
Publication Date Apr 26, 2017
Deposit Date Mar 22, 2017
Publicly Available Date Mar 22, 2017
Journal British Journal of Pharmacology
Print ISSN 0007-1188
Electronic ISSN 1476-5381
Publisher Wiley
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 174
Issue 10
Pages 990-1001
Keywords GEO, gene expression omnibus; INSL3–6, insulin-like peptide 3–6; LGR7, leucine-rich repeat-containing GPCR 7, synonymous
with RXFP1; LH, luteinizing hormone; RLN2, H2-relaxin; RLN3, relaxin-3; RXFP1–4, relaxin family peptide receptor 1–4
Public URL
Publisher URL
Additional Information This article is part of a themed section on Recent Progress in the Understanding of Relaxin Family Peptides and their Receptors. To view the other articles in this section visit

This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Ivell, R., Agoulnik, A. I., and Anand-Ivell, R. (2017) Relaxin-like peptides in male reproduction – a human perspective. British Journal of Pharmacology, 174: 990–1001, which has been published in final form at This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving.
Contract Date Mar 22, 2017


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