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The UK National Quantum Technologies Hub in sensors and metrology (Keynote Paper)

Bongs, K.; Boyer, V.; Cruise, M.A.; Freise, A.; Holynski, M.; Hughes, J.B.; Kaushik, A.; Lien, Y.-H.; Niggebaum, A.; Perea-Ortiz, M.; Petrov, P.; Plant, S.; Singh, Y.; Stabrawa, A.; Paul, D.J.; Sorel, M.; Cumming, D.R.S.; Marsh, J.H.; Bowtell, Richard W.; Bason, M.G.; Beardsley, R.P.; Campion, R.P.; Brookes, Matthew J.; Fernholz, Thomas; Fromhold, T.M.; Hackermuller, L.; Kruger, Peter; Li, X.; Maclean, Jessica O.; Mellor, Christopher J.; Novikov, Sergei V.; Orucevic, F.; Rushforth, A.W.; Welch, Nathan; Benson, Trevor M.; Wildman, Ricky D.; Freegarde, T.; Himsworth, John M.; Ruostekoski, J.; Smith, P.; Tropper, A.; Griffin, P.F.; Arnold, A.S.; Riis, E.; Hastie, J.E.; Paboeuf, D.; Parrotta, D.C.; Garraway, B.M.; Pasquazi, A.; Peccianti, M.; Hensinger, W.; Potter, E.; Nizamani, A.H.; Bostock, H.; Rodriguez Blanco, A.; Sinuco-Le�n, German A.; Hill, I.R.; Williams, R.A.; Gill, P.; Hempler, N.; Malcolm, G.P.A.; Cross, T.; Kock, B.O.; Maddox, S.; John, P.

The UK National Quantum Technologies Hub in sensors and metrology (Keynote Paper) Thumbnail


K. Bongs

V. Boyer

M.A. Cruise

A. Freise

M. Holynski

J.B. Hughes

A. Kaushik

Y.-H. Lien

A. Niggebaum

M. Perea-Ortiz

P. Petrov

S. Plant

Y. Singh

A. Stabrawa

D.J. Paul

M. Sorel

D.R.S. Cumming

J.H. Marsh

M.G. Bason

R.P. Beardsley

Peter Kruger

X. Li

Jessica O. Maclean

F. Orucevic

Nathan Welch

Trevor M. Benson

T. Freegarde

John M. Himsworth

J. Ruostekoski

P. Smith

A. Tropper

P.F. Griffin

A.S. Arnold

E. Riis

J.E. Hastie

D. Paboeuf

D.C. Parrotta

B.M. Garraway

A. Pasquazi

M. Peccianti

W. Hensinger

E. Potter

A.H. Nizamani

H. Bostock

A. Rodriguez Blanco

German A. Sinuco-Le�n

I.R. Hill

R.A. Williams

P. Gill

N. Hempler

G.P.A. Malcolm

T. Cross

B.O. Kock

S. Maddox

P. John


J�rgen Stuhler

Andrew J. Shields


The UK National Quantum Technology Hub in Sensors and Metrology is one of four flagship initiatives in the UK National of Quantum Technology Program. As part of a 20-year vision it translates laboratory demonstrations to deployable practical devices, with game-changing miniaturized components and prototypes that transform the state-of-the-art for quantum sensors and metrology. It brings together experts from the Universities of Birmingham, Glasgow, Nottingham, Southampton, Strathclyde and Sussex, NPL and currently links to over 15 leading international academic institutions and over 70 companies to build the supply chains and routes to market needed to bring 10–1000x improvements in sensing applications. It seeks, and is open to, additional partners for new application development and creates a point of easy open access to the facilities and supply chains that it stimulates or nurtures.


Bongs, K., Boyer, V., Cruise, M., Freise, A., Holynski, M., Hughes, J., Kaushik, A., Lien, Y.-H., Niggebaum, A., Perea-Ortiz, M., Petrov, P., Plant, S., Singh, Y., Stabrawa, A., Paul, D., Sorel, M., Cumming, D., Marsh, J., Bowtell, R. W., Bason, M., …John, P. (2016, April). The UK National Quantum Technologies Hub in sensors and metrology (Keynote Paper). Presented at SPIE Photonics Europe, 2016, Brussels, Belgium

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (published)
Conference Name SPIE Photonics Europe, 2016
Start Date Apr 4, 2016
End Date Apr 6, 2016
Acceptance Date Apr 3, 2016
Online Publication Date Jun 9, 2016
Publication Date Jun 9, 2016
Deposit Date Dec 21, 2016
Publicly Available Date Dec 21, 2016
Journal Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
Print ISSN 0277-786X
Electronic ISSN 1996-756X
Publisher Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 9900
Article Number 990009
Book Title Quantum optics
ISBN 9781510601451
Keywords Metrology, Sensors, Vision
Public URL
Publisher URL
Additional Information Copyright 2016 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers. One print or electronic copy may be made for personal use only. Systematic reproduction and distribution, duplication of any material in this paper for a fee or for commercial purposes, or modification of the content of the paper are prohibited.
Contract Date Dec 21, 2016


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