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RECQL4 helicase has oncogenic potential in sporadic breast cancers

Arora, Arvind; Agarwal, Devika; Abdel-Fatah, Tarek M.A.; Lu, Huiming; Croteau, Deborah L.; Moseley, Paul; Aleskandarany, Mohammed A.; Green, Andrew R.; Ball, Graham; Rakha, Emad A.; Chan, Stephen Y.T.; Ellis, Ian O.; Wang, Lisa L.; Zhao, Yongliang; Balajee, Adayabalam S.; Bohr, Vilhelm A.; Madhusudan, Srinivasan

RECQL4 helicase has oncogenic potential in sporadic breast cancers Thumbnail


Arvind Arora

Devika Agarwal

Tarek M.A. Abdel-Fatah

Huiming Lu

Deborah L. Croteau

Paul Moseley

Mohammed A. Aleskandarany

Andrew R. Green

Graham Ball

Emad A. Rakha

Stephen Y.T. Chan

Ian O. Ellis

Lisa L. Wang

Yongliang Zhao

Adayabalam S. Balajee

Vilhelm A. Bohr


RECQL4 helicase is a molecular motor that unwinds DNA, a process essential during DNA replication and DNA repair. Germ-line mutations in RECQL4 cause type II Rothmund–Thomson syndrome (RTS), characterized by a premature ageing phenotype and cancer predisposition. RECQL4 is widely considered to be a tumour suppressor, although its role in human breast cancer is largely unknown. As the RECQL4 gene is localized to chromosome 8q24, a site frequently amplified in sporadic breast cancers, we hypothesized that it may play an oncogenic role in breast tumourigenesis. To address this, we analysed large cohorts for gene copy number changes (n = 1977), mRNA expression (n = 1977) and protein level (n = 1902). Breast cancer incidence was also explored in 58 patients with type II RTS. DNA replication dynamics and chemosensitivity was evaluated in RECQL4-depleted breast cancer cells in vitro. Amplification or gain in gene copy number (30.6%), high-level mRNA expression (51%) and high levels of protein (23%) significantly associated with aggressive tumour behaviour, including lymph node positivity, larger tumour size, HER2 overexpression, ER-negativity, triple-negative phenotypes and poor survival. RECQL4 depletion impaired the DNA replication rate and increased chemosensitivity in cultured breast cancer cells. Thus, although recognized as a ’safe guardian of the genome’, our data provide compelling evidence that RECQL4 is tumour promoting in established breast cancers.


Arora, A., Agarwal, D., Abdel-Fatah, T. M., Lu, H., Croteau, D. L., Moseley, P., Aleskandarany, M. A., Green, A. R., Ball, G., Rakha, E. A., Chan, S. Y., Ellis, I. O., Wang, L. L., Zhao, Y., Balajee, A. S., Bohr, V. A., & Madhusudan, S. (2016). RECQL4 helicase has oncogenic potential in sporadic breast cancers. Journal of Pathology, 238(4), 495-501.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Dec 16, 2015
Online Publication Date Feb 2, 2016
Publication Date Mar 31, 2016
Deposit Date May 23, 2017
Publicly Available Date May 23, 2017
Journal Journal of Pathology
Print ISSN 0022-3417
Electronic ISSN 1096-9896
Publisher Wiley
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 238
Issue 4
Pages 495-501
Keywords RECQL4 helicase; breast cancer; tumour suppressor; oncogene
Public URL
Publisher URL
Additional Information This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Arora, A., Agarwal, D., Abdel-Fatah, T.M., Lu, H., Croteau, D.L., Moseley, P., Aleskandarany, M.A., Green, A.R., Ball, G., Rakha, E.A., Chan, S.Y., Ellis, I.O., Wang, L.L., Zhao, Y., Balajee, A.S., Bohr, V.A. and Madhusudan, S. (2016), RECQL4 helicase has oncogenic potential in sporadic breast cancers. J. Pathol., 238: 495–501, which has been published in final form at doi:10.1002/path.4681. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving.
Contract Date May 23, 2017


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