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Photocrosslinkable Gelatin Hydrogel for Epidermal Tissue Engineering

Zhao, Xin; Lang, Qi; Yildirimer, Lara; Lin, Zhi Yuan; Cui, Wenguo; Annabi, Nasim; Ng, Kee Woei; Dokmeci, Mehmet R.; Ghaemmaghami, Amir M.; Khademhosseini, Ali

Photocrosslinkable Gelatin Hydrogel for Epidermal Tissue Engineering Thumbnail


Xin Zhao

Qi Lang

Lara Yildirimer

Zhi Yuan Lin

Wenguo Cui

Nasim Annabi

Kee Woei Ng

Mehmet R. Dokmeci

Ali Khademhosseini


Natural hydrogels are promising scaffolds to engineer epidermis. Currently, natural hydrogels used to support epidermal regeneration are mainly collagen- or gelatin-based, which mimic the natural dermal extracellular matrix but often suffer from insufficient and uncontrollable mechanical and degradation properties. In this study, a photocrosslinkable gelatin (i.e., gelatin methacrylamide (GelMA)) with tunable mechanical, degradation, and biological properties is used to engineer the epidermis for skin tissue engineering applications. The results reveal that the mechanical and degradation properties of the developed hydrogels can be readily modified by varying the hydrogel concentration, with elastic and compressive moduli tuned from a few kPa to a few hundred kPa, and the degradation times varied from a few days to several months. Additionally, hydrogels of all concentrations displayed excellent cell viability (>90%) with increasing cell adhesion and proliferation corresponding to increases in hydrogel concentrations. Furthermore, the hydrogels are found to support keratinocyte growth, differentiation, and stratification into a reconstructed multilayered epidermis with adequate barrier functions. The robust and tunable properties of GelMA hydrogels suggest that the keratinocyte laden hydrogels can be used as epidermal substitutes, wound dressings, or substrates to construct various in vitro skin models.


Zhao, X., Lang, Q., Yildirimer, L., Lin, Z. Y., Cui, W., Annabi, N., Ng, K. W., Dokmeci, M. R., Ghaemmaghami, A. M., & Khademhosseini, A. (2016). Photocrosslinkable Gelatin Hydrogel for Epidermal Tissue Engineering. Advanced Healthcare Materials, 5(1), 108-118.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Apr 16, 2015
Online Publication Date Apr 16, 2015
Publication Date Jan 7, 2016
Deposit Date Aug 4, 2016
Publicly Available Date Aug 4, 2016
Journal Advanced Healthcare Materials
Print ISSN 2192-2640
Electronic ISSN 2192-2659
Publisher Wiley
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 5
Issue 1
Pages 108-118
Public URL
Publisher URL
Additional Information This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Zhao, X., Lang, Q., Yildirimer, L., Lin, Z. Y., Cui, W., Annabi, N., Ng, K. W., Dokmeci, M. R., Ghaemmaghami, A. M. and Khademhosseini, A. (2016), Photocrosslinkable Gelatin Hydrogel for Epidermal Tissue Engineering. Adv. Healthcare Mater., 5: 108–118. doi:10.1002/adhm.201500005, which has been published in final form at This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving.
Contract Date Aug 4, 2016


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