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Optimised hybrid shielding and magnetic field control for emerging quantum technologies

Hobson, P. J.; Packer, M.; Holmes, N.; Davis, A.; Patel, P.; Holmes, D.; Harrison, R.; Chalmers, J.; Styles, B.; Woolger, D.; Sims, D.; Brookes, M. J.; Fromhold, T. M.


P. J. Hobson

M. Packer

P. Patel

D. Holmes

R. Harrison

J. Chalmers

B. Styles

D. Woolger

D. Sims


Miles J. Padgett

Kai Bongs

Alessandro Fedrizzi

Alberto Politi


The accurate control of magnetic fields is a cornerstone of multiple emerging quantum technologies. These technologies often require passive high permeability magnetic shielding and internal active field-generating coils to create their own bespoke magnetic field landscape. However, magnetic fields generated by coils are distorted by high permeability shielding, preventing the accurate and efficient generation of the desired field environment. Here, we design a cylindrical four-layer magnetic shield with an interior hybrid active-passive coil system that is explicitly optimised to include the electromagnetic coupling between the active and passive components. We use a combination of analytical methods and numerical simulations to determine the shield parameters - geometry, thickness, and access hole positions - to maximise the passive shielding efficiency and minimise the shield-induced Johnson noise and weight. Then, we apply an analytical formulation of the magnetic field, which accounts for the interaction with the magnetic shield, to design nine orthogonal hybrid active-passive field-generating coils inside the shield. The coils will be manufactured on thin low-via flex-PCBs near the shield's interior surface and generate three uniform fields and six gradient fields that deviate by less than 0.4% and 2%, respectively, over an internal cylindrical region extending over half the diameter and length of the innermost shield layer. These hybrid active-passive coils can accurately remove deviations in the background field or generate various complex magnetic field landscapes. Consequently, the hybrid shield provides an ideal platform for miniaturising and commercialising quantum technologies that require precisely-controlled magnetic fields within a low-noise environment.


Hobson, P. J., Packer, M., Holmes, N., Davis, A., Patel, P., Holmes, D., Harrison, R., Chalmers, J., Styles, B., Woolger, D., Sims, D., Brookes, M. J., & Fromhold, T. M. (2021, September). Optimised hybrid shielding and magnetic field control for emerging quantum technologies. Presented at SPIE PHOTONEX, Glasgow, United Kingdom

Presentation Conference Type Edited Proceedings
Conference Name SPIE PHOTONEX
Start Date Sep 28, 2021
End Date Oct 1, 2021
Acceptance Date Oct 1, 2021
Online Publication Date Oct 6, 2021
Publication Date Oct 6, 2021
Deposit Date Oct 3, 2022
Publisher Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers
Volume 11881
Book Title Proceedings Volume 11881, Quantum Technology: Driving Commercialisation of an Enabling Science II
ISBN 9781510646063
Public URL
Publisher URL
Additional Information P. J. Hobson, M. Packer, N. Holmes, A. Davis, P. Patel, D. Holmes, R. Harrison, J. Chalmers, B. Styles, D. Woolger, D. Sims, M. J. Brookes, R. Bowtell, and T. M. Fromhold "Optimised hybrid shielding and magnetic field control for emerging quantum technologies", Proc. SPIE 11881, Quantum Technology: Driving Commercialisation of an Enabling Science II, 1188110 (6 October 2021);